[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] 01/03: lvc: use yaml interpolation to dispense with .py

Holger Levsen holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Dec 12 17:40:56 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jenkins.debian.net.

commit 1618d8102adba0d65834ee01ea818a985eea1b8e
Author: Philip Hands <phil at hands.com>
Date:   Sat Dec 12 17:33:06 2015 +0100

    lvc: use yaml interpolation to dispense with .py
 job-cfg/lvc.yaml    |  88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 job-cfg/lvc.yaml.py | 107 ----------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/job-cfg/lvc.yaml b/job-cfg/lvc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9666f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/job-cfg/lvc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+- defaults:
+    name: lvc
+    project-type: freestyle
+    description: '{my_description}<br><br>Job configuration source is <a href="http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/tree/job-cfg/lvc.yaml.py">lvc.yaml.py</a>.'
+    properties:
+      - sidebar:
+          url: https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html
+          text: About jenkins.debian.net
+          icon: /userContent/images/debian-swirl-24x24.png
+      - sidebar:
+          url: https://jenkins.debian.net/view/lvc
+          text: Jobs for libvirt and cucumber based tests
+          icon: /userContent/images/debian-jenkins-24x24.png
+      - sidebar:
+          url: http://www.profitbricks.co.uk
+          text: Sponsored by Profitbricks
+          icon: /userContent/images/profitbricks-24x24.png
+      - throttle:
+          max-total: 1
+          max-per-node: 1
+          enabled: true
+          option: category
+          categories:
+            - lvc
+    logrotate:
+      daysToKeep: 90
+      numToKeep: 20
+      artifactDaysToKeep: -1
+      artifactNumToKeep: -1
+    publishers:
+      - email:
+          recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm at lists.alioth.debian.org'
+      - archive:
+          artifacts: '*.webm, {my_pngs}'
+          latest-only: false
+      - image-gallery:
+          - title: '{my_title}'
+            includes: '{my_pngs}'
+            image-width: 300
+    wrappers:
+      - live-screenshot
+    builders:
+      - shell: 'rm $WORKSPACE/*.png -f >/dev/null; /srv/jenkins/bin/lvc/run_test_suite {my_params}'
+    triggers:
+      - timed: '{my_time}'
+- job-template:
+    defaults: lvc
+    name: '{name}_debian-live_{distro}_{flavour}_apt'
+- project:
+    name: lvc
+    my_title: '{dist_name} {flav_name}'
+    my_time: '23 45 31 12 *'
+    my_pngs: 'apt-*.png'
+    my_description: 'Work in progress...'
+    my_params: '--debug --capture lvc_debian-live_{distro}_{flavour}_apt.webm --temp-dir $WORKSPACE --iso /srv/live-build/results/{distro}_{flavour}_live_amd64.iso DebianLive/apt.feature'
+    jobs:
+        - '{name}_debian-live_{distro}_{flavour}_apt':
+            distro:
+                - 'debian-edu_jessie': {dist_name: 'Debian Edu Live 8'}
+            flavour:
+                - 'standalone':  {flav_name: 'Standalone'}
+                - 'workstation': {flav_name: 'Workstation'}
+            my_iso: '/srv/live-build/results/{distro}_{flavour}_live_amd64.iso'
+        - '{name}_debian-live_{distro}_{flavour}_apt':
+            distro:
+                - 'debian_jessie': {dist_name: 'Debian Live 8'}
+            flavour:
+                - 'gnome': {flav_name: 'GNOME Desktop'}
+                - 'xfce': {flav_name: 'Xfce Desktop'}
+            my_iso: '/srv/live-build/results/{distro}_{flavour}_live_amd64.iso'
+        - '{name}_debian-live_{distro}_{flavour}_apt':
+            distro:
+                - 'debian_sid': {dist_name: 'Debian Live Sid'}
+            flavour:
+                - 'xfce': {flav_name: 'Xfce Desktop'}
+            my_iso: '/srv/live-build/results/{distro}_{flavour}_live_amd64.iso'
+        - '{name}_debian-live_{distro}_{flavour}_apt':
+            distro:
+                - 'wheezy': {dist_name: 'Debian Live 7'}
+            flavour:
+                - 'gnome-desktop': {flav_name: 'GNOME desktop'}
+                - 'standard':      {flav_name: 'standard'}
