[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_html_breakages #2509

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Sun Dec 16 00:30:10 GMT 2018

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_html_breakages/2509/display/redirect>

[...truncated 145.84 KB...]
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-gem2rpm (0.10.1-24) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-minitar (0.5.4-2) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-passenger (5.3.7-2) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-rack-1_3 (1.3.10-8) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-rack-1_4 (1.4.7-10) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-rack-1_6 (1.6.11-6) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-rice (1.7.0-3) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-ruby-augeas (0.5.0-3) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-rubyforge (2.0.4-9) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-sinatra (2.0.1-6) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-unicorn (5.4.1-6) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rubygem-yard (0.9.16-28) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/ruli (0.33-1.1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/runc (1.0.0~rc6-20) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/rust (1.30.0-31) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/amd64/rustc (1.24.1+dfsg1-1~deb9u4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/sac (1.3-8) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/sardana (2.2.2-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/sat4j (2.3.5-19) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/saxon6 (6.5.5-11) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/saxon8 (B.8.8-18) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/saxon9 ( is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/sbcl (1.4.7-47) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/sblim-cim-client2 (2.2.5-28) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/scalapack (2.0.2-10) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/schemaspy (5.0.0-4) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/scilab (6.0.1-29) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/scirenderer (1.1.0-4) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/sdcc (3.6.0-14) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/sdpb (1.0-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/amd64/seafile-client (6.2.7-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/semi-xemacs (1.14.6-17) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/servletapi3 (3.3.1-18) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/servletapi4 (4.0.4-20) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/servletapi5 (5.0.18-20) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/shogun (3.2.0-8) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/shogun (3.2.0-8) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/shogun (3.2.0-8) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/i386/shogun (3.2.0-8) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/sigil (0.9.10-6) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/simh (3.8.1-6) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/singular (1:4.1.1-p2+ds-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/singularity (2.6.0-6) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/skinlf (6.7-6) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/skyeye (1.2.5-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/armhf/slic3r (1.2.9+dfsg-9~deb9u1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/sm (2.2-5.6-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/smlsharp (1.2.0-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/smuxi (1.0.7-26) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/sn (0.3.8-12) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/soapyosmo (0.2.5-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/solarpowerlog (0.24-8) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/soprano (2.9.4+dfsg-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/soprano (2.9.4+dfsg-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/soprano (2.9.4+dfsg-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/soprano (2.9.4+dfsg-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/spectator (0.6+git74.9ef0de5-2) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/sphinxsearch (2.2.11-1.1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/squid (4.4-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/srecord (1.64-3) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/subversion (1.11.0-160) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/supertux (0.5.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/supertuxkart (0.9.3-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/svgcleaner (0.9.5-6) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/svxlink (17.12.2-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/swift-im (4.0-10) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/swing-layout (1.0.3-17) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/swing-worker (1.2-14) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/swingx (0.9.4-17) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/swipl (7.6.4-21) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/sword-dict-strongs-greek (1.2.1-4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/sword-text-web (3.1.1-4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/swtcalendar (0.5-2) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/swtchart (0.10.0-3) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/syntax-highlighting (5.52.0-25) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/syslog-ng (3.18.1-97) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/taglib (1.11.1+dfsg.1-0.2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/taglib (1.11.1+dfsg.1-0.2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/taglib (1.11.1+dfsg.1-0.2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/taglib (1.11.1+dfsg.1-0.2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/taglib-sharp ( is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tagsoup (1.2.1-2) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tanukiwrapper (3.5.35-17) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/tarantool-lts ( has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tardy (1.28-3) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tasque (0.1.12-31) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/teeworlds (0.7.0-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/teeworlds (0.6.4-3) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/armhf/teeworlds (0.7.0-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/arm64/telegram-desktop (1.4.0-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tensorflow (1.10.0-3) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: experimental/amd64/tensorflow (1.10.1+dfsg-A1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/the (3.3~rc1-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/armhf/therion (5.3.16-10) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/therion (5.3.16-10) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/thunderbird (1:60.3.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/thunderbird (1:60.3.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/thunderbird (1:60.3.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/amd64/thunderbird (1:60.2.1-2~deb9u1) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/arm64/thunderbird (1:60.2.1-2~deb9u1) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/armhf/thunderbird (1:60.2.1-2~deb9u1) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/thunderbird (1:60.2.1-2~deb9u1) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/amd64/thunderbird (1:60.3.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/arm64/thunderbird (1:60.3.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/i386/thunderbird (1:60.3.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tigervnc (1.9.0-54) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/tikzit (2.0+git20181101.87b50b-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/timezone-java (2018g-b0f177803b675fb723ccb17bdea9bad9) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/tntnet (2.2.1-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tomcat (9.0.13-46) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/toxiproxy (2.0.0+dfsg1-6) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/transfig (3.2.7a-39) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/trilinos (12.12.1-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/armhf/trove3 (3.0.3-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/armhf/tupi (0.2+git08-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tuxguitar (1.4-4) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/armhf/tuxpaint (1:0.9.23-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/tzdb (1.8-3) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/ufoai-maps (2.5-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/uhd ( has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/uhd ( has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/uhd ( has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: experimental/amd64/uhd ( has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: experimental/arm64/uhd ( has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: