[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] 02/11: reproducible debian: use main navigation template in bash scripts

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sun Jul 24 15:46:18 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jenkins.debian.net.

commit 1dea20a0d5081e8fa1f864e82977dc9d365a8565
Author: Valerie R Young <spectranaut at riseup.net>
Date:   Tue Jul 12 10:35:42 2016 -0400

    reproducible debian: use main navigation template in bash scripts
    Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
 bin/reproducible_common.sh             | 199 ++++++++++++--------------------
 bin/templates/basic_page.mustache      |   4 +-
 bin/templates/main_navigation.mustache | 203 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 3 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 223 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/reproducible_common.sh b/bin/reproducible_common.sh
index 7f23960..5248893 100755
--- a/bin/reproducible_common.sh
+++ b/bin/reproducible_common.sh
@@ -106,6 +106,9 @@ done < $BIN_PATH/meta_pkgset.csv
 # mustache templates
 # sleep 1-23 secs to randomize start times
 delay_start() {
@@ -162,146 +165,92 @@ write_page_header() {
 	# the solution is to write all html pages with python…
 	rm -f $PAGE
-	ALLSTATES="reproducible FTBR FTBFS depwait not_for_us 404 blacklisted"
-	ALLVIEWS="notes no_notes pkg_sets last_24h last_48h all_abc arch scheduled suite_stats dd-list dashboard issues repositories notify performance variations breakages"
-	GLOBALVIEWS="issues scheduled notify repositories dashboard performance variations breakages"
-	SUITEVIEWS="dd-list suite_stats"
-	SPOKENTARGET["issues"]="issues"
-	SPOKENTARGET["notes"]="packages with notes"
-	SPOKENTARGET["no_notes"]="packages without notes"
-	SPOKENTARGET["scheduled"]="currently scheduled"
-	SPOKENTARGET["last_24h"]="packages tested in the last 24h"
-	SPOKENTARGET["last_48h"]="packages tested in the last 48h"
-	SPOKENTARGET["all_abc"]="all tested packages (sorted alphabetically)"
-	SPOKENTARGET["notify"]="⚑ packages with enabled notifications"
-	SPOKENTARGET["dd-list"]="maintainers of unreproducible packages"
-	SPOKENTARGET["pkg_sets"]="package sets"
-	SPOKENTARGET["suite_stats"]="suite: $SUITE"
-	SPOKENTARGET["repositories"]="repositories overview"
-	SPOKENTARGET["dashboard"]="Debian dashboard"
-	SPOKENTARGET["performance"]="performance stats"
-	SPOKENTARGET["variations"]="variations tested"
-	SPOKENTARGET["breakages"]="broken pieces"
 	write_page "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>"
 	write_page "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />"
 	write_page "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\" />"
 	write_page "<link href=\"/static/style.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />"
 	write_page "<title>$2</title></head>"
 	if [ "$1" != "$MAINVIEW" ] ; then
-		write_page "<body class=\"wrapper\"><header class=\"head\"><h2>$2</h2>"
+		write_page "<body class=\"wrapper\">"
+	else
+		write_page "<body class=\"wrapper\" onload=\"selectSearch()\">"
+	fi
+	# Build context for the main_navigation mustache template.
