[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_html_dashboards #9216

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Wed Aug 19 21:22:28 UTC 2015

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_html_dashboards/9216/>

[...truncated 1393 lines...]
+ '[' suite_amd64_stats = suite_stats ']'
+ '[' suite_amd64_stats = notify ']'
+ write_page '<li><a href="/testing/index_suite_amd64_stats.html"></a></li>'
+ echo '<li><a href="/testing/index_suite_amd64_stats.html"></a></li>'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = pkg_sets ']'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = pkg_sets ']'
+ BASEURL=/testing/amd64
+ local i
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = issues ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = scheduled ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = notify ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = repositories ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = stats ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = dd-list ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = suite_amd64_stats ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = suite_armhf_stats ']'
+ BASEURL=/testing
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = suite_stats ']'
+ '[' suite_armhf_stats = notify ']'
+ write_page '<li><a href="/testing/index_suite_armhf_stats.html"></a></li>'
+ echo '<li><a href="/testing/index_suite_armhf_stats.html"></a></li>'
+ '[' repositories = pkg_sets ']'
+ '[' repositories = pkg_sets ']'
+ SPOKEN_TARGET='repositories overview'
+ BASEURL=/testing/amd64
+ local i
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' repositories = issues ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' repositories = scheduled ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' repositories = notify ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' repositories = repositories ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' repositories = stats ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' repositories = dd-list ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' repositories = suite_amd64_stats ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' repositories = suite_armhf_stats ']'
+ '[' repositories = suite_stats ']'
+ '[' repositories = notify ']'
+ write_page '<li><a href="/index_repositories.html">repositories overview</a></li>'
+ echo '<li><a href="/index_repositories.html">repositories overview</a></li>'
+ '[' stats = pkg_sets ']'
+ '[' stats = pkg_sets ']'
+ SPOKEN_TARGET='reproducible stats'
+ BASEURL=/testing/amd64
+ local i
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' stats = issues ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' stats = scheduled ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' stats = notify ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' stats = repositories ']'
+ for i in '$GLOBALVIEWS'
+ '[' stats = stats ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' stats = dd-list ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' stats = suite_amd64_stats ']'
+ for i in '${SUITEVIEWS}'
+ '[' stats = suite_armhf_stats ']'
+ '[' stats = suite_stats ']'
+ '[' stats = notify ']'
+ write_page '<li><a href="/index_stats.html">reproducible stats</a></li>'
+ echo '<li><a href="/index_stats.html">reproducible stats</a></li>'
+ write_page '<li><a href="https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds" target="_blank">wiki</a></li>'
+ echo '<li><a href="https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds" target="_blank">wiki</a></li>'
+ write_page '</ul>'
+ echo '</ul>'
+ '[' suite_amd64_stats = stats ']'
+ write_page '</header>'
+ echo '</header>'
++ echo 99.8/1
++ bc
+ '[' 99 -lt 98 ']'
+ write_page '<p>'
+ echo '<p>'
+ set_icon reproducible
+ STATE_TARGET_NAME=reproducible
+ case "$1" in
+ ICON=weather-clear.png
+ write_icon
+ write_page '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_reproducible.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-clear.png" alt="reproducible icon" /></a>'
+ echo '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_reproducible.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-clear.png" alt="reproducible icon" /></a>'
+ write_page '18134 packages (83.4%) successfully built reproducibly in testing/amd64.'
+ echo '18134 packages (83.4%) successfully built reproducibly in testing/amd64.'
+ set_icon unreproducible
+ STATE_TARGET_NAME=unreproducible
+ case "$1" in
+ ICON=weather-showers-scattered.png
+ write_icon
+ write_page '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_unreproducible.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-showers-scattered.png" alt="unreproducible icon" /></a>'
+ echo '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_unreproducible.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-showers-scattered.png" alt="unreproducible icon" /></a>'
+ write_page '3008 packages (13.8%) failed to build reproducibly.'
+ echo '3008 packages (13.8%) failed to build reproducibly.'
+ set_icon FTBFS
+ case "$1" in
+ ICON=weather-storm.png
+ write_icon
+ write_page '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_FTBFS.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-storm.png" alt="FTBFS icon" /></a>'
+ echo '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_FTBFS.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-storm.png" alt="FTBFS icon" /></a>'
+ write_page '456 packages (2.0%) failed to build from source.</p>'
+ echo '456 packages (2.0%) failed to build from source.</p>'
+ write_page '<p>'
+ echo '<p>'
+ '[' 63 -gt 0 ']'
+ write_page 'For '
+ echo 'For '
+ set_icon depwait
+ case "$1" in
+ ICON=weather-snow.png
+ write_icon
+ write_page '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_depwait.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-snow.png" alt="depwait icon" /></a>'
+ echo '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_depwait.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-snow.png" alt="depwait icon" /></a>'
+ write_page '63 (.2%) source packages the build-depends cannot be satisfied.'
