[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] reproducible Archlinux: Set LANG/LC_ALL for build 1

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Nov 22 20:22:50 GMT 2018

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

44c3eb6c by Jelle van der Waa at 2018-11-22T20:22:15Z
reproducible Archlinux: Set LANG/LC_ALL for build 1

Arch Linux's devtools explicitly sets LANG/LC_ALL, so set it for both
builds but with a different value.

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- bin/reproducible_build_archlinux_pkg.sh


@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ first_build() {
 	# modify timezone in the 1st build
 	echo 'export TZ="/usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT+12"' | schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory /tmp -- tee -a /var/lib/jenkins/.bashrc
+	# set LANG, LC_ALL to the same value as devtools.
+	export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
+	export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
 	# some more output for debugging
 	set -x
 	# remove possible lock in our local session (happens when root maintenance update running while session starts)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/commit/44c3eb6c41967fb2fb65f38afebb2b052b82091e

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/commit/44c3eb6c41967fb2fb65f38afebb2b052b82091e
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