+	# Do not show package set links for "experimental" pages
+	if [ "$SUITE" != "experimental" ] ; then
+		# no pkg_sets are tested in experimental
+		include_pkgset_link="\"include_pkgset_link\" : \"true\""
+	else
+		include_pkgset_link=''
+	fi
+	# Used to highlight the link for the current page
+	if [ "$1" = "dashboard" ] || [ "$1" = "performance" ] || [ "$1" = "repositories" ] || [ "$1" = "variations" ] ; then
+		displayed_page="\"$1\": \"true\""
-		write_page "<body class=\"wrapper\" onload=\"selectSearch()\"><header class=\"head\"><h2>$2</h2>"
+		displayed_page=''
-	write_page "<ul class=\"menu\">"
-	write_page "<li>$SUITE/$ARCH:<ul class=\"children\">"
-	local CLASS=""
-	for TARGET in $ALLVIEWS ; do
-		CLASS=""
-		if [ "$TARGET" = "pkg_sets" ] && [ "$SUITE" = "experimental" ] ; then
-			# no pkg_sets are tested in experimental
-			continue
+	# Create json for suite links (a list of objects)
+	suite_links="\"suite_list\": ["
+	comma=0
+	for i in $SUITES ; do
+		if [ "$1" = "suite_arch_stats" ] && [ "$i" = "$SUITE" ] ; then
+			class="class='active'"
+		else
+			class=''
-		BASEURL="/debian/$SUITE/$ARCH"
-		local i
-		for i in $GLOBALVIEWS ; do
-			if [ "$TARGET" = "$i" ] ; then
-				BASEURL="/debian"
-			fi
-		done
-		for i in ${SUITEVIEWS} ; do
-			if [ "$TARGET" = "$i" ] ; then
-				BASEURL="/debian/$SUITE"
-			fi
-		done
-		# prepare unsorted lists
-		if [ "$TARGET" = "notes" ] ; then
-			write_page "<li>Notes<ul class=\"children\">"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "last_24h" ] ; then
-			write_page "<li>Recently tested:<ul class=\"children\">"
+		if [ $comma == 1 ] ; then
+			suite_links+=", {\"s\": \"$i\", \"class\": \"$class\"}"
+		else
+			suite_links+="{\"s\": \"$i\", \"class\": \"$class\"}"
+			comma=1
-		# prepare links
-		if [ "$TARGET" = "scheduled" ] ; then
-			write_page "<li><a href=\"/debian/index_${ARCH}_scheduled.html\">${SPOKEN_TARGET}</a></li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "notify" ] ; then
-			write_page "<li><a href=\"$BASEURL/index_${TARGET}.html\" title=\"notify icon\">${SPOKEN_TARGET}</a></li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "arch" ] ; then
-			write_page "<li>Architectures:<ul class=\"children\"><li>"
-			for i in ${ARCHS} ; do
-				if [ "$1" = "suite_arch_stats" ] && [ "$i" = "$ARCH" ] ; then
-					CLASS=" class=\"active\""
-				fi
-				write_page " <a href=\"/debian/$SUITE/index_suite_${i}_stats.html\"$CLASS>$i</a>  "
-				CLASS=""
-			done
-			write_page "</li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "suite_stats" ] ; then
-			write_page "<li>Suites:<ul class=\"children\"><li>"
-			for i in $SUITES ; do
-				if [ "$1" = "suite_arch_stats" ] && [ "$i" = "$SUITE" ] ; then
-					CLASS=" class=\"active\""
-				fi
-				write_page " <a href=\"/debian/$i/index_suite_${ARCH}_stats.html\"$CLASS>$i</a>  "
-				CLASS=""
-			done
-			write_page "</li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "dashboard" ] ; then
-			if [ "$1" = "dashboard" ] ; then
-				CLASS=" class=\"active\""
-			fi
-			write_page "<li><a href=\"$BASEURL/index_${TARGET}.html\"$CLASS>${SPOKEN_TARGET}</a><ul class=\"children\">"
+	done
+	suite_links+="]"
+	# Create json for arch links (a list of objects)
+	arch_links="\"arch_list\": ["
+	comma=0
+	for i in ${ARCHS} ; do
+		if [ "$1" = "suite_arch_stats" ] && [ "$i" = "$ARCH" ] ; then
+			class="class='active'"
-			if [ "$1" = "$TARGET" ] ; then
-				CLASS=" class=\"active\""
-			fi
-			write_page "<li><a href=\"$BASEURL/index_${TARGET}.html\"$CLASS>${SPOKEN_TARGET}</a></li>"
+			class=''
-		# close unsorted lists (and package states loop)
-		if [ "$TARGET" = "all_abc" ] ; then
-			write_page "</ul></li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "last_48h" ] ; then
-			write_page "</ul></li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "breakages" ] ; then
-			write_page "</ul></li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "scheduled" ] ; then
-			write_page "</ul></li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "dd-list" ] ; then
-			write_page "</ul></li>"
-		elif [ "$TARGET" = "no_notes" ] ; then
-			write_page "</ul></li>"
