[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_builder_armhf_30 #3222

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Sun Apr 24 16:56:28 UTC 2016

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_builder_armhf_30/3222/>

[...truncated 5715 lines...]
Cleaning pom file: /build/jetty9-9.2.16/jetty-rewrite/pom.xml.save with options:
	--keep-pom-version --package=libjetty9-java
Install jar for jetty-rewrite into /usr/share/java
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Jetty :: Quick Start 9.2.16.v20160407
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- debian-maven-plugin:2.0.6:install (default-cli) @ jetty-quickstart ---
Cleaning pom file: /build/jetty9-9.2.16/jetty-quickstart/pom.xml.save with options:
	--keep-pom-version --package=libjetty9-extra-java
Install jar for jetty-quickstart into /usr/share/java
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Jetty :: Monitoring 9.2.16.v20160407
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- debian-maven-plugin:2.0.6:install (default-cli) @ jetty-monitor ---
Cleaning pom file: /build/jetty9-9.2.16/jetty-monitor/pom.xml.save with options:
	--keep-pom-version --package=libjetty9-extra-java
Install jar for jetty-monitor into /usr/share/java
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Jetty :: ALPN :: API 1.1.2.v20150522
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- debian-maven-plugin:2.0.6:install (default-cli) @ alpn-api ---
Cleaning pom file: /build/jetty9-9.2.16/jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-api/pom.xml.save with options:
	--keep-pom-version --package=libjetty9-java
Install jar for alpn-api into /usr/share/java
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Jetty :: ALPN :: Parent 9.2.16.v20160407
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- debian-maven-plugin:2.0.6:install (default-cli) @ jetty-alpn-parent ---
Cleaning pom file: /build/jetty9-9.2.16/jetty-alpn/pom.xml.save with options:
	--keep-pom-version --package=libjetty9-java
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Jetty :: ALPN Server 9.2.16.v20160407
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- debian-maven-plugin:2.0.6:install (default-cli) @ jetty-alpn-server ---
Cleaning pom file: /build/jetty9-9.2.16/jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-server/pom.xml.save with options:
	--keep-pom-version --package=libjetty9-java
Install jar for jetty-alpn-server into /usr/share/java
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Jetty :: ALPN Client 9.2.16.v20160407
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- debian-maven-plugin:2.0.6:install (default-cli) @ jetty-alpn-client ---
Cleaning pom file: /build/jetty9-9.2.16/jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-client/pom.xml.save with options:
	--keep-pom-version --package=libjetty9-java
Install jar for jetty-alpn-client into /usr/share/java
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Jetty :: Project ................................... SUCCESS [ 21.500 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Utilities ................................. SUCCESS [ 15.230 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: JMX Management ............................ SUCCESS [  9.580 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: IO Utility ................................ SUCCESS [  9.076 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Http Utility .............................. SUCCESS [  9.404 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Continuation .............................. SUCCESS [  8.425 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: XML utilities ............................. SUCCESS [  9.168 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Server Core ............................... SUCCESS [ 10.186 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Security .................................. SUCCESS [  8.436 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Servlet Handling .......................... SUCCESS [  8.655 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Webapp Application Support ................ SUCCESS [  9.545 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Asynchronous HTTP Client .................. SUCCESS [  9.444 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: FastCGI :: Parent ......................... SUCCESS [  9.238 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: FastCGI :: Client ......................... SUCCESS [  9.020 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Utilities :: Ajax(JSON) ................... SUCCESS [  8.103 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Proxy ..................................... SUCCESS [  8.328 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: FastCGI :: Server ......................... SUCCESS [  8.194 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Websocket :: Parent ....................... SUCCESS [  8.106 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Websocket :: API .......................... SUCCESS [  8.416 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Websocket :: Common ....................... SUCCESS [  8.750 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Websocket :: Client ....................... SUCCESS [  8.484 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Websocket :: Servlet Interface ............ SUCCESS [  8.717 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Websocket :: Server ....................... SUCCESS [  8.889 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Websocket :: javax.websocket :: Client Implementation SUCCESS [  8.263 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: JNDI Naming ............................... SUCCESS [  8.234 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Plus ...................................... SUCCESS [  8.553 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Servlet Annotations ....................... SUCCESS [  8.324 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Websocket :: javax.websocket.server :: Server Implementation SUCCESS [  8.216 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters .............. SUCCESS [  8.414 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Apache JSP Implementation ................. SUCCESS [  8.294 s]
[INFO] Apache :: JSTL module .............................. SUCCESS [  8.360 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Deployers ................................. SUCCESS [  8.258 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Start ..................................... SUCCESS [  7.958 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: JAAS ...................................... SUCCESS [  8.119 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: CDI Configurations ........................ SUCCESS [  7.969 s]
[INFO] Example :: Jetty Spring ............................ SUCCESS [  8.176 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: JASPI Security ............................ SUCCESS [  8.259 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Rewrite Handler ........................... SUCCESS [  8.255 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Quick Start ............................... SUCCESS [  8.459 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: Monitoring ................................ SUCCESS [  8.511 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: ALPN :: API ............................... SUCCESS [  4.381 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: ALPN :: Parent ............................ SUCCESS [  7.809 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: ALPN Server ............................... SUCCESS [  8.193 s]
[INFO] Jetty :: ALPN Client ............................... SUCCESS [  8.128 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 08:11 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-04-24T02:13:24-12:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/26M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	mh_resolve_dependencies --non-interactive --offline -plibjetty9-java --base-directory=/build/jetty9-9.2.16 --non-explore
