[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_scheduler #12119

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Thu Feb 18 17:01:30 UTC 2016

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_scheduler/12119/>

Started by user Holger Levsen
Building on master in workspace <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_scheduler/ws/>
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson1927072758976678450.sh
+ /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_scheduler.py
INFO: Starting at 2016-02-18 16:58:02.536872
INFO: finding out which usertagged bugs have been closed or at least have patches
INFO: Updating sources tables for all suites.
INFO: Downloading sources file for testing: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/main/source/Sources.xz
INFO: Updating sources db for testing/amd64...
INFO: Pushing 1 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 9 removed packages: ['dirmngr', 'nautilus-pastebin', 'python-django-extensions', 'golang-github-jacobsa-fuse', 'golang-github-jacobsa-gcloud', 'golang-github-jacobsa-syncutil', 'golang-github-jacobsa-timeutil', 'golang-github-jacobsa-util', 'mini-buildd']
INFO: Updating sources db for testing/armhf...
INFO: Pushing 1 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 9 removed packages: ['dirmngr', 'nautilus-pastebin', 'python-django-extensions', 'golang-github-jacobsa-fuse', 'golang-github-jacobsa-gcloud', 'golang-github-jacobsa-syncutil', 'golang-github-jacobsa-timeutil', 'golang-github-jacobsa-util', 'mini-buildd']
INFO: Downloading sources file for unstable: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources.xz
INFO: Updating sources db for unstable/amd64...
INFO: Pushing 27 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 2 new sources in the database: [('android-platform-tools-base', '1.5.0-1', 'unstable', 'amd64'), ('topmenu-gtk', '0.2.1+git20151210.8c6108f-1', 'unstable', 'amd64')]
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Building pages for the new packages
INFO: Updating sources db for unstable/armhf...
INFO: Pushing 27 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 2 new sources in the database: [('android-platform-tools-base', '1.5.0-1', 'unstable', 'armhf'), ('topmenu-gtk', '0.2.1+git20151210.8c6108f-1', 'unstable', 'armhf')]
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Building pages for the new packages
INFO: Downloading sources file for experimental: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/experimental/main/source/Sources.xz
INFO: Updating sources db for experimental/amd64...
INFO: Pushing 3 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 1 new sources in the database: [('libvigraimpex', '1.10.0+git20160211.167be93-1', 'experimental', 'amd64')]
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Building pages for the new packages
INFO: Updating sources db for experimental/armhf...
INFO: Pushing 3 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 1 new sources in the database: [('libvigraimpex', '1.10.0+git20160211.167be93-1', 'experimental', 'armhf')]
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Building pages for the new packages
INFO: Removing old pages from testing/amd64.
INFO: There is no package named dirmngr from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-fuse from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-gcloud from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-syncutil from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-timeutil from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-util from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named mini-buildd from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named nautilus-pastebin from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named python-django-extensions from testing/amd64 in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: Removing old pages from testing/armhf.
INFO: There is no package named dirmngr from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-fuse from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-gcloud from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-syncutil from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-timeutil from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named golang-github-jacobsa-util from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named mini-buildd from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named nautilus-pastebin from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: There is no package named python-django-extensions from testing/armhf in the database. Removing old page.
INFO: Removing old pages from unstable/amd64.
INFO: Removing old pages from unstable/armhf.
INFO: Removing old pages from experimental/amd64.
INFO: Removing old pages from experimental/armhf.
INFO: Scheduling for amd64...
INFO: 960 packages already scheduled for amd64, probably scheduling some more...
INFO: ==============================================================
INFO: Currently scheduled packages in all suites on amd64: 960
INFO: 960 packages already scheduled, only scheduling new versions.
INFO: Requesting 100 new versions in testing/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/amd64
INFO: Amount:     1
INFO: Packages:   gnupg2
INFO: Received 1 new packages in testing/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 150 new versions in unstable/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/amd64
INFO: Amount:     26
INFO: Packages:   xkeycaps tcsh wmclockmon skycat openmpi libwebsockets mariadb-10.0 mlt gnome-pkg-tools needrestart yapet python-cffi efl metview libsis-jhdf5-java mate-polkit multcomp php-imagick php-zmq ruby-gruff liblrdf fdroidserver mg oar linux libcdk5
INFO: Received 26 new packages in unstable/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in experimental/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/amd64
INFO: Amount:     3
INFO: Packages:   kdesu kemoticons kpeople
INFO: Received 3 new packages in experimental/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: The following 26 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-02-18 05:01: xkeycaps tcsh wmclockmon skycat openmpi libwebsockets mariadb-10.0 mlt gnome-pkg-tools needrestart yapet python-cffi efl metview libsis-jhdf5-java mate-polkit multcomp php-imagick php-zmq ruby-gruff liblrdf fdroidserver mg oar linux libcdk5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_scheduler.py", line 591, in <module>
    message += scheduler(arch)
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_scheduler.py", line 547, in scheduler
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_scheduler.py", line 302, in schedule_packages
    pkgs = ((x, packages[x]) for x in random.shuffle(packages))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/random.py", line 272, in shuffle
    x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]
KeyError: 4
INFO: Finished at 2016-02-18 17:01:30.111769, took: 0:03:27.574914
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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