[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_netbsd #119

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Thu Oct 20 07:12:42 UTC 2016

[...truncated 3273778 lines...]
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib/obj && rm -f libtest_g.a    || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib && rm -f libtest_g.a    || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib/obj && rm -f libtest_pic.a libtest.so.* libtest.so  ccexc.pico construct.pico virt.pico ccexc.pico.tmp construct.pico.tmp virt.pico.tmp || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib && rm -f libtest_pic.a libtest.so.* libtest.so  ccexc.pico construct.pico virt.pico ccexc.pico.tmp construct.pico.tmp virt.pico.tmp || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib/obj && rm -f llib-ltest.ln   || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib && rm -f llib-ltest.ln   || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib/obj && rm -f testlib.so libtest.so.1.map   a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib && rm -f testlib.so libtest.so.1.map   a.out [Ee]rrs mklog core *.core || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib/obj && rm -f .depend ccexc.d construct.d virt.d ccexc.d.tmp construct.d.tmp virt.d.tmp /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib/tags  || true) 
(cd /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib && rm -f .depend ccexc.d construct.d virt.d ccexc.d.tmp construct.d.tmp virt.d.tmp /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/regress/usr.bin/rtld/testlib/tags  || true) 
===> Successful make cleandir
===> build.sh ended:      Thu Oct 20 18:30:42 GMT-14 2016
===> Summary of results:
	 build.sh command:    ./build.sh -U -m amd64 cleandir
	 build.sh started:    Thu Oct 20 18:24:04 GMT-14 2016
	 NetBSD version:      7.99.39
	 MACHINE:             amd64
	 MACHINE_ARCH:        x86_64
	 Build platform:      Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64
	 HOST_SH:             /bin/sh
	 No $TOOLDIR/bin/nbmake, needs building.
	 Bootstrapping nbmake
	 MAKECONF file:       /etc/mk.conf (File not found)
	 TOOLDIR path:        /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/obj/tooldir.Linux-3.16.0-4-amd64-x86_64
	 DESTDIR path:        /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/obj/destdir.amd64
	 RELEASEDIR path:     /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/obj/releasedir
	 Created /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/obj/tooldir.Linux-3.16.0-4-amd64-x86_64/bin/nbmake
	 Updated makewrapper: /srv/workspace/chroots/rbuild-netbsd-build-AVVJ3cW4/netbsd/obj/tooldir.Linux-3.16.0-4-amd64-x86_64/bin/nbmake-amd64
	 Successful make cleandir
	 build.sh ended:      Thu Oct 20 18:30:42 GMT-14 2016
===> .
amd64 done, second time.
++ schroot --directory /tmp -c source:jenkins-reproducible-unstable-diffoscope diffoscope -- --version
+ DIFFOSCOPE='diffoscope 61'
+ echo =============================================================================
++ date -u
Thu 20 Oct 04:30:46 UTC 2016 - Running diffoscope 61 on NetBSD build results...
+ echo 'Thu 20 Oct 04:30:46 UTC 2016 - Running diffoscope 61 on NetBSD build results...'
+ echo =============================================================================
++ mktemp --tmpdir=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L
+ FILES_HTML=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/tmp.kdbvbVmnLT
++ mktemp --tmpdir=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L
+ GOOD_FILES_HTML=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/tmp.AyE4kYNvgH
++ mktemp --tmpdir=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L
+ BAD_FILES_HTML=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/tmp.BR7M3Bzoju
++ mktemp --tmpdir=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L
+ GOOD_SECTION_HTML=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/tmp.fIQ22CJZnm
++ mktemp --tmpdir=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L
+ BAD_SECTION_HTML=/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/tmp.98BTTEnNIB
+ create_results_dirs
+ mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/netbsd/dbd
+ cd /srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/b1
+ tree .
