[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_scheduler #13181

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Sat Apr 2 10:22:07 UTC 2016

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_scheduler/13181/>

[...truncated 14 lines...]
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Updating sources db for testing/i386...
INFO: Pushing 0 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Downloading sources file for unstable: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources.xz
INFO: Updating sources db for unstable/amd64...
INFO: Pushing 0 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Updating sources db for unstable/armhf...
INFO: Pushing 0 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Updating sources db for unstable/i386...
INFO: Pushing 0 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Downloading sources file for experimental: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/experimental/main/source/Sources.xz
INFO: Updating sources db for experimental/amd64...
INFO: Pushing 0 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Updating sources db for experimental/armhf...
INFO: Pushing 0 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Updating sources db for experimental/i386...
INFO: Pushing 0 updated packages to the database...
INFO: Now inserting 0 new sources in the database: []
INFO: Now deleting 0 removed packages: []
INFO: Removing old pages from testing/amd64.
INFO: Removing old pages from testing/armhf.
INFO: Removing old pages from testing/i386.
INFO: Removing old pages from unstable/amd64.
INFO: Removing old pages from unstable/armhf.
INFO: Removing old pages from unstable/i386.
INFO: Removing old pages from experimental/amd64.
INFO: Removing old pages from experimental/armhf.
INFO: Removing old pages from experimental/i386.
INFO: Scheduling for amd64...
INFO: 715 packages already scheduled for amd64, probably scheduling some more...
INFO: ==============================================================
INFO: Currently scheduled packages in all suites on amd64: 715
INFO: 715 packages already scheduled, scheduling some more...
INFO: Requesting 440 untested packages in testing/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   not tested before, randomly sorted
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/amd64
INFO: Amount:     30
INFO: Packages:   dumb-init flask-bcrypt sugar-physics-activity r-cran-lazyeval librdf-generator-http-perl django-prometheus r-cran-curl node-through dindel golang-github-alecthomas-units libtime-moment-perl node-connect r-cran-r6 node-argparse python-box2d r-cran-rncl udfclient r-cran-assertthat gtk3-nocsd python-elements r-cran-openssl why3 fonts-elusive-icons golang-gopkg-natefinch-lumberjack.v2 r-cran-pbdzmq wmcore libmemcached-libmemcached-perl node-function-bind ruby-fog-xenserver node-json-localizer
INFO: Received 30 untested packages in testing/amd64to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 440 untested packages in unstable/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   not tested before, randomly sorted
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/amd64
INFO: Amount:     1
INFO: Packages:   asm
INFO: Received 1 untested packages in unstable/amd64to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 440 untested packages in experimental/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   not tested before, randomly sorted
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/amd64
INFO: Amount:     1
INFO: Packages:   gtksourceview3
INFO: Received 1 untested packages in experimental/amd64to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 100 new versions in testing/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 new packages in testing/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 150 new versions in unstable/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 new packages in unstable/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in experimental/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 new packages in experimental/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 5 old ftbfs and depwait packages in testing/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/amd64
INFO: Amount:     2
INFO: Packages:   gluegen2 python-cobra
INFO: Received 2 old ftbfs packages in testing/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 5 old ftbfs and depwait packages in unstable/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/amd64
INFO: Amount:     2
INFO: Packages:   gle-graphics grass
INFO: Received 2 old ftbfs packages in unstable/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 2 old ftbfs and depwait packages in experimental/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/amd64
INFO: Amount:     1
INFO: Packages:   manila
INFO: Received 1 old ftbfs packages in experimental/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 50 old depwait packages in testing/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 old depwait packages in testing/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 50 old depwait packages in unstable/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 old depwait packages in unstable/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 20 old depwait packages in experimental/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 old depwait packages in experimental/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 404 packages in testing/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested at least a day ago, status 404,
               sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 404 packages in testing/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 404 packages in unstable/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested at least a day ago, status 404,
               sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 404 packages in unstable/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 404 packages in experimental/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested at least a day ago, status 404,
               sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 404 packages in experimental/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in testing/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 14 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 old packages in testing/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in unstable/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 14 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 old packages in unstable/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in experimental/amd64...
INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 14 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/amd64
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 old packages in experimental/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-04-02 10:17: asm
INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-04-02 16:17: gle-graphics grass
INFO: The following 30 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-04-02 10:17: dumb-init flask-bcrypt sugar-physics-activity r-cran-lazyeval librdf-generator-http-perl django-prometheus r-cran-curl node-through dindel golang-github-alecthomas-units libtime-moment-perl node-connect r-cran-r6 node-argparse python-box2d r-cran-rncl udfclient r-cran-assertthat gtk3-nocsd python-elements r-cran-openssl why3 fonts-elusive-icons golang-gopkg-natefinch-lumberjack.v2 r-cran-pbdzmq wmcore libmemcached-libmemcached-perl node-function-bind ruby-fog-xenserver node-json-localizer
INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-04-02 16:17: gluegen2 python-cobra
INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-04-02 10:17: gtksourceview3
INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-04-02 16:17: manila
INFO: Building the schedule index page for amd64...
INFO: finding out which usertagged bugs have been closed or at least have patches
INFO: Page generated at https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/index_amd64_scheduled.html
INFO: Scheduling for architecture amd64 done.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Scheduling for armhf...
INFO: 713 packages already scheduled for armhf, probably scheduling some more...
INFO: ==============================================================
INFO: Currently scheduled packages in all suites on armhf: 713
INFO: 713 packages already scheduled, only scheduling new versions.
INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in testing/armhf...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/armhf
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 new packages in testing/armhf to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 75 new versions in unstable/armhf...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/armhf
INFO: Amount:     1
INFO: Packages:   console-setup
INFO: Received 1 new packages in unstable/armhf to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 25 new versions in experimental/armhf...
INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/armhf
INFO: Amount:     0
INFO: Packages:   
INFO: Received 0 new packages in experimental/armhf to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-04-01 22:18: console-setup
INFO: Building the schedule index page for armhf...
INFO: finding out which usertagged bugs have been closed or at least have patches
CRITICAL: Error executing this query:
CRITICAL: SELECT n.issues, n.bugs, n.comments FROM notes AS n JOIN sources AS s ON s.id=n.package_id WHERE s.name="acedb" AND s.suite="unstable" AND s.architecture="armhf"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.py", line 437, in link_package
    notes = query_db(query.format(pkg=package, suite=suite, arch=arch))[0]
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.py", line 359, in query_db
sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_scheduler.py", line 669, in <module>
    message += scheduler(arch)
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_scheduler.py", line 625, in scheduler
    generate_schedule(arch)  # from reproducible_html_indexes
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_html_live_status.py", line 41, in generate_schedule
    html += link_package(pkg, row[1], row[2], bugs)
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.py", line 452, in link_package
    html += get_trailing_icon(package, bugs) + '\n'
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'html' referenced before assignment
INFO: Finished at 2016-04-02 10:22:07.542785, took: 0:11:07.971480
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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