[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] 02/02: reproducible: atm we only plan to vary the cpu type for Debian package builds...

Holger Levsen holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 28 14:18:04 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jenkins.debian.net.

commit ab4c89c29325bfd716339972dbb6d665cd44d5ad
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 28 16:17:44 2015 +0200

    reproducible: atm we only plan to vary the cpu type for Debian package builds...
 bin/reproducible_common.sh | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/bin/reproducible_common.sh b/bin/reproducible_common.sh
index a0ba84b..077aef4 100755
--- a/bin/reproducible_common.sh
+++ b/bin/reproducible_common.sh
@@ -337,7 +337,11 @@ write_explaination_table() {
 		write_page "<tr><td>FreeBSD kernel version</td><td colspan=\"2\"> is not yet varied between rebuilds of $1.</td></tr>"
 		write_page "<tr><td>umask</td><td colspan=\"2\"> is not yet varied between rebuilds of $1.</td><tr>"
-	write_page "<tr><td>CPU type</td><td>$(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep 'model name'|head -1|cut -d ":" -f2-)</td><td>same for both builds (currently, work in progress)</td></tr>"
+	if [ "$1" = "debian" ] ; then
+		write_page "<tr><td>CPU type</td><td>$(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep 'model name'|head -1|cut -d ":" -f2-)</td><td>same for both builds (currently, work in progress)</td></tr>"
+	else
+		write_page "<tr><td>CPU type</td><td>$(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep 'model name'|head -1|cut -d ":" -f2-)</td><td>same for both builds</td></tr>"
+	fi
 	write_page "<tr><td>year, month, date</td><td>today ($DATE)</td><td>same for both builds (currently, work in progress)</td></tr>"
 	if [ "$1" != "FreeBSD" ] ; then
 		write_page "<tr><td>hour, minute</td><td>hour and minute will probably vary between two builds...</td><td>but this is not enforced systematically... (currently, work in progress)</td></tr>"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git

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