+            my_params: '--debug --capture lvc_debian-live_{distro}_{flavour}_apt.webm --temp-dir $WORKSPACE --iso /var/lib/jenkins/debian-live-7.7.0-amd64-{flavour}.iso DebianLive/apt.feature'
diff --git a/job-cfg/lvc.yaml.py b/job-cfg/lvc.yaml.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3195917..0000000
--- a/job-cfg/lvc.yaml.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-images = """
-    wheezy_standard
-    wheezy_gnome-desktop
-    debian-edu_jessie_standalone
-    debian-edu_jessie_workstation
-    debian_jessie_gnome
-    debian_jessie_xfce
-    debian_sid_xfce
-   """.split()
-features = """
-    apt
-   """.split()
-files = { 'wheezy_standard': '/var/lib/jenkins/debian-live-7.7.0-amd64-standard.iso',
-          'wheezy_gnome-desktop': '/var/lib/jenkins/debian-live-7.7.0-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso',
-          'debian-edu_jessie_standalone': '/srv/live-build/results/debian-edu_jessie_standalone_live_amd64.iso',
-          'debian-edu_jessie_workstation': '/srv/live-build/results/debian-edu_jessie_workstation_live_amd64.iso',
-          'debian_jessie_gnome': '/srv/live-build/results/debian_jessie_gnome_live_amd64.iso',
-          'debian_jessie_xfce': '/srv/live-build/results/debian_jessie_xfce_live_amd64.iso',
-          'debian_sid_xfce': '/srv/live-build/results/debian_sid_xfce_live_amd64.iso'
-        }
-titles = { 'wheezy_standard': 'Debian Live 7 standard',
-           'wheezy_gnome-desktop': 'Debian Live 7 GNOME desktop',
-           'debian-edu_jessie_standalone': 'Debian Edu Live 8 Standalone',
-           'debian-edu_jessie_workstation': 'Debian Edu Live 8 Workstation',
-           'debian_jessie_gnome': 'Debian Live 8 GNOME Desktop',
-           'debian_jessie_xfce': 'Debian Live 8 Xfce Desktop',
-           'debian_sid_xfce': 'Debian Live Sid Xfce Desktop',
-         }
-- defaults:
-    name: lvc
-    project-type: freestyle
-    description: '{my_description}<br><br>Job configuration source is <a href="http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/tree/job-cfg/lvc.yaml.py">lvc.yaml.py</a>.'
-    properties:
-      - sidebar:
-          url: https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html
-          text: About jenkins.debian.net
-          icon: /userContent/images/debian-swirl-24x24.png
-      - sidebar:
-          url: https://jenkins.debian.net/view/lvc
-          text: Jobs for libvirt and cucumber based tests
-          icon: /userContent/images/debian-jenkins-24x24.png
-      - sidebar:
-          url: http://www.profitbricks.co.uk
-          text: Sponsored by Profitbricks
-          icon: /userContent/images/profitbricks-24x24.png
-      - throttle:
-          max-total: 1
-          max-per-node: 1
-          enabled: true
-          option: category
-          categories:
-            - lvc
-    logrotate:
-      daysToKeep: 90
-      numToKeep: 20
-      artifactDaysToKeep: -1
-      artifactNumToKeep: -1
-    publishers:
-      - email:
-          recipients: 'qa-jenkins-scm at lists.alioth.debian.org'
-      - archive:
-          artifacts: '*.webm, {my_pngs}'
-          latest-only: false
-      - image-gallery:
-          - title: '{my_title}'
-            includes: '{my_pngs}'
-            image-width: 300
-    wrappers:
-      - live-screenshot
-    builders:
-      - shell: 'rm $WORKSPACE/*.png -f >/dev/null; /srv/jenkins/bin/lvc/run_test_suite {my_params}'
-    triggers:
-      - timed: '{my_time}'
-for image in sorted(images):
-    for feature in sorted(features):
-        print("""- job-template:
-    defaults: lvc
-    name: '{name}_debian-live_%(image)s_%(feature)s'
-""" % dict(image=image,
-           feature=feature))
-- project:
-    name: lvc
-    jobs:""")
-for image in sorted(images):
-    for feature in sorted(features):
-        print("""        - '{name}_debian-live_%(image)s_%(feature)s':
-           my_title: '%(title)s'
-           my_time: '23 45 31 12 *'
-           my_params: '--debug --capture lvc_debian-live_%(image)s_%(feature)s.webm --temp-dir $WORKSPACE --iso %(iso)s DebianLive/%(feature)s.feature'
-           my_pngs: '%(feature)s-*.png'
-           my_description: 'Work in progress...'
-""" % dict(image=image,
-           feature=feature,
-           iso=files[image],
-           title=titles[image]))

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git

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