[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_scheduler #16705
jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Thu Sep 15 04:56:45 UTC 2016
See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_scheduler/16705/>
[...truncated 60 lines...]
INFO: ==============================================================
INFO: Currently scheduled packages in all suites on amd64: 1368
INFO: 1368 packages already scheduled, only scheduling new versions.
INFO: Requesting 100 new versions in testing/amd64...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/amd64
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 new packages in testing/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 150 new versions in unstable/amd64...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/amd64
INFO: Amount: 2
INFO: Packages: ruby-handlebars-assets starpy
INFO: Received 2 new packages in unstable/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in experimental/amd64...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/amd64
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 new packages in experimental/amd64 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-14 16:56: ruby-handlebars-assets starpy
INFO: Building the schedule index page for amd64...
INFO: Page generated at https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_amd64_scheduled.html
INFO: Scheduling for architecture amd64 done.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Scheduling for i386...
INFO: 646 packages already scheduled for i386, probably scheduling some more...
INFO: ==============================================================
INFO: Currently scheduled packages in all suites on i386: 646
INFO: 646 packages already scheduled, scheduling some more...
INFO: Requesting 440 untested packages in testing/i386...
INFO: Criteria: not tested before, randomly sorted
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 untested packages in testing/i386to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 440 untested packages in unstable/i386...
INFO: Criteria: not tested before, randomly sorted
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 untested packages in unstable/i386to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 440 untested packages in experimental/i386...
INFO: Criteria: not tested before, randomly sorted
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 untested packages in experimental/i386to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 100 new versions in testing/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 new packages in testing/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 150 new versions in unstable/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 new packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in experimental/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 new packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 40 old ftbfs packages in testing/i386...
INFO: Criteria: status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/i386
INFO: Amount: 40
INFO: Packages: debian-installer-netboot-images check-postgres eclipse-titan dc-qt eclipse gauche fis-gtm gcc-5-cross golang-github-hashicorp-mdns golang-github-hashicorp-yamux 3270font gprolog gammu jruby golang kdgcommons-java julia libtexttools llvm-toolchain-3.6 gdebi llvm-toolchain-3.7 kvmtool llvm-toolchain-3.5 latrace mlton python-geopandas regina-rexx python-pyelftools racket nant scilab webauth symfony ruby2.3 yadifa logidee-tools kicad lightspark kmer-tools mpqc3
INFO: Received 40 old ftbfs packages in testing/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 40 old ftbfs packages in unstable/i386...
INFO: Criteria: status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
INFO: Amount: 40
INFO: Packages: debian-installer-netboot-images drift chicken dc-qt eclipse-wtp faumachine fis-gtm eclipse-emf gdebi bzr-xmloutput eclipse golang-github-hashicorp-yamux golang-github-hashicorp-mdns gri guacamole-client jruby kmer-tools llvm-toolchain-3.7 mlton lightspark mlpy mod-gnutls golang-uuid ocp golang nbibtex opencv pytables gcc-6-cross hilive notary llvm-toolchain-3.9 python-gammu ncbi-vdb python-skbio python-whoosh scheme2c symfony gcc-6-cross-ports yadifa
INFO: Received 40 old ftbfs packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 40 old ftbfs packages in experimental/i386...
INFO: Criteria: status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
INFO: Amount: 6
INFO: Packages: ruby-rspec-expectations docker.io nsis firebird3.0 murano gnokii
INFO: Received 6 old ftbfs packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 400 old depwait packages in testing/i386...
INFO: Criteria: status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/i386
INFO: Amount: 50
INFO: Packages: adzapper kineticstools deal.ii fitgcp mate-indicator-applet fflas-ffpack pbgenomicconsensus jasperreports pbbarcode python-pysam mhap python-pbcore pbalign validator.js spades python-pbcommand salmon stylish circlator python-app-catalog-ui murano-dashboard chemfp prometheus cinfony fsm-lite pbh5tools spykeutils trove-dashboard gnash golang-go-dbus sunpy ariba docker.io edk2 nomad vorbis-java apertium-hbs rtslib docbook-defguide giira flexbar msp430-libc packagesearch goplay rsem brise ucimf-sunpinyin ocserv cross-toolchain-base fife
INFO: Received 50 old depwait packages in testing/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 400 old depwait packages in unstable/i386...
