[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_builder_amd64_29 #26820

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Thu Mar 10 05:21:53 UTC 2016

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_builder_amd64_29/26820/>

[...truncated 765 lines...]
Compiled lib/mix/remote_converger.ex
Compiled lib/mix/public_key.ex
Compiled lib/mix/cli.ex
Compiled lib/mix/local.ex
Compiled lib/mix/scm.ex
Compiled lib/mix/compilers/elixir.ex
Compiled lib/mix/shell.ex
Compiled lib/mix/state.ex
Compiled lib/mix/config.ex
Compiled lib/mix/scm/path.ex
Compiled lib/mix/shell/process.ex
Compiled lib/mix/shell/io.ex
Compiled lib/mix/dep/converger.ex
Compiled lib/mix/project_stack.ex
Compiled lib/mix/project.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks_server.ex
Compiled lib/mix/rebar.ex
Compiled lib/mix/dep/loader.ex
Compiled lib/mix/scm/git.ex
Compiled lib/mix/dep.ex
Compiled lib/mix/exceptions.ex
Compiled lib/mix/dep/fetcher.ex
Compiled lib/mix/task.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/iex.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/local.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/loadconfig.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/deps.loadpaths.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/deps.update.ex
Compiled lib/mix/utils.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/local.hex.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/do.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/deps.unlock.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/local.public_keys.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/local.rebar.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/run.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/deps.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/loadpaths.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/deps.get.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/help.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/compile.yecc.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/compile.leex.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/compile.protocols.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/cmd.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/deps.clean.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/compile.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/compile.all.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/profile.fprof.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/archive.uninstall.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/archive.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/clean.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/deps.check.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/escript.build.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/test.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/compile.elixir.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/archive.build.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/compile.erlang.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/app.start.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/deps.compile.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/archive.install.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/compile.app.ex
Compiled lib/mix/tasks/new.ex
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
Generated mix app
==> ex_unit (compile)
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
Compiled lib/ex_unit/case_template.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/capture_log.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/event_manager.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/capture_io.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/callbacks.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/filters.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/runner_stats.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/on_exit_handler.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/case.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/server.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/formatter.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/runner.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/assertions.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/doc_test.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/cli_formatter.ex
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
Generated ex_unit app
==> logger (compile)
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
Compiled lib/logger/app.ex
Compiled lib/logger/formatter.ex
Compiled lib/logger/backends/console.ex
Compiled lib/logger/utils.ex
Compiled lib/logger/translator.ex
Compiled lib/logger/config.ex
Compiled lib/logger.ex
Compiled lib/logger/watcher.ex
Compiled lib/logger/error_handler.ex
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
Generated logger app
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
Generated eex app
==> iex (compile)
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
Compiled lib/iex/remsh.ex
Compiled lib/iex/app.ex
Compiled lib/iex/cli.ex
Compiled lib/iex.ex
Compiled lib/iex/evaluator.ex
Compiled lib/iex/history.ex
Compiled lib/iex/autocomplete.ex
Compiled lib/iex/config.ex
Compiled lib/iex/server.ex
Compiled lib/iex/introspection.ex
Compiled lib/iex/helpers.ex
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
Generated iex app
make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/elixir-lang-1.1.0'
   debian/rules override_dh_auto_test
make[1]: Entering directory '/build/elixir-lang-1.1.0'
mkdir .home
HOME=/build/elixir-lang-1.1.0/.home dh_auto_test
	make -j1 test
make[2]: Entering directory '/build/elixir-lang-1.1.0'
==> elixir (compile)
==> elixir (eunit)
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)
  All 199 tests passed.

==> elixir (exunit)
warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)

  1) test invokes at_exit callbacks (Kernel.CLI.AtExitTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code: elixir(fixture_path("at_exit.exs") |> to_char_list) == 'goodbye cruel world with status 1\n'
     lhs:  'warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)\ngoodbye cruel world with status 1\n'
     rhs:  'goodbye cruel world with status 1\n'


  2) test properly parses paths (Kernel.CLI.OptionParsingTest)
     ** (SyntaxError) nofile:1: syntax error before: warning
       (elixir) src/elixir.erl:157: :elixir.eval/3
       (elixir) lib/code.ex:168: Code.eval_string/3


  3) test drop/2 with negative count stream entries (StreamTest)
     No message matching {:stream, 1} after 100ms.
     The process mailbox is empty.


  4) test properly format errors (Kernel.CLI.ErrorTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code: elixir('-e "IO.puts(Process.flag(:trap_exit, false)); exit({:shutdown, 1})"') == 'false\n'
     lhs:  'warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)\nfalse\n'
     rhs:  'false\n'


  5) test fails on missing write access to .beam file (Kernel.CLI.CompileTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code: elixirc(compilation_args) == []
     lhs:  'warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)\n'
     rhs:  []


  6) test compiles code with verbose mode (Kernel.CLI.CompileTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code: elixirc(String.to_char_list("#{context[:fixture]} -o #{context[:tmp_dir_path]} --verbose")) == String.to_char_list("Compiled #{context[:fixture]}\n")
     lhs:  'warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)\nCompiled /build/elixir-lang-1.1.0/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/compile_sample.ex\n'
     rhs:  'Compiled /build/elixir-lang-1.1.0/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/compile_sample.ex\n'


  7) test compiles code (Kernel.CLI.CompileTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code: elixirc(String.to_char_list("#{context[:fixture]} -o #{context[:tmp_dir_path]}")) == []
     lhs:  'warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)\n'
     rhs:  []


  8) test argv/0 (SystemTest)
     ** (SyntaxError) nofile:1: syntax error before: warning
       (elixir) src/elixir.erl:157: :elixir.eval/3
       (elixir) lib/code.ex:168: Code.eval_string/3


Finished in 195.8 seconds (119.2s on load, 76.6s on tests)
2024 tests, 8 failures

Randomized with seed 750393
Makefile:225: recipe for target 'test_stdlib' failed
make[2]: *** [test_stdlib] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/build/elixir-lang-1.1.0'
dh_auto_test: make -j1 test returned exit code 2
debian/rules:11: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_test' failed
make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_test] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/elixir-lang-1.1.0'
debian/rules:8: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2
I: copying local configuration
E: Failed autobuilding of package
I: unmounting /sys filesystem
I: unmounting /dev/shm filesystem
I: unmounting dev/pts filesystem
I: unmounting run/shm filesystem
I: unmounting proc filesystem
I: cleaning the build env 
I: removing directory /srv/workspace/pbuilder/54834 and its subdirectories
/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian-3Ujvg387/tmp.B7T1LCFXhV:	Thu 10 Mar 05:21:51 UTC 2016 - /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-aezwMD7n, which will now be removed.
 39.1% -- replaced with /srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian-3Ujvg387/tmp.B7T1LCFXhV.gz
Thu 10 Mar 05:21:51 UTC 2016 - /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-aezwMD7n, which will now be removed.
FATAL: null
	at hudson.plugins.build_timeout.BuildTimeoutWrapper$EnvironmentImpl.tearDown(BuildTimeoutWrapper.java:199)
	at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun(Build.java:173)
	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.run(AbstractBuild.java:534)
	at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1738)
	at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
	at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:98)
	at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:410)

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