[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_builder_amd64_9 #31

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Mon Sep 7 01:03:10 UTC 2015

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_builder_amd64_9/31/>

[...truncated 1381 lines...]
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestPortForward
--- SKIP: TestPortForward (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestAcceptClose
--- SKIP: TestAcceptClose (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestPortForwardConnectionClose
--- SKIP: TestPortForwardConnectionClose (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestRunCommandSuccess
--- SKIP: TestRunCommandSuccess (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestHostKeyCheck
--- SKIP: TestHostKeyCheck (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestRunCommandStdin
--- SKIP: TestRunCommandStdin (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestRunCommandStdinError
--- SKIP: TestRunCommandStdinError (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestRunCommandFailed
--- SKIP: TestRunCommandFailed (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestRunCommandWeClosed
--- SKIP: TestRunCommandWeClosed (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestFuncLargeRead
--- SKIP: TestFuncLargeRead (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestKeyChange
--- SKIP: TestKeyChange (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestInvalidTerminalMode
--- SKIP: TestInvalidTerminalMode (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestValidTerminalMode
--- SKIP: TestValidTerminalMode (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestCiphers
--- SKIP: TestCiphers (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestMACs
--- SKIP: TestMACs (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
=== RUN TestDial
--- SKIP: TestDial (0.00s)
	test_unix_test.go:158: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH
ok  	golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/test	0.068s
=== RUN TestSbox
--- PASS: TestSbox (0.00s)
=== RUN TestCipher
--- PASS: TestCipher (0.01s)
ok  	golang.org/x/crypto/twofish	0.036s
=== RUN TestBlocksize
--- PASS: TestBlocksize (0.00s)
=== RUN TestCipherInit
--- PASS: TestCipherInit (0.00s)
=== RUN TestInvalidKeySize
--- PASS: TestInvalidKeySize (0.00s)
=== RUN TestEncodeDecode
--- PASS: TestEncodeDecode (0.00s)
=== RUN TestCipherEncrypt
--- PASS: TestCipherEncrypt (0.00s)
=== RUN TestCipherDecrypt
--- PASS: TestCipherDecrypt (0.00s)
ok  	golang.org/x/crypto/xtea	0.004s
=== RUN TestXTS
--- PASS: TestXTS (0.00s)
ok  	golang.org/x/crypto/xts	0.008s
	cd /tmp/buildd/golang-go.crypto-0.0~git20150608
 fakeroot debian/rules binary
dh binary --buildsystem=golang --with=golang
   dh_testroot -O--buildsystem=golang
   dh_prep -O--buildsystem=golang
	rm -f debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.substvars
	rm -f debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.*.debhelper
	rm -rf debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/
   dh_auto_install -O--buildsystem=golang
	install -d debian/golang-go.crypto-dev
	cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu
	mkdir -p /tmp/buildd/golang-go.crypto-0.0\~git20150608/debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/gocode/src/golang.org/x/crypto
	cd /tmp/buildd/golang-go.crypto-0.0~git20150608
	cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu
	cp -r -T src/golang.org/x/crypto /tmp/buildd/golang-go.crypto-0.0\~git20150608/debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/gocode/src/golang.org/x/crypto
	cd /tmp/buildd/golang-go.crypto-0.0~git20150608
   dh_installdocs -O--buildsystem=golang
	install -d debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev
	cp --reflink=auto -a AUTHORS debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev
	cp --reflink=auto -a CONTRIBUTORS debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev
	cp --reflink=auto -a PATENTS debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev
	cp --reflink=auto -a README debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev
	chown -R 0:0 debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc
	chmod -R go=rX debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc
	chmod -R u\+rw debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc
	install -p -m0644 debian/copyright debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev/copyright
   dh_installchangelogs -O--buildsystem=golang
	install -p -m0644 debian/changelog debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev/changelog.Debian
   dh_lintian -O--buildsystem=golang
	install -d debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/lintian/overrides
	install -p -m0644 debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.lintian-overrides debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/lintian/overrides/golang-go.crypto-dev
