[Python-modules-team] 886291: Is this bug done now? What about "import Crypto"?

Jonathan Dowland jmtd at debian.org
Fri Jun 11 09:35:35 BST 2021

clone 886291 -1
retitle -1 python3-pycryptodome should provide module name 'Crypto'


Bug #886291 is entitled "python3-pycryptodome contains pycryptodomex
instead of pycryptodome", which I think is no longer the case. On the
title alone, I think the issue could be closed.

I've tried to follow the multi-year discussion in the bug but I don't
understand all the nuances or whether all the issues discussed are
addressed or not, so I have not closed it, in case I mask some other
remaining issues. Someone with better expertise than me could usefully
rename the bug, and/or clone out any separate issues.

One particular nuance that is definitely not addressed: We've removed
python3-crypto from the archive because it is superseded by
pycryptodome[1], but the pycryptodome packages do not implement a
compatibly-named module "Crypto", so programs which call "import Crypto"
fail. In-archive things may have been changed over to import the
Cryptodome module name instead, but not all external software has. It's
also a deviation from "pure" upstream, since pycryptodome via PIP or
similar will provide the Crypto module name.  So, I'm cloning out that
particular issue.

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/972184


Jonathan Dowland

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