-			# after notes we have package states
-			write_page "<li>Package states:"
-			write_page "<ul class=\"children\"><li>"
-			for MY_STATE in $ALLSTATES ; do
-				set_icon $MY_STATE
-			write_icon
-			write_page " "
-			done
-			write_page "</li></ul></li>"
+		if [ $comma == 1 ] ; then
+			arch_links+=", {\"a\": \"$i\", \"class\": \"$class\"}"
+		else
+			arch_links+="{\"a\": \"$i\", \"class\": \"$class\"}"
+			comma=1
-	write_page "</ul>"
-	# project links
-	write_page "    <ul class=\"reproducible-links\">"
-	write_page "        <li>Reproducible Builds projects links"
-	write_page "         <ul class=\"children\"><li>"
-	write_page "            <a href=\"https://Reproducible-builds.org\">Reproducible-builds.org</a><br />"
-	write_page "            Reproducible-builds.org - <a href=\"https://Reproducible-builds.org/docs/\">HowTo</a><br />"
-	write_page "            Reproducible Debian - <a href=\"https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds\">Wiki</a><br />"
-	write_page "            Reproducible builds <a href=\"https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/\">weekly news</a><br />"
-	write_page "            <a href=\"https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/\">SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH specification</a><br />"
-	write_page "            </li><li>"
-	write_page "            Reproducible <a href=\"https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/archlinux/\">Arch Linux</a> /"
-	write_page "            <a href=\"https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/coreboot/\">coreboot</a> /"
-	write_page "            <a href=\"https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/fedora/\">Fedora</a> /"
-	write_page "            <a href=\"https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/freebsd/\">FreeBSD</a> /"
-	write_page "            <a href=\"https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/netbsd/\">NetBSD</a> /"
-	write_page "            <a href=\"https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/\">OpenWrt</a>"
-	write_page "            <a href=\"https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/lede/\">LEDE</a>"
-	write_page "        </li></ul></li>"
-	write_page "    </ul>"
-	# end project links
+	arch_links+="]"
+	# finally, the completely formed JSON context
+	context=$(printf '{
+		"arch" : "%s",
+		"suite" : "%s",
+		"page_title" : "%s",
+		"debian_url" : "%s",
+		%s,
+		%s
+	' "$ARCH" "$SUITE" "$2" "$DEBIAN_URL" "$arch_links" "$suite_links")
+	if [[ ! -z $displayed_page ]] ; then
+		context+=", $displayed_page"
+	fi
+	if [[ ! -z $include_pkgset_link ]] ; then
+		context+=", $include_pkgset_link"
+	fi
+	context+="}"
+	write_page "<header class=\"head\">"
+	write_page "$(pystache3 $MAIN_NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE "$context")"
+	write_page "$(pystache3 $PROJECT_LINKS_TEMPLATE "{}")"
 	write_page "</header>"
 	write_page "<div class=\"mainbody\">"
 	if [ "$1" = "$MAINVIEW" ] ; then
 		write_page "<ul>"
diff --git a/bin/templates/basic_page.mustache b/bin/templates/basic_page.mustache
index 1239a4a..345d2da 100644
--- a/bin/templates/basic_page.mustache
+++ b/bin/templates/basic_page.mustache
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
   <body class="wrapper">
-    {{{main_navigation_html}}}
+	<header class="head">
+      {{{main_navigation_html}}}
+	</header>
     <div class="mainbody">
diff --git a/bin/templates/main_navigation.mustache b/bin/templates/main_navigation.mustache
index 6dab169..ab905fd 100644
--- a/bin/templates/main_navigation.mustache
+++ b/bin/templates/main_navigation.mustache
@@ -1,109 +1,118 @@
-<header class="head">
-  <h2>{{page_title}}</h2>
-  <ul class="menu">
-    <li>{{suite}}/{{arch}}:<ul class="children">
-      <li>Notes:<ul class="children">
-        <li {{#notes}}class='active'{{/notes}}>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_notes.html">
-          packages with notes
-          </a>
-        </li>
-        <li {{#no_notes}}class='active'{{/no_notes}}>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_no_notes.html">
-             packages without notes
-          </a>
