[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] 2 commits: Revert "more stabbing after re-reading https://jenkins.io/blog/2016/11/21/gc-tuning/"

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Oct 30 21:12:28 GMT 2018

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

c0dd6923 by Holger Levsen at 2018-10-30T21:09:03Z
Revert "more stabbing after re-reading https://jenkins.io/blog/2016/11/21/gc-tuning/"

This reverts commit 45894bb4752e606173f5e8dd74218c31523ca49c.

- - - - -
9a1f15b3 by Holger Levsen at 2018-10-30T21:12:18Z
more stabbing after re-reading https://jenkins.io/blog/2016/11/21/gc-tuning/

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- bin/reproducible_common.sh
- bin/reproducible_html_archlinux.sh


@@ -857,104 +857,6 @@ create_debian_png_from_table() {
 	rm ${TABLE[$1]}.csv
-# create the png (and query the db to populate a csv file...) for Arch Linux
-create_archlinux_png_from_table() {
-	echo "Checking whether to update $2..."
-	# $1 = id of the stats table
-	# $2 = image file name
-	echo "${FIELDS[$1]}" > ${TABLE[$1]}.csv
-	# prepare query
-	if [ $1 -eq 0 ] || [ $1 -eq 2 ] ; then
-		# TABLE[0+2] have a architecture column:
-		WHERE_EXTRA="$WHERE_EXTRA AND architecture = '$ARCH'"
-	fi
-	# run query
-	if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then
-		# not sure if it's worth to generate the following query...
-		WHERE_EXTRA="AND architecture='$ARCH'"
-		# This query became much more obnoxious when gaining
-		# compatibility with postgres
-		query_to_csv "SELECT stats.datum,
-			 COALESCE(reproducible_stretch,0) AS reproducible_stretch,
-			 COALESCE(reproducible_buster,0) AS reproducible_buster,
-			 COALESCE(reproducible_unstable,0) AS reproducible_unstable,
-			 COALESCE(reproducible_experimental,0) AS reproducible_experimental,
-			 COALESCE(FTBR_stretch,0) AS FTBR_stretch,
-			 COALESCE(FTBR_buster,0) AS FTBR_buster,
-			 COALESCE(FTBR_unstable,0) AS FTBR_unstable,
-			 COALESCE(FTBR_experimental,0) AS FTBR_experimental,
-			 COALESCE(FTBFS_stretch,0) AS FTBFS_stretch,
-			 COALESCE(FTBFS_buster,0) AS FTBFS_buster,
-			 COALESCE(FTBFS_unstable,0) AS FTBFS_unstable,
-			 COALESCE(FTBFS_experimental,0) AS FTBFS_experimental,
-			 COALESCE(other_stretch,0) AS other_stretch,
-			 COALESCE(other_buster,0) AS other_buster,
-			 COALESCE(other_unstable,0) AS other_unstable,
-			 COALESCE(other_experimental,0) AS other_experimental
-			FROM (SELECT s.datum,
-			 COALESCE((SELECT e.reproducible FROM stats_builds_per_day AS e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='stretch' $WHERE_EXTRA),0) AS reproducible_stretch,
-			 COALESCE((SELECT e.reproducible FROM stats_builds_per_day AS e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='buster' $WHERE_EXTRA),0) AS reproducible_buster,
-			 COALESCE((SELECT e.reproducible FROM stats_builds_per_day AS e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='unstable' $WHERE_EXTRA),0) AS reproducible_unstable,
-			 COALESCE((SELECT e.reproducible FROM stats_builds_per_day AS e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='experimental' $WHERE_EXTRA),0) AS reproducible_experimental,
-			 (SELECT e.FTBR FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='stretch' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS FTBR_stretch,
-			 (SELECT e.FTBR FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='buster' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS FTBR_buster,
-			 (SELECT e.FTBR FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='unstable' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS FTBR_unstable,
-			 (SELECT e.FTBR FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='experimental' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS FTBR_experimental,