+ echo '63 (.2%) source packages the build-depends cannot be satisfied.'
+ '[' 3 -gt 0 ']'
+ write_page 'For '
+ echo 'For '
+ set_icon 404
+ case "$1" in
+ ICON=weather-severe-alert.png
+ write_icon
+ write_page '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_404.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-severe-alert.png" alt="404 icon" /></a>'
+ echo '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_404.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-severe-alert.png" alt="404 icon" /></a>'
+ write_page '3 (0%) source packages could not be downloaded,'
+ echo '3 (0%) source packages could not be downloaded,'
+ set_icon not_for_us
+ STATE_TARGET_NAME=not_for_us
+ case "$1" in
+ ICON=weather-few-clouds-night.png
+ STATE_TARGET_NAME=not_for_us
+ write_icon
+ write_page '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_not_for_us.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-few-clouds-night.png" alt="not_for_us icon" /></a>'
+ echo '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_not_for_us.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/weather-few-clouds-night.png" alt="not_for_us icon" /></a>'
+ write_page '64 (.2%) packages which are neither Architecture: '\''any'\'', '\''all'\'', '\''amd64'\'', '\''linux-any'\'', '\''linux-amd64'\'' nor '\''any-amd64'\'' will not be build here'
+ echo '64 (.2%) packages which are neither Architecture: '\''any'\'', '\''all'\'', '\''amd64'\'', '\''linux-any'\'', '\''linux-amd64'\'' nor '\''any-amd64'\'' will not be build here'
+ write_page 'and those '
+ echo 'and those '
+ set_icon blacklisted
+ STATE_TARGET_NAME=blacklisted
+ case "$1" in
+ ICON=error.png
+ write_icon
+ write_page '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_blacklisted.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/error.png" alt="blacklisted icon" /></a>'
+ echo '<a href="/testing/amd64/index_blacklisted.html" target="_parent"><img src="/userContent/static/error.png" alt="blacklisted icon" /></a>'
+ write_page '14 blacklisted packages neither.</p>'
+ echo '14 blacklisted packages neither.</p>'
+ write_page '<p>'
+ echo '<p>'
+ write_page ' <a href="/userContent/testing/amd64/stats_pkg_state.png"><img src="/userContent/testing/amd64/stats_pkg_state.png" alt="Reproducibility status for packages in '\''testing'\'' for '\''amd64'\''"></a>'
+ echo ' <a href="/userContent/testing/amd64/stats_pkg_state.png"><img src="/userContent/testing/amd64/stats_pkg_state.png" alt="Reproducibility status for packages in '\''testing'\'' for '\''amd64'\''"></a>'
+ for i in 0 2
+ '[' '!' -f /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/testing/amd64/stats_pkg_state.png ']'
++ find /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/testing/amd64 -maxdepth 1 -mtime +0 -name stats_pkg_state.png
+ '[' '!' -z ']'
+ for i in 0 2
+ '[' '!' -f /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/testing/amd64/stats_builds_age.png ']'
++ find /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/testing/amd64 -maxdepth 1 -mtime +0 -name stats_builds_age.png
+ '[' '!' -z ']'
+ write_page '</p>'
+ echo '</p>'
+ write_page_footer
++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z'
+ write_page '<hr/><p style="font-size:0.9em;">There is more information <a href="https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html">about jenkins.debian.net</a> and about <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds"> reproducible builds of Debian</a> available elsewhere. Last update: 2015-08-19 21:22 UTC. Copyright 2014-2015 <a href="mailto:holger at layer-acht.org">Holger Levsen</a> and others, GPL2 licensed. The weather icons are public domain and have been taken from the <a href=http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library target=_blank>Tango Icon Library</a>.'
+ echo '<hr/><p style="font-size:0.9em;">There is more information <a href="https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html">about jenkins.debian.net</a> and about <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds"> reproducible builds of Debian</a> available elsewhere. Last update: 2015-08-19 21:22 UTC. Copyright 2014-2015 <a href="mailto:holger at layer-acht.org">Holger Levsen</a> and others, GPL2 licensed. The weather icons are public domain and have been taken from the <a href=http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library target=_blank>Tango Icon Library</a>.'