   dh_perl -O--buildsystem=golang
   dh_link -O--buildsystem=golang
	install -d debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/gocode/src/code.google.com/p
	rm -f debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/gocode/src/code.google.com/p/go.crypto
	ln -sf ../../golang.org/x/crypto debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/gocode/src/code.google.com/p/go.crypto
   dh_strip_nondeterminism -O--buildsystem=golang
   dh_compress -O--buildsystem=golang
	cd debian/golang-go.crypto-dev
	chmod a-x usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev/changelog.Debian
	gzip -9nf usr/share/doc/golang-go.crypto-dev/changelog.Debian
	cd '/tmp/buildd/golang-go.crypto-0.0~git20150608'
   dh_fixperms -O--buildsystem=golang
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chown --no-dereference 0:0
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev ! -type l  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod go=rX,u+rw,a-s
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc -type f  ! -regex 'debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc/[^/]*/examples/.*' -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 0644
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/doc -type d  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 0755
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/man debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/man/ debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/X11*/man/ -type f  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 0644
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev -perm -5 -type f \( -name '*.so.*' -or -name '*.so' -or -name '*.la' -or -name '*.a' \)  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 0644
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/include -type f  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 0644
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/applications -type f  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 0644
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev -perm -5 -type f \( -name '*.cmxs' \)  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 0644
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.20 debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/perl5 -type f -perm -5 -name '*.pm'  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod a-X
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/lib -type f -name '*.ali'  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod uga-w
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/usr/share/lintian/overrides -type f  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 0644
   dh_installdeb -O--buildsystem=golang
	install -d debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/DEBIAN
   dh_golang -O--buildsystem=golang
	(grep -s -v misc:Built-Using debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.substvars; echo "misc:Built-Using=golang (= 2:1.4.2-3), ") > debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.substvars.new
	mv debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.substvars.new debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.substvars
   dh_gencontrol -O--buildsystem=golang
	echo misc:Depends= >> debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.substvars
	echo misc:Pre-Depends= >> debian/golang-go.crypto-dev.substvars
	dpkg-gencontrol -pgolang-go.crypto-dev -ldebian/changelog -Tdebian/golang-go.crypto-dev.substvars -Pdebian/golang-go.crypto-dev
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Depends field of package golang-go.crypto-dev: unknown substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends}
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: File::FcntlLock not available; using flock which is not NFS-safe
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package golang-go.crypto-dev: unused substitution variable ${misc:Built-Using}
	chmod 0644 debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/DEBIAN/control
	chown 0:0 debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/DEBIAN/control
   dh_md5sums -O--buildsystem=golang
	(cd debian/golang-go.crypto-dev >/dev/null ; find . -type f  ! -regex './DEBIAN/.*' -printf '%P\0' | LC_ALL=C sort -z | xargs -r0 md5sum > DEBIAN/md5sums) >/dev/null
	chmod 0644 debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/DEBIAN/md5sums
	chown 0:0 debian/golang-go.crypto-dev/DEBIAN/md5sums
   dh_builddeb -u-Zxz -O--buildsystem=golang
	find debian/golang-go.crypto-dev -newermt '@1434958094'  -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r touch --no-dereference --date='@1434958094'
	dpkg-deb -Zxz --build debian/golang-go.crypto-dev ..
dpkg-deb: building package 'golang-go.crypto-dev' in '../golang-go.crypto-dev_0.0~git20150608-1_all.deb'.