Analysing pom.xml...
Analysing apache-jsp/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project apache-jsp/pom.xml
Analysing apache-jstl/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project apache-jstl/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-alpn/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-alpn/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-api/pom.xml...
Analysing jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-client/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-client/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-server/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-server/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-continuation/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-continuation/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-deploy/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-deploy/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-http/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-http/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-io/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-io/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-jaas/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-jaas/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-jmx/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-jmx/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-overlay-deployer/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-overlay-deployer/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-rewrite/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-rewrite/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-security/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-security/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-server/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-server/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-servlet/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-servlet/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-servlets/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-servlets/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-start/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-start/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-util/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-util/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-util-ajax/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-util-ajax/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-webapp/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-webapp/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-xml/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-xml/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-annotations/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-annotations/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-cdi/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-cdi/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-client/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-client/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-fcgi/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-fcgi/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-fcgi/fcgi-client/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-fcgi/fcgi-client/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-fcgi/fcgi-server/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-fcgi/fcgi-server/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-jaspi/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-jaspi/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-jndi/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-jndi/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-monitor/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-monitor/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-plus/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-plus/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-proxy/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-proxy/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-quickstart/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-quickstart/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-rhttp/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-rhttp/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-rhttp/jetty-rhttp-client/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-rhttp/jetty-rhttp-client/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-rhttp/jetty-rhttp-connector/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-rhttp/jetty-rhttp-connector/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-rhttp/jetty-rhttp-gateway/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-rhttp/jetty-rhttp-gateway/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-spring/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-spring/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-websocket/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-websocket/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-websocket/javax-websocket-client-impl/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-websocket/javax-websocket-client-impl/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-websocket/javax-websocket-server-impl/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-websocket/javax-websocket-server-impl/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-websocket/websocket-api/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-websocket/websocket-api/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-websocket/websocket-client/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-websocket/websocket-client/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-websocket/websocket-common/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-websocket/websocket-common/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-websocket/websocket-server/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-websocket/websocket-server/pom.xml
Analysing jetty-websocket/websocket-servlet/pom.xml...
Checking the parent dependency in the sub project jetty-websocket/websocket-servlet/pom.xml
/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian-FbAQCFlN/tmp.OALKLIigfo:	 43.0% -- replaced with /srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian-FbAQCFlN/tmp.OALKLIigfo.gz
INFO: Starting at 2016-04-24 16:56:25.372460
INFO: Finished at 2016-04-24 16:56:25.513536, took: 0:00:00.141089
Sun Apr 24 16:56:25 UTC 2016 - https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_builder_armhf_30/3222/console got remote error with exit code 143 from ff2b-armhf-rb.debian.net for build #1 for jetty9 on unstable/armhf
INFO: Starting at 2016-04-24 16:56:25.968414
FATAL: null
	at hudson.plugins.build_timeout.BuildTimeoutWrapper$EnvironmentImpl.tearDown(BuildTimeoutWrapper.java:199)
	at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun(Build.java:173)
	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.run(AbstractBuild.java:534)
	at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1738)
	at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
	at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:98)
	at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:410)
INFO: Finished at 2016-04-24 16:56:26.090201, took: 0:00:00.121800
INFO: Starting at 2016-04-24 16:56:26.326608
INFO: Finished at 2016-04-24 16:56:26.345689, took: 0:00:00.019090
rm: cannot remove ‘/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian-FbAQCFlN’: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove ‘/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian-FbAQCFlN’: No such file or directory
Sleeping 5m before aborting the job.

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