[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] 02/02: reproducible intro: turn this into its own paragraph

Holger Levsen holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 15 00:07:12 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jenkins.debian.net.

commit 9cb800dac09c05f42ef2159da5dc432d96caebe5
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 15 01:06:51 2015 +0100

    reproducible intro: turn this into its own paragraph
 bin/reproducible_common.sh | 14 +++++++-------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/reproducible_common.sh b/bin/reproducible_common.sh
index b8175ac..371bf06 100755
--- a/bin/reproducible_common.sh
+++ b/bin/reproducible_common.sh
@@ -289,33 +289,33 @@ write_page_intro() {
 	write_page "       <p><em>Reproducible builds</em> enable anyone to reproduce bit by bit identical binary packages from a given source, so that anyone can verify that a given binary derived from the source it was said to be derived."
 	write_page "         There is a lot more information about <a href=\"https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds\">reproducible builds on the Debian wiki</a> and on <a href=\"https://reproducible.debian.net\">https://reproducible.debian.net</a>."
 	write_page "         The wiki explains in more depth why this is useful, what common issues exist and which workarounds and solutions are known."
-	write_page "        <br />"
+	write_page "        </p>"
 	local BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=" in a Debian environment"
 	local BRANCH="master"
 	if [ "$1" = "coreboot" ] ; then
-		write_page "        <em>Reproducible Coreboot</em> is an effort to apply this to coreboot. Thus each coreboot.rom is build twice (without payloads), with a few varitations added and then those two ROMs are compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
+		write_page "        <p><em>Reproducible Coreboot</em> is an effort to apply this to coreboot. Thus each coreboot.rom is build twice (without payloads), with a few varitations added and then those two ROMs are compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
 		local PROJECTNAME="$1"
 		local PROJECTURL="https://review.coreboot.org/p/coreboot.git"
 	elif [ "$1" = "OpenWrt" ] ; then
-		write_page "        <em>Reproducible OpenWrt</em> is an effort to apply this to OpenWrt. Thus each OpenWrt target is build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting images and packages from the two builds are compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. OpenWRT generates many different types of raw <code>.bin</code> files, and diffoscope does not know how to parse these. Thus the resulting diffoscope output is not nearly as clear as  [...]
+		write_page "        <p><em>Reproducible OpenWrt</em> is an effort to apply this to OpenWrt. Thus each OpenWrt target is build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting images and packages from the two builds are compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. OpenWRT generates many different types of raw <code>.bin</code> files, and diffoscope does not know how to parse these. Thus the resulting diffoscope output is not nearly as clear  [...]
 		local PROJECTNAME="openwrt"
 		local PROJECTURL="git://git.openwrt.org/openwrt.git"
 	elif [ "$1" = "NetBSD" ] ; then
-		write_page "        <em>Reproducible NetBSD</em> is an effort to apply this to NetBSD. Thus each NetBSD target is build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting files from the two builds are compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
+		write_page "        <p><em>Reproducible NetBSD</em> is an effort to apply this to NetBSD. Thus each NetBSD target is build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting files from the two builds are compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
 		local PROJECTNAME="netbsd"
 		local PROJECTURL="https://github.com/jsonn/src"
 	elif [ "$1" = "FreeBSD" ] ; then
-		write_page "        <em>Reproducible FreeBSD</em> is an effort to apply this to FreeBSD. Thus FreeBSD is build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting filesystems from the two builds are put into a compressed tar archive, which is then compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
+		write_page "        <p><em>Reproducible FreeBSD</em> is an effort to apply this to FreeBSD. Thus FreeBSD is build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting filesystems from the two builds are put into a compressed tar archive, which is then compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the w [...]
 		local PROJECTNAME="freebsd"
 		local PROJECTURL="https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd.git"
 		local BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=", which via ssh triggers a build on a FreeBSD 10.2 system"
 		local BRANCH="release/10.2.0"
 	elif [ "$1" = "Arch Linux" ] ; then
 		local PROJECTNAME="Arch Linux"
-		write_page "        <em>Reproducible $PROJECTNAME</em> is an effort to apply this to $PROJECTNAME. Thus $PROJECTNAME packages are build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting packages from the two builds are then compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
+		write_page "        <p><em>Reproducible $PROJECTNAME</em> is an effort to apply this to $PROJECTNAME. Thus $PROJECTNAME packages are build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting packages from the two builds are then compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
 	elif [ "$1" = "fedora-23" ] ; then
 		local PROJECTNAME="Fedora 23"
-		write_page "        <em>Reproducible $PROJECTNAME</em> is an effort to apply this to $PROJECTNAME. Thus $PROJECTNAME packages are build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting packages from the two builds are then compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
+		write_page "        <p><em>Reproducible $PROJECTNAME</em> is an effort to apply this to $PROJECTNAME. Thus $PROJECTNAME packages are build twice, with a few varitations added and then the resulting packages from the two builds are then compared using <a href=\"https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope\">diffoscope</a>. Please note that the toolchain is not varied at all as the rebuild happens on exactly the same system. More variations are expected to be seen in the wild.</p>"
 		write_page "        <p>Please note that this set up is as new as December 12th, so quite some things are still lacking, eg. https://github.com/kholia/ReproducibleBuilds is not followed at all yet and there are no variations introduced for the 2nd build. Also only 151 source packages from the <em>@buildsys-build</em> package group are currently being tested. OTOH this setup is mature enough that it requires very few trivial changes to build all 17080 source packages in $PROJECTNAME, if  [...]
 	if [ "$1" != "Arch Linux" ] && [ "$1" != "fedora-23" ] ; then

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git

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