[Qa-debsources] Hi, i find your mail on sources.debian.org, read me please.

jean christophe bastien Jean.Christophe.Pro at hotmail.fr
Tue Jan 31 00:28:52 GMT 2023

Hello, first i am french so, if i miss some gramar or word, forgive me please.

I am passionate about gaming and i search synce 2007 many thing on mouse, driver, tweaks, regedit, bios tips, tricks etc...
I see you are good in this subject: sources<https://sources.debian.org/> / mingw-w64<https://sources.debian.org/src/mingw-w64/> / 10.0.0-3<https://sources.debian.org/src/mingw-w64/10.0.0-3/> / mingw-w64-headers<https://sources.debian.org/src/mingw-w64/10.0.0-3/mingw-w64-headers/> / include<https://sources.debian.org/src/mingw-w64/10.0.0-3/mingw-w64-headers/include/> / ntddmou.h

So i decide to try communicate with a good people in this domain to try understand how to make a good mouse control.
With all i say before, i can't set a stable usb "spectrum?", or a stable 1000 Hertz frequency.
Randomly it appear to me maybe 2 years ago, and ... waw, it was INsane, really! mouse feeling was like the mouse was my hand and go exactly where i want.
Did you know something about this?
If not, can you just explain me where, and how, i can open the setting of HId device to try every things i want on it?

i am glad to meet you, really it's awesome for me.
Wainting for you answer, i wish you to Have a good day, Bye.

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