[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] 05/05: reproducible: move the generation of index_notes and index_no_notes from _homl_notes to _html_indexes
Holger Levsen
holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Apr 16 14:45:24 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jenkins.debian.net.
commit efff11a45908152891feb1a1b071ad9871208190
Author: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at mapreri.org>
Date: Mon Apr 13 03:43:07 2015 +0200
reproducible: move the generation of index_notes and index_no_notes from _homl_notes to _html_indexes
bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
bin/reproducible_html_notes.py | 80 +--------------------------------------
2 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py b/bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py
index 5636906..262f2a0 100755
--- a/bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py
+++ b/bin/reproducible_html_indexes.py
@@ -76,7 +76,9 @@ queries = {
'404_all_abc': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "404" ORDER BY name',
'not_for_us_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "not for us" ORDER BY build_date DESC',
'not_for_us_all_abc': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "not for us" ORDER BY name',
- 'blacklisted_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "blacklisted" ORDER BY name'
+ 'blacklisted_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "blacklisted" ORDER BY name',
+ 'notes': 'SELECT s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN notes AS n ON n.package_id=s.id JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="{status}" ORDER BY s.name',
+ 'no_notes': 'SELECT s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="{status}" AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT package_id FROM notes) ORDER BY s.name'
pages = {
@@ -250,6 +252,83 @@ pages = {
'timely': True
+ },
+ 'notes': {
+ 'global': True,
+ 'title': 'Packages with notes',
+ 'header': '<p>There are {tot} packages with notes.</p>',
+ 'header_query': 'SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM sources AS s JOIN notes AS n ON n.package_id=s.id GROUP BY s.name) AS tmp',
+ 'body': [
+ {
+ 'icon_status': 'FTBR',
+ 'db_status': 'unreproducible',
+ 'icon_link': '/index_FTBR.html',
+ 'query': 'notes',
+ 'nosuite': True,
+ 'text': Template('$tot unreproducible packages in $suite/$arch :')
+ },
+ {
+ 'icon_status': 'FTBFS',
+ 'db_status': 'FTBFS',
+ 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html',
+ 'query': 'notes',
+ 'nosuite': True,
+ 'text': Template('$tot FTBFS packages in $suite/$arch:')
+ },
+ {
+ 'icon_status': 'not_for_us',
+ 'db_status': 'not for us',
+ 'icon_link': '/index_not_for_us.html',
+ 'query': 'notes',
+ 'nosuite': True,
+ 'text': Template('$tot not for us packages in $suite/$arch:')
+ },
+ {
+ 'icon_status': 'blacklisted',
+ 'db_status': 'blacklisted',
+ 'icon_link': '/index_blacklisted.html',
+ 'query': 'notes',
+ 'nosuite': True,
+ 'text': Template('$tot blacklisted packages in $suite/$arch:')
+ },
+ {
+ 'icon_status': 'reproducible',
+ 'db_status': 'reproducible',
+ 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html',
+ 'query': 'notes',
+ 'nosuite': True,
+ 'text': Template('$tot reproducible packages in $suite/$arch:')
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'no_notes': {
+ 'global': True,
+ 'title': 'Packages without notes',
+ 'header': '<p>There are {tot} faulty packages without notes, in all suites. These are the packages with failures that still need to be investigated.</p>',
+ 'header_query': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT s.id FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status IN ("unreproducible", "FTBFS", "blacklisted") AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT package_id FROM notes))',
+ 'body': [
+ {
+ 'icon_status': 'FTBR',
+ 'db_status': 'unreproducible',
+ 'icon_link': '/index_FTBR.html',
+ 'query': 'no_notes',
+ 'text': Template('$tot unreproducible packages in $suite/$arch:')
+ },
+ {
+ 'icon_status': 'FTBFS',
+ 'db_status': 'FTBFS',
+ 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html',
+ 'query': 'no_notes',
+ 'text': Template('$tot FTBFS packages in $suite/$arch:')
+ },
+ {
+ 'icon_status': 'blacklisted',
+ 'db_status': 'blacklisted',
+ 'icon_link': '/index_blacklisted.html',
+ 'query': 'no_notes',
+ 'text': Template('$tot blacklisted packages in $suite/$arch:')
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/bin/reproducible_html_notes.py b/bin/reproducible_html_notes.py
index 4d496fb..de56c3f 100755
--- a/bin/reproducible_html_notes.py
+++ b/bin/reproducible_html_notes.py
@@ -402,82 +402,6 @@ def index_issues(issues):
log.info('Issues index now available at ' + desturl)
-def index_notes(notes, bugs):
- log.debug('Building the index_notes page...')
