[Python-modules-team] Bug#978279: marked as pending in afew

Håvard Flaget Aasen haavard_aasen at yahoo.no
Thu Jan 28 15:18:24 GMT 2021

> I see that you are a DM, If you agree to add yourself to the uploader's
> field, I'll happily grant permissions.

Thanks! I updated, and included myself in the uploader's field.
> > I believe the packaging is finished, so if you would do a short review
> > and upload it, it would be appreciated.
> >
> Looks good, however I'm unsure about this one change:
> * Why add yourself to copyright?[1] Usually this is done by the person who
> debianizes the initial package which is Free Ekanayaka
>    IMHO, this should be reverted.

I reverted the commit. I wasn't aware of this, I'm quite sure I've seen
people adding their names to this field before.

> [1]:
> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/afew/-/commit/b1431c378d6e44f4e706570b238ffed072c3b61b

Both changes has been pushed to salsa


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