[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_setup_schroot_experimental_armhf_jtk1a #52

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Tue Nov 7 02:00:55 UTC 2017

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_setup_schroot_experimental_armhf_jtk1a/52/display/redirect>

Started by timer
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on jtk1a-armhf-rb.debian.net (armhf jtk1a) in workspace <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_setup_schroot_experimental_armhf_jtk1a/ws/>
[reproducible_setup_schroot_experimental_armhf_jtk1a] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins6433572177748885332.sh
+ /srv/jenkins/bin/jenkins_master_wrapper.sh

Tue  7 Nov 01:40:06 UTC 2017 - running /srv/jenkins/bin/schroot-create.sh () on jtk1a now.

To learn to understand this, git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git
and then have a look at the files README, INSTALL, CONTRIBUTING and maybe TODO.

This invocation of this script, which is located in bin/schroot-create.sh,
has been called using "reproducible reproducible-experimental experimental" as arguments.

Please send feedback about jenkins to qa-jenkins-dev at lists.alioth.debian.org,
or as a bug against the 'jenkins.debian.org' pseudo-package,
feedback about specific job results should go to their respective lists and/or the BTS.

Tue  7 Nov 01:40:06 UTC 2017 - start running "/srv/jenkins/bin/schroot-create.sh" (md5sum 9f1d070ac949b169c80519a403d85f3c) as "/tmp/jenkins-script-Hj6UKG9t" on jtk1a.

Bootstraping sid into /schroots/schroot-install-reproducible-experimental-1kO3 now.
I: Retrieving InRelease 
I: Checking Release signature
I: Valid Release signature (key id 126C0D24BD8A2942CC7DF8AC7638D0442B90D010)
I: Retrieving Packages 
I: Validating Packages 
I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
Timeout, server jtk1a-armhf-rb.debian.net not responding.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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