-        </li>
-      </ul></li>
-      <li>Package states:<ul class="children">
-        <li>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_reproducible.html" target="_parent">
-            <img src="/static/weather-clear.png" alt="reproducible icon" />
-          </a>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_FTBR.html" target="_parent">
-            <img src="/static/weather-showers-scattered.png" alt="FTBR icon" />
-          </a>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_FTBFS.html" target="_parent">
-            <img src="/static/weather-storm.png" alt="FTBFS icon" />
-          </a>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_depwait.html" target="_parent">
-            <img src="/static/weather-snow.png" alt="depwait icon" />
-          </a>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_not_for_us.html" target="_parent">
-            <img src="/static/weather-few-clouds-night.png" alt="not_for_us icon" />
-              </a>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_404.html" target="_parent">
-            <img src="/static/weather-severe-alert.png" alt="404 icon" />
-          </a>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_blacklisted.html" target="_parent">
-            <img src="/static/error.png" alt="blacklisted icon" />
-          </a>
-        </li>
-      </ul></li>
-      {{#include_pkgset_link}}
-      <li {{#pkg_set}}class='active'{{/pkg_set}}>
-        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_pkg_sets.html">
-          package sets
+<ul class="menu">
+  <li>{{suite}}/{{arch}}:<ul class="children">
+    <li>Notes:<ul class="children">
+      <li {{#notes}}class='active'{{/notes}}>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_notes.html">
+        packages with notes
-      {{/include_pkgset_link}}
-      <li>Recently tested:<ul class="children">
-        <li {{#last_24h}}class='active'{{/last_24h}}>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_last_24h.html">
-            packages tested in the last 24h
-          </a>
-        </li>
-        <li {{#last_48h}}class='active'{{/last_48h}}>
-          <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_last_48h.html">
-            packages tested in the last 48h
-          </a>
-        </li>
-      </ul></li>
-      <li {{#all_abc}}class='active'{{/all_abc}}>
-        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_all_abc.html">
-          all tested packages (sorted alphabetically)
+      <li {{#no_notes}}class='active'{{/no_notes}}>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_no_notes.html">
+           packages without notes
-    <li>Architectures:<ul class="children">
+    <li>Package states:<ul class="children">
-        {{#arch_list}}
-        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/index_suite_{{a}}_stats.html">{{a}}</a>
-        {{/arch_list}}
-        </li>
-      <li {{#scheduled}}class='active'{{/scheduled}}>
-        <a href="/debian/index_{{arch}}_scheduled.html">currently scheduled</a>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_reproducible.html" target="_parent">
+          <img src="/static/weather-clear.png" alt="reproducible icon" />
+        </a>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_FTBR.html" target="_parent">
+          <img src="/static/weather-showers-scattered.png" alt="FTBR icon" />
+        </a>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_FTBFS.html" target="_parent">
+          <img src="/static/weather-storm.png" alt="FTBFS icon" />
+        </a>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_depwait.html" target="_parent">
+          <img src="/static/weather-snow.png" alt="depwait icon" />
+        </a>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_not_for_us.html" target="_parent">
+          <img src="/static/weather-few-clouds-night.png" alt="not_for_us icon" />
+            </a>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_404.html" target="_parent">
+          <img src="/static/weather-severe-alert.png" alt="404 icon" />
+        </a>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_blacklisted.html" target="_parent">
