[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] 02/02: reproducible: reorder columns
Holger Levsen
holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 11 19:35:50 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jenkins.debian.net.
commit bc4a2a0314e7571450a2b2b9f3384ffb5130cf47
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date: Wed Mar 11 20:33:49 2015 +0100
reproducible: reorder columns
bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py b/bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py
index 1c81bd4..c361f27 100755
--- a/bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py
+++ b/bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ section must have at least a `query` defining what to file in.
queries = {
'count_total': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}"',
- 'scheduled': 'SELECT (select count(*) from schedule as sch_b where sch.id >= sch_b.id), s.suite, s.architecture, s.name, sch.date_scheduled FROM schedule AS sch JOIN sources AS s ON sch.package_id=s.id WHERE sch.date_build_started = "" ORDER BY sch.date_scheduled',
+ 'scheduled': 'SELECT (select count(*) from schedule as sch_b where sch.id >= sch_b.id), sch.date_scheduled, s.suite, s.architecture, s.name FROM schedule AS sch JOIN sources AS s ON sch.package_id=s.id WHERE sch.date_build_started = "" ORDER BY sch.date_scheduled',
'reproducible_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="reproducible" ORDER BY r.build_date DESC',
'reproducible_last24h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="reproducible" AND r.build_date > datetime("now", "-24 hours") ORDER BY r.build_date DESC',
'reproducible_last48h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="reproducible" AND r.build_date > datetime("now", "-48 hours") ORDER BY r.build_date DESC',
@@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ def build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch):
return (html, footnote) # do not output anything on the page.
html += build_leading_text_section(section, rows, suite, arch)
if page == 'scheduled':
- html += '<p><table class="body">\n' + tab + '<th>#</th><th>suite</th><th>architecture</th><th>source package</th><th>scheduled at</th></tr>\n'
+ html += '<p><table class="body">\n' + tab + '<th>#</th><th>scheduled at</th><th>suite</th><th>architecture</th><th>source package</th></tr>\n'
html += '<p>\n' + tab + '<code>\n'
for row in rows:
if page == 'scheduled':
- pkg = row[3]
+ pkg = row[4]
url = RB_PKG_URI + '/' + row[1] + '/' + row[2] + '/' + pkg + '.html'
- html += tab + '<tr><td>' + str(row[0]) + '</td><td>' + row[1] + '</td><td>' + row[2] + '</td><td><code>'
+ html += tab + '<tr><td>' + str(row[0]) + '</td><td>' + row[1] + '</td><td>' + row[2] + '</td><td>' + row[3] + '</td><td><code>'
pkg = row[0]
url = RB_PKG_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '.html'
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ def build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch):
html += '">' + pkg + '</a>'
html += get_trailing_icon(pkg, bugs)
if page == 'scheduled':
- html += '</code></td><td>' + row[4] + '</td></tr>'
+ html += '</code></td></tr>'
html += '\n'
if page == 'scheduled':
html += '</table></p>\n'
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