INFO: Criteria: status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
INFO: Amount: 51
INFO: Packages: calligra ccdproc denemo fslview circlator drgeo fitgcp google-auth-library-php giira htseq goldencheetah kdevelop-python kadu-mime-tex anfo kineticstools jasperreports libswe-doc libtruth-java jitsi lilypond inn libhmsbeagle linbox mhap ktp-call-ui murano-dashboard pbbarcode monogame mathcomp pcl php-ps php-mongo pbgenomicconsensus proll netmrg plasma-widget-adjustableclock plasma-widget-yawp python-glpk python-pysam python-pbh5tools pyabiword pbalign python-pbcore slt sentinella rss2irc rt-extension-jsgantt sga rapmap haskell-yaml rsem
INFO: Received 51 old depwait packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 400 old depwait packages in experimental/i386...
INFO: Criteria: status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
INFO: Amount: 20
INFO: Packages: ctk jpoker elmerfem libqinfinity morituri distcc pantheon-terminal noise dvdisaster switchboard starpu rhash-bindings jhc slingshot-launcher pcmanfm-qt murano-dashboard lximage-qt kdevelop kdevelop-php kdevelop-python
INFO: Received 20 old depwait packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 404 packages in testing/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested at least a day ago, status 404,
sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 404 packages in testing/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 404 packages in unstable/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested at least a day ago, status 404,
sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 404 packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 404 packages in experimental/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested at least a day ago, status 404,
sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 404 packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in testing/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested at least 21 days ago, no new version available,
sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 old packages in testing/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in unstable/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested at least 21 days ago, no new version available,
sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 old packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in experimental/i386...
INFO: Criteria: tested at least 21 days ago, no new version available,
sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 old packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: The following 40 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-15 10:56: debian-installer-netboot-images drift chicken dc-qt eclipse-wtp faumachine fis-gtm eclipse-emf gdebi bzr-xmloutput eclipse golang-github-hashicorp-yamux golang-github-hashicorp-mdns gri guacamole-client jruby kmer-tools llvm-toolchain-3.7 mlton lightspark mlpy mod-gnutls golang-uuid ocp golang nbibtex opencv pytables gcc-6-cross hilive notary llvm-toolchain-3.9 python-gammu ncbi-vdb python-skbio python-whoosh scheme2c symfony gcc-6-cross-ports yadifa
INFO: The following 51 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-15 10:56: calligra ccdproc denemo fslview circlator drgeo fitgcp google-auth-library-php giira htseq goldencheetah kdevelop-python kadu-mime-tex anfo kineticstools jasperreports libswe-doc libtruth-java jitsi lilypond inn libhmsbeagle linbox mhap ktp-call-ui murano-dashboard pbbarcode monogame mathcomp pcl php-ps php-mongo pbgenomicconsensus proll netmrg plasma-widget-adjustableclock plasma-widget-yawp python-glpk python-pysam python-pbh5tools pyabiword pbalign python-pbcore slt sentinella rss2irc rt-extension-jsgantt sga rapmap haskell-yaml rsem
INFO: The following 40 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-15 10:56: debian-installer-netboot-images check-postgres eclipse-titan dc-qt eclipse gauche fis-gtm gcc-5-cross golang-github-hashicorp-mdns golang-github-hashicorp-yamux 3270font gprolog gammu jruby golang kdgcommons-java julia libtexttools llvm-toolchain-3.6 gdebi llvm-toolchain-3.7 kvmtool llvm-toolchain-3.5 latrace mlton python-geopandas regina-rexx python-pyelftools racket nant scilab webauth symfony ruby2.3 yadifa logidee-tools kicad lightspark kmer-tools mpqc3
INFO: The following 50 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-15 10:56: adzapper kineticstools deal.ii fitgcp mate-indicator-applet fflas-ffpack pbgenomicconsensus jasperreports pbbarcode python-pysam mhap python-pbcore pbalign validator.js spades python-pbcommand salmon stylish circlator python-app-catalog-ui murano-dashboard chemfp prometheus cinfony fsm-lite pbh5tools spykeutils trove-dashboard gnash golang-go-dbus sunpy ariba docker.io edk2 nomad vorbis-java apertium-hbs rtslib docbook-defguide giira flexbar msp430-libc packagesearch goplay rsem brise ucimf-sunpinyin ocserv cross-toolchain-base fife
INFO: The following 6 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-15 10:56: ruby-rspec-expectations docker.io nsis firebird3.0 murano gnokii
INFO: The following 20 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-15 10:56: ctk jpoker elmerfem libqinfinity morituri distcc pantheon-terminal noise dvdisaster switchboard starpu rhash-bindings jhc slingshot-launcher pcmanfm-qt murano-dashboard lximage-qt kdevelop kdevelop-php kdevelop-python
INFO: Building the schedule index page for i386...