+          <img src="/static/error.png" alt="blacklisted icon" />
+        </a>
-    <li>Suites:<ul class="children">
-      <li>
-        {{#suite_list}}
-        <a href="/debian/{{s}}/index_suite_{{arch}}_stats.html">{{s}}</a>
-        {{/suite_list}}
+    {{#include_pkgset_link}}
+    <li {{#pkg_set}}class='active'{{/pkg_set}}>
+      <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_pkg_sets.html">
+        package sets
+      </a>
+    </li>
+    {{/include_pkgset_link}}
+    <li>Recently tested:<ul class="children">
+      <li {{#last_24h}}class='active'{{/last_24h}}>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_last_24h.html">
+          packages tested in the last 24h
+        </a>
-      <li {{#dd_list}}class='active'{{/dd_list}}>
-        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/index_dd-list.html">
-          maintainers of unreproducible packages
+      <li {{#last_48h}}class='active'{{/last_48h}}>
+        <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_last_48h.html">
+          packages tested in the last 48h
-    <li><a href="{{debian_url}}">Debian dashboard</a>
-      <ul class="children">
-        <li {{#issues}}class='active'{{/issues}}>
-          <a href="/debian/index_issues.html">issues</a>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="/debian/index_repositories.html">
-            repositories overview</a></li>
-        <li {{#notify}}class='active'{{/notify}}>
-          <a href="/debian/index_notify.html" title="notify icon">
-            ⚑ packages with enabled notifications
-          </a>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="/debian/index_performance.html">performance stats</a></li>
-        <li><a href="/debian/index_variations.html">variations tested</a></li>
-        <li {{#breakages}}class='active'{{/breakages}}>
-          <a href="/debian/index_breakages.html">broken pieces</a>
-        </li>
-    </ul></li>
-  </ul>
-  {{{project_links_html}}}
+    <li {{#all_abc}}class='active'{{/all_abc}}>
+      <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_all_abc.html">
+        all tested packages (sorted alphabetically)
+      </a>
+    </li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>Architectures:<ul class="children">
+    <li>
+      {{#arch_list}}
+      <a {{{class}}} href="/debian/{{suite}}/index_suite_{{a}}_stats.html">
+		  {{a}}
+		</a>
+      {{/arch_list}}
+      </li>
+    <li {{#scheduled}}class='active'{{/scheduled}}>
+      <a href="/debian/index_{{arch}}_scheduled.html">currently scheduled</a>
+    </li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>Suites:<ul class="children">
+    <li>
+      {{#suite_list}}
+      <a {{{class}}} href="/debian/{{s}}/index_suite_{{arch}}_stats.html">
+		  {{s}}
+		</a>
+      {{/suite_list}}
+    </li>
+    <li {{#dd_list}}class='active'{{/dd_list}}>
+      <a href="/debian/{{suite}}/index_dd-list.html">
+        maintainers of unreproducible packages
+      </a>
+    </li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li><a {{#dashboard}}class='active'{{/dashboard}} href="{{debian_url}}">Debian dashboard</a>
+    <ul class="children">
+      <li {{#issues}}class='active'{{/issues}}>
+        <a href="/debian/index_issues.html">issues</a>
+      </li>
+      <li {{#repositories}}class='active'{{/repositories}}>
+		  <a href="/debian/index_repositories.html">
+          repositories overview
+		  </a>
+		</li>
+      <li {{#notify}}class='active'{{/notify}}>
+        <a href="/debian/index_notify.html" title="notify icon">
+          ⚑ packages with enabled notifications
+        </a>
+      </li>
+      <li {{#performance}}class='active'{{/performance}}>
+		  <a href="/debian/index_performance.html">performance stats</a>
+		</li>
+      <li {{#variations}}class='active'{{/variations}}>
+		  <a href="/debian/index_variations.html">variations tested</a>
+		</li>
+      <li {{#breakages}}class='active'{{/breakages}}>
+        <a href="/debian/index_breakages.html">broken pieces</a>
+      </li>
+  </ul></li>

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git

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