├── amd64
│   ├── binary
│   │   ├── kernel
│   │   │   ├── netbsd-GENERIC.gz
│   │   │   ├── netbsd-GENERIC.symbols.gz
│   │   │   ├── netbsd-INSTALL.gz
│   │   │   ├── netbsd-INSTALL.symbols.gz
│   │   │   ├── netbsd-INSTALL_XEN3_DOMU.gz
│   │   │   ├── netbsd-XEN3_DOM0.gz
│   │   │   └── netbsd-XEN3_DOMU.gz
│   │   └── sets
│   │       ├── base.tgz
│   │       ├── comp.tgz
│   │       ├── etc.tgz
│   │       ├── games.tgz
│   │       ├── kern-GENERIC.tgz
│   │       ├── kern-XEN3_DOM0.tgz
│   │       ├── kern-XEN3_DOMU.tgz
│   │       ├── man.tgz
│   │       ├── misc.tgz
│   │       ├── modules.tgz
│   │       ├── tests.tgz
│   │       └── text.tgz
│   ├── installation
│   │   ├── cdrom
│   │   │   ├── boot-com.iso
│   │   │   └── boot.iso
│   │   ├── miniroot
│   │   │   ├── cgdroot.kmod
│   │   │   └── miniroot.kmod
│   │   └── misc
│   │       └── pxeboot_ia32.bin
│   ├── INSTALL.html
│   ├── INSTALL.more
│   ├── INSTALL.ps
│   └── INSTALL.txt
└── sparc64
    ├── binary
    │   ├── kernel
    │   │   ├── netbsd-GENERIC.gz
    │   │   ├── netbsd-GENERIC.UP.gz
    │   │   ├── netbsd-INSTALL.gz
    │   │   └── netbsd-INSTALL.symbols.gz
    │   └── sets
    │       ├── base.tgz
    │       ├── comp.tgz
    │       ├── etc.tgz
    │       ├── games.tgz
    │       ├── kern-GENERIC.tgz
    │       ├── kern-GENERIC.UP.tgz
    │       ├── man.tgz
    │       ├── misc.tgz
    │       ├── modules.tgz
    │       ├── tests.tgz
    │       └── text.tgz
    ├── installation
    │   ├── miniroot
    │   │   └── miniroot.fs.gz
    │   ├── misc
    │   │   ├── bootblk
    │   │   ├── boot.fs.gz
    │   │   ├── installboot
    │   │   ├── instfs.tgz
    │   │   └── ofwboot
    │   └── netboot
    │       └── ofwboot.net
    ├── INSTALL.html
    ├── INSTALL.more
    ├── INSTALL.ps
    └── INSTALL.txt

16 directories, 54 files
+ for i in '*'
+ cd amd64
++ find binary installation INSTALL.html INSTALL.more INSTALL.ps INSTALL.txt -type f
++ sort -u
+ for j in '$(find * -type f |sort -u )'
+ let ALL_FILES+=1
+ call_diffoscope amd64 binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.gz
++ dirname binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.gz
+ mkdir -p /srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/amd64/binary/kernel
+ TMPLOG=(mktemp --tmpdir=$TMPDIR)
+ local TMPLOG
+ local msg=
+ set +e
+ timeout 30m nice schroot --directory /srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L -c source:jenkins-reproducible-unstable-diffoscope diffoscope -- --html /srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.gz.html /srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/b1/amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.gz /srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-netbsd-results-pqoycs9L/b2/amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.gz
++ grep '^E: 15binfmt: update-binfmts: unable to open' mktemp
++ true
+ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
+ false
+ set +x
Thu 20 Oct 04:30:47 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.gz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 04:30:49 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.symbols.gz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 04:32:22 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-INSTALL.gz
Thu 20 Oct 04:32:24 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-INSTALL.symbols.gz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 04:33:17 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-INSTALL_XEN3_DOMU.gz
Thu 20 Oct 04:33:19 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-XEN3_DOM0.gz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 04:33:20 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/kernel/netbsd-XEN3_DOMU.gz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 04:51:20 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate amd64/binary/sets/base.tgz
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’: terminating immediately
Exception ignored in: <bound method File.__del__ of <<class 'diffoscope.comparators.libarchive.LibarchiveMember'> ./usr/share/man/man3/krb5_rc_get_lifespan.3>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/diffoscope/comparators/binary.py", line 118, in __del__
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/diffoscope/comparators/utils.py", line 259, in cleanup
    if self._temp_dir is not None:
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/diffoscope/main.py", line 266, in sigterm_handler
SystemExit: 2
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:21 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 produced no output for amd64/binary/sets/comp.tgz and was killed after running into timeout after 30m...