 dpkg-genbuildinfo  >../golang-go.crypto_0.0~git20150608-1_amd64.buildinfo
 dpkg-distaddfile golang-go.crypto_0.0~git20150608-1_amd64.buildinfo devel extra
dpkg-distaddfile: warning: File::FcntlLock not available; using flock which is not NFS-safe
 dpkg-genchanges -b >../golang-go.crypto_0.0~git20150608-1_amd64.changes
dpkg-genchanges: binary-only upload (no source code included)
 dpkg-source --after-build golang-go.crypto-0.0~git20150608
dpkg-buildpackage: binary-only upload (no source included)
I: unmounting /sys filesystem
I: unmounting /dev/shm filesystem
I: unmounting dev/pts filesystem
I: unmounting run/shm filesystem
I: unmounting proc filesystem
I: cleaning the build env 
I: removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//2785 and its subdirectories
I: Current time: Sun Sep  6 13:03:31 GMT+12 2015
I: pbuilder-time-stamp: 1441587811
+ true
+ rm /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d/pbuilderrc_pCdi
++ date -u
Mon Sep  7 01:03:31 UTC 2015 - build #1 for golang-go.crypto/testing/amd64 on profitbricks-build2-amd64 done
+ echo 'Mon Sep  7 01:03:31 UTC 2015 - build #1 for golang-go.crypto/testing/amd64 on profitbricks-build2-amd64 done'
+ exit 0
+ cleanup_all
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ '[' '' = failure ']'
+ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
+ gzip -9fvn /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.YJo0gYIBLr/tmp.6NUsB0n3NG
/srv/reproducible-results/tmp.YJo0gYIBLr/tmp.6NUsB0n3NG:	 81.7% -- replaced with /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.YJo0gYIBLr/tmp.6NUsB0n3NG.gz
+ '[' 1 = legacy ']'
+ '[' 1 = ng ']'
+ false
+ rm -f /tmp/reproducible-lockfile-testing-amd64-golang-go.crypto
Mon Sep  7 01:03:31 UTC 2015 - /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-K0QfJQXi, which will now be removed.
+ '[' 0 -eq 148 ']'
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ rsync -e 'ssh -p 22' -r profitbricks-build2-amd64.debian.net:/srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d/b1 /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d/
jenkins_node_wrapper.sh[4525] remote_host called with rsync --server --sender -re.iLsfx . /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d/b1
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ ls -R /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d


+ ssh -p 22 profitbricks-build2-amd64.debian.net 'rm -r /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d'
jenkins_node_wrapper.sh[4531] remote_host called with rm -r /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d
+ '[' '!' -f b1/golang-go.crypto_0.0~git20150608-1_amd64.changes ']'
+ '[' -f b1/golang-go.crypto_0.0~git20150608-1_amd64.changes ']'
+ check_for_race_conditions
++ cat /tmp/reproducible-lockfile-testing-amd64-golang-go.crypto
+ '[' 16593 -ne 16593 ']'
+ echo =============================================================================
+ echo 'Re-building golang-go.crypto/1:0.0~git20150608-1 in testing on amd64 now.'
Re-building golang-go.crypto/1:0.0~git20150608-1 in testing on amd64 now.
+ echo =============================================================================
+ '[' ng = legacy ']'
+ ssh -p 22 profitbricks-build1-amd64.debian.net /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build.sh 2 golang-go.crypto testing /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d
ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
+ cleanup_all
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ '[' '' = failure ']'
+ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
+ gzip -9fvn /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d/tmp.N0kDazJW1T
/srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d/tmp.N0kDazJW1T:	 44.8% -- replaced with /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d/tmp.N0kDazJW1T.gz
+ '[' ng = legacy ']'
+ '[' ng = ng ']'
+ gen_package_html golang-go.crypto
+ cd /srv/jenkins/bin
+ python3 -c 'import reproducible_html_packages as rep
pkg = rep.Package('\''golang-go.crypto'\'', no_notes=True)
rep.gen_packages_html([pkg], no_clean=True)'
INFO: Starting at 2015-09-07 01:03:10.233878
INFO: Finished at 2015-09-07 01:03:10.241668, took: 0:00:00.007800
+ cd -
+ cd
+ rm -r /srv/reproducible-results/tmp.kJa8rGpf1d
+ false
+ rm -f /tmp/reproducible-lockfile-testing-amd64-golang-go.crypto
Mon  7 Sep 01:03:10 UTC 2015 - /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-4PTjei3A, which will now be removed.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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