+ '[' '' = coreboot ']'
+ '[' '' = NetBSD ']'
+ write_page '</p></body></html>'
+ echo '</p></body></html>'
+ publish_page testing
+ '[' testing = '' ']'
+ TARGET=testing/index_suite_amd64_stats.html
+ cp index_suite_amd64_stats.html /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/testing/index_suite_amd64_stats.html
+ rm index_suite_amd64_stats.html
+ echo 'Enjoy https://reproducible.debian.net/testing/index_suite_amd64_stats.html'
Enjoy https://reproducible.debian.net/testing/index_suite_amd64_stats.html
+ for SUITE in '$SUITES'
+ '[' unstable '!=' unstable ']'
+ update_suite_arch_stats
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT datum,suite from stats_pkg_state WHERE datum = "2015-08-18" AND suite = "unstable" AND architecture = "amd64"'
+ '[' -z ']'
+ echo 'Updating packages and builds stats for unstable/amd64 in 2015-08-18.'
Updating packages and builds stats for unstable/amd64 in 2015-08-18.
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(name) FROM sources WHERE suite='\''unstable'\'' AND architecture='\''amd64'\'''
+ ALL=22580
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(r.status) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND r.status = '\''reproducible'\'' AND date(r.build_date)<='\''2015-08-18'\'';'
+ GOOD=18440
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(r.status) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND r.status = '\''reproducible'\'' AND date(r.build_date)='\''2015-08-18'\'';'
+ GOOAY=175
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(r.status) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND r.status = '\''unreproducible'\'' AND date(r.build_date)<='\''2015-08-18'\'';'
+ BAD=2990
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(r.status) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id  WHERE s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND r.status = '\''unreproducible'\'' AND date(r.build_date)='\''2015-08-18'\'';'
+ BAAY=15
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(r.status) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id  WHERE s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND r.status = '\''FTBFS'\'' AND date(r.build_date)<='\''2015-08-18'\'';'
+ UGLY=628
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(r.status) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id  WHERE s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND r.status = '\''FTBFS'\'' AND date(r.build_date)='\''2015-08-18'\'';'
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(r.status) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE (r.status != '\''FTBFS'\'' AND r.status != '\''unreproducible'\'' AND r.status != '\''reproducible'\'') AND s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND date(r.build_date)<='\''2015-08-18'\'';'
+ REST=220
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT count(r.status) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE (r.status != '\''FTBFS'\'' AND r.status != '\''unreproducible'\'' AND r.status != '\''reproducible'\'') AND s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND date(r.build_date)='\''2015-08-18'\'';'
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT r.build_date FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status = '\''reproducible'\'' AND s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND NOT date(r.build_date)>='\''2015-08-18'\'' ORDER BY r.build_date LIMIT 1;'
+ OLDESTG='2015-07-08 11:01'
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT r.build_date FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND r.status = '\''unreproducible'\'' AND NOT date(r.build_date)>='\''2015-08-18'\'' ORDER BY r.build_date LIMIT 1;'
+ OLDESTB='2015-07-07 17:56'
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT r.build_date FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite='\''unstable'\'' AND s.architecture='\''amd64'\'' AND r.status = '\''FTBFS'\'' AND NOT date(r.build_date)>='\''2015-08-18'\'' ORDER BY r.build_date LIMIT 1;'
+ OLDESTU='2015-07-08 19:48'
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT julianday('\''2015-08-18'\'') - julianday('\''2015-07-08 11:01'\'');'
+ DIFFG=40.5409722221084
+ '[' -z 40.5409722221084 ']'
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT julianday('\''2015-08-18'\'') - julianday('\''2015-07-07 17:56'\'');'
+ DIFFB=41.2527777776122
+ '[' -z 41.2527777776122 ']'
++ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'SELECT julianday('\''2015-08-18'\'') - julianday('\''2015-07-08 19:48'\'');'
+ DIFFU=40.1749999998137
+ '[' -z 40.1749999998137 ']'
+ '[' 22580 '!=' 22278 ']'
+ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'INSERT INTO stats_pkg_state VALUES ("2015-08-18", "unstable", "amd64", 302, 18440, 2990, 628, 220)'
+ sqlite3 -init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'INSERT INTO stats_builds_per_day VALUES ("2015-08-18", "unstable", "amd64", 175, 15, 4, 0)'
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: stats_builds_per_day.datum, stats_builds_per_day.suite, stats_builds_per_day.architecture
Wed 19 Aug 21:22:24 UTC 2015 - /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_html_dashboards.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-jov8nbHB, which will now be removed.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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