experimental/i386/uhd ( has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/uim (1.8.8-47) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/ullae-veliyae (1.0-13) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/umbrello (18.08.3-70) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/unmo3 (0.6-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: experimental/armhf/upspin (0.0~git20170809.0.54a9e56a-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/usbguard (0.7.4-4) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/util-vserver (0.30.216-pre3120-1.4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/uwsgi ( is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/vagrant (2.2.0-11) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/vdr-plugin-epgsearch (2.2.0+git20170817-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/vdr-plugin-epgsync (1.0.1-4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/vdr-plugin-live (2.3.1-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/armhf/vdr-plugin-live (2.3.1-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/vdr-plugin-remote (0.7.0-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/vdr-plugin-streamdev (0.6.1+git20170911-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/velum (4.0.0+dev+git_r940_e589023f00ba7897b32676d7be6938e270b4e7bb-42) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/verilator (4.006-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/verilator (4.006-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/viking (1.6.2-3.2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/vim (2:8.1.0549-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/vips (8.5.9-34) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/virtualbox (5.2.22-170) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/vlc (3.0.4-89) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/vokoscreen (2.5.0-1) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/vpp (18.07.1-19) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/vtk (8.1.2-36) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/vtk6 (6.3.0+dfsg2-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/vtk6 (6.3.0+dfsg2-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/vtk6 (6.3.0+dfsg2-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/vtk7 (7.1.1+dfsg1-11) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/vtk7 (7.1.1+dfsg1-11) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/vtk7 (7.1.1+dfsg1-11) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/amd64/vulkan (1.1.73+dfsg-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/arm64/vulkan (1.1.73+dfsg-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/webkit2gtk (2.22.4-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/webkit2gtk (2.22.4-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/webkit2gtk (2.22.4-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/webkit2gtk (2.18.6-1~deb9u1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: experimental/amd64/webkit2gtk (2.23.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: experimental/arm64/webkit2gtk (2.23.1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/i386/webkit2gtk (2.22.4-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/amd64/webkitgtk (2.4.11-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/arm64/webkitgtk (2.4.11-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/webkitgtk (2.4.11-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/werken-xpath (0.9.4-17) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/whitedune (0.30.10-2.1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/wine (4.0~rc1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/wine (4.0~rc1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/wine (4.0~rc1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/amd64/wine (1.8.7-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/arm64/wine (1.8.7-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/armhf/wine (1.8.7-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/wine (1.8.7-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/wine (3.21-267) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/amd64/wine (3.0.3-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/arm64/wine (3.0.3-2) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/armhf/wine (3.0.3-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/i386/wine (3.0.3-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/wine-development (3.21-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/wine-development (3.21-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/amd64/wine-development (2.0-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/arm64/wine-development (2.0-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/armhf/wine-development (2.0-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/wine-development (2.0-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/amd64/wine-development (3.21-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/i386/wine-development (3.21-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/wireshark (2.6.5-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/wireshark (2.6.5-141) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/woo (1.0+dfsg1-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/wsdl4j (1.6.3-22) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/ws-jaxme (0.5.2-20) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/wxpython4.0 (4.0.1+dfsg-6) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/armhf/xalan (1.11-6) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xalan-j2 (2.7.2-25) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xapian-bindings (1.4.9-30) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xemacs (21.5.34-90) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/arm64/xemacs21 (21.4.24-4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xemacs-packages (20130822-41) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xen (4.11.0_09-257) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xerces-j2 (2.11.0-39) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xindy (2.5.1-13) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xine-ui (0.99.10-37) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xmlbeans (2.6.0-31) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xmlbeans-mini (2.6.0-89af14f48ed4ea779662b2301f7d59c0) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xml-commons-apis-bootstrap (1.4.01-7cfd8951a50d3d827e6feb45a4e2c741) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xmldb-api (0.1-16) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xmlgraphics-batik (1.9-17) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xmlgraphics-commons (2.3-23) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xmlunit (1.5-17) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/xmonad (0.14.2-3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xonsh (0.8.1-10) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/i386/xorg-server (2:1.20.3-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xpp2 (2.1.10-17) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/xpp3 (1.1.4c-19) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/xtables-addons (3.2-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/xz-utils (5.2.2-1.3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/amd64/yade (2018.02b-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/arm64/yade (2018.02b-5) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/yadifa (2.3.8-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/armhf/yosys (0.8-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/i386/yosys (0.8-1) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/z3 (4.4.1-0.4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/z3 (4.4.1-0.4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/armhf/z3 (4.4.1-0.3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: stretch/i386/z3 (4.4.1-0.3) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/armhf/z3 (4.4.1-0.4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: buster/i386/z3 (4.4.1-0.4) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/armhf/zfs-fuse (0.7.0-18) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: unstable/i386/znc (1.7.1-2) has diffoscope output, but it does not seem to be an HTML page.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] WARNING: factory/x86_64/znc (1.7.1-15) is FTBR without diffoscope file.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] INFO: Updating db table stats_breakages on 2018-12-15 with 437 timeouts and 600 crashes.
[2018-12-16 00:30:08] INFO: Creating graph for stats_breakges.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_html_breakages.py", line 397, in <module>
    breakages = gen_html()
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_html_breakages.py", line 362, in gen_html
    'crashed:', without_dbd)
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_html_breakages.py", line 280, in _gen_packages_html
    html += Package(pkg[0]).html_link(pkg[2], pkg[3], bugs=False).strip()
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/rblib/models.py", line 292, in html_link
    notes = self.builds[suite][arch].note
KeyError: 'factory'
[2018-12-16 00:30:09] INFO: Finished at 2018-12-16 00:30:09.793309, took: 0:00:05.928435
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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