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:22 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/etc.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:23 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/games.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:24 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/kern-GENERIC.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:26 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/kern-XEN3_DOM0.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:27 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/kern-XEN3_DOMU.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:29 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/man.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:30 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/misc.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:31 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/modules.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:33 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/tests.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 05:21:34 UTC 2016 - amd64/binary/sets/text.tgz is reproducible, yay!
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’: terminating immediately
Exception ignored in: <generator object Container.comparisons at 0x7f0ae15a6830>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/diffoscope/comparators/utils.py", line 226, in comparisons
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/diffoscope/main.py", line 266, in sigterm_handler
SystemExit: 2
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’
Thu 20 Oct 05:51:35 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 produced no output for amd64/installation/cdrom/boot-com.iso and was killed after running into timeout after 30m...
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’: terminating immediately
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:36 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 produced no output for amd64/installation/cdrom/boot.iso and was killed after running into timeout after 30m...
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:43 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate amd64/installation/miniroot/cgdroot.kmod
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:51 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate amd64/installation/miniroot/miniroot.kmod
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:52 UTC 2016 - amd64/installation/misc/pxeboot_ia32.bin is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:54 UTC 2016 - amd64/INSTALL.html is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:55 UTC 2016 - amd64/INSTALL.more is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:57 UTC 2016 - amd64/INSTALL.ps is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:58 UTC 2016 - amd64/INSTALL.txt is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 06:21:59 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.gz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 06:22:01 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/kernel/netbsd-GENERIC.UP.gz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 06:23:06 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate sparc64/binary/kernel/netbsd-INSTALL.gz
Thu 20 Oct 06:23:07 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/kernel/netbsd-INSTALL.symbols.gz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 06:39:45 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate sparc64/binary/sets/base.tgz
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’: terminating immediately
Exception ignored in: <bound method File.__del__ of <<class 'diffoscope.comparators.libarchive.LibarchiveMember'> ./usr/share/man/man3/uname.3>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/diffoscope/comparators/binary.py", line 117, in __del__
    def __del__(self):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/diffoscope/main.py", line 266, in sigterm_handler
SystemExit: 2
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:46 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 produced no output for sparc64/binary/sets/comp.tgz and was killed after running into timeout after 30m...
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:47 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/etc.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:48 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/games.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:49 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/kern-GENERIC.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:51 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/kern-GENERIC.UP.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:52 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/man.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:54 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/misc.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:55 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/modules.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:56 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/tests.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:09:58 UTC 2016 - sparc64/binary/sets/text.tgz is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:11 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate sparc64/installation/miniroot/miniroot.fs.gz
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:12 UTC 2016 - sparc64/installation/misc/bootblk is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:15 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate sparc64/installation/misc/boot.fs.gz
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:16 UTC 2016 - sparc64/installation/misc/installboot is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:53 UTC 2016 - diffoscope 61 found issues, please investigate sparc64/installation/misc/instfs.tgz
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:54 UTC 2016 - sparc64/installation/misc/ofwboot is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:55 UTC 2016 - sparc64/installation/netboot/ofwboot.net is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:57 UTC 2016 - sparc64/INSTALL.html is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:58 UTC 2016 - sparc64/INSTALL.more is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:10:59 UTC 2016 - sparc64/INSTALL.ps is reproducible, yay!
Thu 20 Oct 07:11:00 UTC 2016 - sparc64/INSTALL.txt is reproducible, yay!
‘netbsd/netbsd.html’ -> ‘/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/netbsd/netbsd.html’
Enjoy https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/netbsd/netbsd.html
Thu 20 Oct 07:11:01 UTC 2016 - total duration: 7h 28m 13s.
Sending 'https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/netbsd/ has been updated. (74.0% reproducible)' to reproducible-builds now.
malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "Can't connect to col...") at /usr/share/perl5/JSON/RPC/Legacy/Client.pm line 180.
Thu Oct 20 07:11:03 UTC 2016 - /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_netbsd.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-6xou8ioJ, which will now be removed.
ERROR: No artifacts are configured for archiving.
You probably forgot to set the file pattern, so please go back to the configuration and specify it.
If you really did mean to archive all the files in the workspace, please specify "**"
Build step 'Archive the artifacts' changed build result to FAILURE

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