[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] branch WIP/split-ftbfs-view updated (0ef4a9c -> a5fd4e8)
Holger Levsen
holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 10:59:50 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
holger pushed a change to branch WIP/split-ftbfs-view
in repository jenkins.debian.net.
from 0ef4a9c fix typo
adds 65583f0 reproducible: WIP, split view in ftbfs worth investigating and ftbfs due to our changes or setup
adds 03e6599 Revert "reproducible: WIP, split view in ftbfs worth investigating and ftbfs due to our changes or setup"
adds 5e5d1d0 reproducible: (temporarily) disable notifications for packages which become unreproducible
adds e1ff67b reproducible: debbindiff needs /dev/shm access, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6033599/oserror-38-errno-38-with-multiprocessing
adds a0eef74 < Lunar^> probably /run/shm is the new norm < h01ger> | ok, let's bind mount them both
adds 81d6bcd reproducible: dont exit on diff
adds 607ff3d reproducible: improve error message
adds 3527298 reproducible: cleanup
adds bcc697c fix language: s#maintainance#maintenance#g
adds a5fd4e8 reproducible: continue updating meta pkg sets even if one fails
No new revisions were added by this update.
Summary of changes:
README | 2 +-
TODO | 4 +--
bin/g-i-installation.sh | 2 +-
bin/{maintainance.sh => maintenance.sh} | 6 ++--
bin/reproducible_build.sh | 2 +-
bin/reproducible_create_meta_pkg_sets.sh | 13 +++++----
...maintainance.sh => reproducible_maintenance.sh} | 0
etc/schroot/default/fstab | 4 +--
job-cfg/chroot-installation.yaml.py | 32 +++++++++++-----------
job-cfg/d-i.yaml | 6 ++--
job-cfg/g-i-installation.yaml | 10 +++----
job-cfg/reproducible.yaml | 8 +++---
job-cfg/schroot.yaml | 4 +--
job-cfg/self.yaml | 30 ++++++++++----------
logparse/reproducible.rules | 1 +
15 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
rename bin/{maintainance.sh => maintenance.sh} (97%)
rename bin/{reproducible_maintainance.sh => reproducible_maintenance.sh} (100%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git
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