- suite = 'unstable'
- arch = 'amd64'
- with_notes = [x for x in all_pkgs if x[2] == suite and x[3] == arch and x[0] in notes]
- html = '\n<p>There are ' + str(len(notes)) + ' packages with notes.</p>\n'
- for status in ['unreproducible', 'FTBFS', 'not for us', 'blacklisted', 'reproducible']:
- pkgs = [x[0] for x in with_notes if x[1] == status]
- if not pkgs:
- continue
- html += '<p>\n'
- html += tab + '<img src="/static/' + join_status_icon(status)[1] + '"'
- html += ' alt="' + status + ' icon" />\n'
- html += tab + str(len(pkgs)) + ' ' + status + ' packages in ' + suite + '/' + arch + ':\n'
- html += tab + '<code>\n'
- for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
- url = RB_PKG_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '.html'
- html += tab*2 + '<a href="' + url + '" class="noted">' + pkg
- html += '</a>' + get_trailing_icon(pkg, bugs) + '\n'
- html += tab + '</code>\n'
- html += '</p>\n'
- html += '<p>Notes are stored in <a href="https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/reproducible/notes.git" target="_parent">notes.git</a>.</p>'
- html = (tab*2).join(html.splitlines(True))
- title = 'Packages with notes'
- destfile = BASE + '/index_notes.html'
- desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + '/index_notes.html'
- write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile,
- style_note=True)
- log.info('Notes index now available at ' + desturl)
-def index_no_notes_section(notes, bugs, packages, suite, arch):
- html = ''
- for status in ['unreproducible', 'FTBFS']:
- pkgs = [x for x in packages if x[3] == status]
- if not pkgs:
- continue
- html += '<p>\n'
- html += tab + '<img src="/static/' + join_status_icon(status)[1] + '"'
- html += ' alt="' + status + ' icon" />\n'
- html += tab + str(len(pkgs)) + ' ' + status + ' packages in ' + suite + '/' + arch + ':\n'
- html += tab + '<code>\n'
- for pkg in pkgs:
- # 0: name, 1: suite, 2: arch, 3: status
- url = RB_PKG_URI + '/' + pkg[1] + '/' + pkg[2] + '/' + pkg[0] + '.html'
- html += tab*2 + '<a href="' + url + '" class="package">' + pkg[0]
- html += '</a>' + get_trailing_icon(pkg[0], bugs) + '\n'
- html += tab + '</code>\n'
- html += '</p>\n'
- return html
-def index_no_notes(notes, bugs):
- log.debug('Building the index_no_notes page...')
- all_bad_pkgs = query_db('SELECT s.name, s.suite, s.architecture, r.status ' +
- 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' +
- 'WHERE r.status = "unreproducible" OR r.status = "FTBFS"' +
- 'ORDER BY r.build_date DESC')
- without_notes = [x for x in all_bad_pkgs if x[0] not in notes]
- html = '\n<p>There are ' + str(len(without_notes)) + ' faulty ' \
- + 'packages without notes, in all suites. These are the packages ' \
- + 'with failures that still need to be investigated.</p>\n'
- for suite in SUITES:
- for arch in ARCHES:
- pkgs = [x for x in without_notes if x[1] == suite and x[2] == arch]
- html += index_no_notes_section(notes, bugs, pkgs, suite, arch)
- html += '<p>Notes are stored in <a href="https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/reproducible/notes.git" target="_parent">notes.git</a>.</p>'
- html = (tab*2).join(html.splitlines(True))
- title = 'Packages without notes'
- destfile = BASE + '/index_no_notes.html'
- desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + '/index_no_notes.html'
- write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile,
- style_note=True)
- log.info('Packages without notes index now available at ' + desturl)
if __name__ == '__main__':
all_pkgs = query_db('SELECT s.name, r.status, s.suite, s.architecture ' +
'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' +
@@ -489,10 +413,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- index_notes(notes, bugs)
- index_no_notes(notes, bugs)
gen_packages_html(notes) # regenerate all rb-pkg/ pages
+ build_page('notes')
+ build_page('no_notes')
for suite in SUITES:
for arch in ARCHES:
build_page('FTBFS', suite, arch)
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