[Qa-jenkins-dev] Bug#868569: New armhf/arm64 nodes (Jetson-tx1, Jetson-tk1)

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at debian.org
Wed Aug 2 21:17:58 UTC 2017

On 2017-07-16, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> I've made a jenkins.debian.net branch "new-armhf-jtk1b-jtx1b" that adds
> the recently announced boards:
>   https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/vagrant/jenkins.debian.net.git/

New branch "new-armhf-jtk1b-jtx1b-disable-ff64a-jtk1a" , which also
removes build jobs for jtk1a, which is down for a few weeks, and ff64a,
which is really not performing well:


I haven't completely purged jtk1a/ff64a, as it apparently takes what
feels like an unreasonably long time to update this stuff in multiple
files, with multiple locations within each file and so it seems to make
sense to leave as much configuration in place so we can more easily
re-enable them. One issue is certainly a transient failure that will be
resolved in a few weeks, and the other will hopefully be enabled again
someday too.

There may be more to disable with jtk1a/ff64a, that would still make it
easy to re-enable again, that would at least stop more of the annoying

live well,

> On 2017-07-13, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
>> Two new machines ready for incorporation into the armhf build network.
>> Thanks to Nvidia, Debian and Freegeek for the donations that
>> made this expansion phase possible!
>> jtk1b-armhf-rb.debian.net:
>> Jetson-TK1, nvidia tegra-k1 (cortex-a15) quad-core, 2GB ram
>> ssh port: 2252
>> ssh fingerprints:
>> 256 MD5:67:0f:2e:8c:c7:4e:00:cd:70:67:5b:0e:b9:cd:6a:03 root at jtk1b (ECDSA)
>> 256 SHA256:kbhhukXo+8XvSE6UXX84aoz8Ho1UkHjl8cD1TZEQWPk root at jtk1b (ECDSA)
>> 256 SHA256:4KN325sMN5Xqs7xrZsMtsa4/fNJ/QLp0bGAGJ7a+gPI root at jtk1b (ED25519)
>> 256 MD5:1f:26:49:7d:64:f5:21:ff:61:0f:96:74:10:20:09:88 root at jtk1b (ED25519)
>> 2048 MD5:eb:f9:e2:18:d3:fe:5d:2f:eb:dd:56:5d:f3:ba:8c:d1 root at jtk1b (RSA)
>> 2048 SHA256:j+qyOQOqKUhTsmmPxPqBAyvIKnlSfLgzj8h0hi7jVo8 root at jtk1b (RSA)
>> jtx1b-armhf-rb.debian.net:
>> Jetson-tx1, quad-core (big.LITTLE Cortex-A53/A57), ~3.5GB ram,
>>   native sata ~500GB disk
>> ssh port: 2253
>> ssh fingerprints:
>> 256 MD5:72:92:55:e9:81:b4:be:fa:f8:94:3a:f6:80:1c:e2:0e root at jtx1b (ECDSA)
>> 256 SHA256:1Z99Rvm4USICiWUWy75tIVbV02eIMyNRW7gkZS5BE3Y root at jtx1b (ECDSA)
>> 256 MD5:85:90:14:70:6b:d3:5c:ab:9a:b2:23:c0:c2:fc:6d:95 root at jtx1b (ED25519) 
>> 256 SHA256:4sKcNcBtgHaVCP/BDN3Ke60JD7SuVglEvdRI2IKLg3o root at jtx1b (ED25519)
>> 2048 MD5:64:e5:d0:dd:fc:24:10:54:b4:54:4c:55:ae:86:08:cf root at jtx1b (RSA)
>> 2048 SHA256:uih3N0O1BOaRNdayWyTTb7iXFTV24vj7zG6Eunmu1Ak root at jtx1b (RSA)
>> live well,
>>   vagrant
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