-			 (SELECT e.FTBFS FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='stretch' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS FTBFS_stretch,
-			 (SELECT e.FTBFS FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='buster' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS FTBFS_buster,
-			 (SELECT e.FTBFS FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='unstable' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS FTBFS_unstable,
-			 (SELECT e.FTBFS FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='experimental' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS FTBFS_experimental,
-			 (SELECT e.other FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='stretch' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS other_stretch,
-			 (SELECT e.other FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='buster' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS other_buster,
-			 (SELECT e.other FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='unstable' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS other_unstable,
-			 (SELECT e.other FROM stats_builds_per_day e WHERE s.datum=e.datum AND suite='experimental' $WHERE_EXTRA) AS other_experimental
-			 FROM stats_builds_per_day AS s GROUP BY s.datum) as stats
-			ORDER BY datum" >> ${TABLE[$1]}.csv
-	elif [ $1 -eq 2 ] ; then
-		# just make a graph of the oldest reproducible build (ignore FTBFS and FTBR)
-		query_to_csv "SELECT datum, oldest_reproducible FROM ${TABLE[$1]} ${WHERE_EXTRA} ORDER BY datum" >> ${TABLE[$1]}.csv
-	else
-		query_to_csv "SELECT ${FIELDS[$1]} from ${TABLE[$1]} ${WHERE_EXTRA} ORDER BY datum" >> ${TABLE[$1]}.csv
-	fi
-	# this is a gross hack: normally we take the number of colors a table should have...
-	#  for the builds_age table we only want one color, but different ones, so this hack:
-	if [ $1 -eq 2 ] ; then
-		case "$SUITE" in
-			stretch)	COLORS=40 ;;
-			buster)		COLORS=41 ;;
-			unstable)	COLORS=42 ;;
-			experimental)	COLORS=43 ;;
-		esac
-	fi
-	local WIDTH=1920
-	local HEIGHT=960
-	# only generate graph if the query returned data
-	if [ $(cat ${TABLE[$1]}.csv | wc -l) -gt 1 ] ; then
-		echo "Updating $2..."
-		DIR=$(dirname $2)
-		mkdir -p $DIR
-		echo "Generating $2."
-		/srv/jenkins/bin/make_graph.py ${TABLE[$1]}.csv $2 ${COLORS} "${MAINLABEL[$1]}" "${YLABEL[$1]}" $WIDTH $HEIGHT
-		mv $2 $ARCHBASE/$DIR
-		[ "$DIR" = "." ] || rmdir $(dirname $2)
-	# create empty dummy png if there havent been any results ever
-	elif [ ! -f $ARCHBASE/$DIR/$(basename $2) ] ; then
-		DIR=$(dirname $2)
-		mkdir -p $DIR
-		echo "Creating $2 dummy."
-		convert -size 1920x960 xc:#aaaaaa -depth 8 $2
-		mv $2 $ARCHBASE/$DIR
-		[ "$DIR" = "." ] || rmdir $(dirname $2)
-	fi
-	rm ${TABLE[$1]}.csv
 find_in_buildlogs() {
     egrep -q "$1" $ARCHLINUX_PKG_PATH/build1.log $ARCHLINUX_PKG_PATH/build2.log 2>/dev/null

@@ -437,15 +437,6 @@ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
-	# variables related to the stats we update
-	# FIELDS[0]="datum, reproducible, FTBR, FTBFS, other, untested" # FIXME: for this Arch Linux still uses a .csv file...
-	FIELDS[1]="datum"
-	for i in reproducible FTBR FTBFS other ; do
-	        for j in $SUITES ; do
-	                FIELDS[1]="${FIELDS[1]}, ${i}_${j}"
-	        done
-	done
-	FIELDS[2]="datum, oldest"

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/compare/45894bb4752e606173f5e8dd74218c31523ca49c...9a1f15b3eb0429c64d0cccd46809dfb09d56377c

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/compare/45894bb4752e606173f5e8dd74218c31523ca49c...9a1f15b3eb0429c64d0cccd46809dfb09d56377c
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