[Qa-jenkins-scm] [jenkins.debian.net] 01/01: reproducible debian: fixup installation of unstable/experimental versions of diffoscope for stable/testing releases

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Sat Jul 15 11:46:46 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mattia pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jenkins.debian.net.

commit 36d88b06612905aa394a7cfbbc07a1c335a25f07
Author: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Jul 15 13:45:22 2017 +0200

    reproducible debian: fixup installation of unstable/experimental versions of diffoscope for stable/testing releases
    previously it would really work only for experimental
    Signed-off-by: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at debian.org>
 bin/schroot-create.sh | 13 +++++++------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/schroot-create.sh b/bin/schroot-create.sh
index e956adc..a484c4a 100755
--- a/bin/schroot-create.sh
+++ b/bin/schroot-create.sh
@@ -183,18 +183,19 @@ bootstrap() {
 		robust_chroot_apt install -y --no-install-recommends sudo
 		robust_chroot_apt install -y --no-install-recommends $@
 		# try to use diffoscope from experimental if available
-		if [ "$SUITE" != "experimental" ] && [ "$1" = "diffoscope" ] ; then
-			echo "deb $MIRROR experimental main"        | sudo tee -a $SCHROOT_TARGET/etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
-			robust_chroot_apt update
-			# install diffoscope from experimental without re-adding all recommends...
-			sudo chroot $SCHROOT_TARGET apt-get install -y -t experimental --no-install-recommends diffoscope || echo "Warning: diffoscope from experimental is uninstallable at the moment."
-        elif ([ "$SUITE" != "unstable" ] && [ "$SUITE" != "experimental" ]) && [ "$1" = "diffoscope" ] ; then
+		if ([ "$SUITE" != "unstable" ] && [ "$SUITE" != "experimental" ]) && [ "$1" = "diffoscope" ] ; then
 			# always try to use diffoscope from unstable on stretch/buster
 			echo "deb $MIRROR unstable main"        | sudo tee -a $SCHROOT_TARGET/etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
 			robust_chroot_apt update
 			# install diffoscope from unstable without re-adding all recommends...
 			sudo chroot $SCHROOT_TARGET apt-get install -y -t unstable --no-install-recommends diffoscope || echo "Warning: diffoscope from unstable is uninstallable at the moment."
+		if [ "$SUITE" != "experimental" ] && [ "$1" = "diffoscope" ] ; then
+			echo "deb $MIRROR experimental main"        | sudo tee -a $SCHROOT_TARGET/etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
+			robust_chroot_apt update
+			# install diffoscope from experimental without re-adding all recommends...
+			sudo chroot $SCHROOT_TARGET apt-get install -y -t experimental --no-install-recommends diffoscope || echo "Warning: diffoscope from experimental is uninstallable at the moment."
+		fi
 		if ! $DEBUG ; then set +x ; fi
 		if [ "$1" = "diffoscope" ] ; then

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git

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