INFO: Page generated at https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_i386_scheduled.html
INFO: Scheduling for architecture i386 done.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Scheduling for armhf...
INFO: 1607 packages already scheduled for armhf, probably scheduling some more...
INFO: ==============================================================
INFO: Currently scheduled packages in all suites on armhf: 1607
INFO: 1607 packages already scheduled, only scheduling new versions.
INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in testing/armhf...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: testing/armhf
INFO: Amount: 0
INFO: Packages:
INFO: Received 0 new packages in testing/armhf to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 75 new versions in unstable/armhf...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/armhf
INFO: Amount: 2
INFO: Packages: starpy ruby-handlebars-assets
INFO: Received 2 new packages in unstable/armhf to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Requesting 25 new versions in experimental/armhf...
INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/armhf
INFO: Amount: 2
INFO: Packages: epiphany-browser osgearth
INFO: Received 2 new packages in experimental/armhf to schedule.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-14 16:56: starpy ruby-handlebars-assets
INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2016-09-14 16:56: epiphany-browser osgearth
INFO: Building the schedule index page for armhf...
INFO: Page generated at https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_armhf_scheduled.html
INFO: Scheduling for architecture armhf done.
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Scheduled in testing+unstable+experimental: - amd64: 0+2+0 new versions, for 1370 or 447+913+10 packages in total. - i386: 40+40+6 ftbfs without bugs filed, 50+51+20 in depwait state, for 646 or 90+541+15 packages in total. - armhf: 0+2+2 new versions, for 1611 or 538+1032+41 packages in total.
INFO: Finished at 2016-09-15 04:56:44.937546, took: 2:22:06.648226
ERROR: Build step failed with exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Failed to copy /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/reproducible_scheduler/builds/16705/log to /tmp/log-parser_reproducible_scheduler_build_16705
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer$1.call(LogParserStatusComputer.java:62)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer$1.call(LogParserStatusComputer.java:47)
at hudson.remoting.LocalChannel.call(LocalChannel.java:45)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer.computeStatusMatches(LogParserStatusComputer.java:47)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer.<init>(LogParserStatusComputer.java:36)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserParser.parseLogBody(LogParserParser.java:309)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserParser.parseLog(LogParserParser.java:134)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserPublisher.perform(LogParserPublisher.java:131)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserPublisher.perform(LogParserPublisher.java:110)
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(BuildStepMonitor.java:20)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(AbstractBuild.java:779)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(AbstractBuild.java:720)
at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(Build.java:185)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.post(AbstractBuild.java:665)
at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1766)
at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:98)
at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:410)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Failed to copy /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/reproducible_scheduler/builds/16705/log to /tmp/log-parser_reproducible_scheduler_build_16705
at hudson.FilePath.copyTo(FilePath.java:2018)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer.computeStatusMatches(LogParserStatusComputer.java:88)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer.access$000(LogParserStatusComputer.java:22)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer$1.call(LogParserStatusComputer.java:54)
... 17 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: No space left on device
at java.io.FileOutputStream.writeBytes(Native Method)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:345)
at hudson.remoting.RemoteOutputStream.write(RemoteOutputStream.java:110)
at hudson.Util.copyStream(Util.java:646)
at hudson.FilePath$41.invoke(FilePath.java:2045)
at hudson.FilePath$41.invoke(FilePath.java:2039)
at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1018)
at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:996)
at hudson.FilePath.copyTo(FilePath.java:2039)
at hudson.FilePath.copyTo(FilePath.java:2013)
... 20 more
Build step 'Console output (build log) parsing' marked build as failure
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