[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] branch master updated (0a59529 -> 7fc7fb0)

Holger Levsen holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 14 19:56:04 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a change to branch master
in repository jenkins.debian.net.

      from  0a59529   reproducible openwrt: debbindiff 21 knows how to handle .ipk files
       new  7058a48   reproducible openwrt: build only one image
       new  ed7f36a   reproducible openwrt: also save/compare openwrt*root.squashfs
       new  7fc7fb0   reproducible: define $TEMPDIR as /tmp/reproducible and teach all the to create temporary files under TEMPDIR (except for builders, they have their own TMPDIR), to avoid polluting /tmp

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 bin/reproducible_blacklist.sh                  |  2 --
 bin/reproducible_build.sh                      |  4 ++--
 bin/reproducible_common.sh                     |  6 +++++-
 bin/reproducible_coreboot.sh                   |  4 ++--
 bin/reproducible_create_meta_pkg_sets.sh       |  6 +++---
 bin/reproducible_html_dd_list.sh               |  4 ++--
 bin/reproducible_html_repository_comparison.sh |  4 ++--
 bin/reproducible_maintenance.sh                | 10 +++++-----
 bin/reproducible_openwrt.sh                    | 15 ++++++++++-----
 bin/reproducible_setup_pbuilder.sh             |  6 +++---
 10 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git

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