[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] 2 commits: reproducible archlinux: fix preseed of pgp keys by sending output to stdout

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jan 24 19:06:20 GMT 2019

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

da198a0d by Eli Schwartz at 2019-01-24T19:06:05Z
reproducible archlinux: fix preseed of pgp keys by sending output to stdout

gnupg sends all the interesting statuses to stderr, so this never
actually logged the things.

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -
1505eb58 by Holger Levsen at 2019-01-24T19:06:05Z
fix typo

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- README.infrastructure
- bin/reproducible_build_archlinux_pkg.sh


@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ access including remote console and BIOS access.
 We now also have 8 nodes running at osuosl.org. Contact via #osuosl on freenode or mail to 
 support at osuosl.org mentioning the machine name in the subject.
-Please note that the machines are calloed gcc167-174 at osuosl.org.
+Please note that the machines are called gcc167-174 at osuosl.org.
 === arm64 nodes

@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ first_build() {
 	# show env variables
 	schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory "$BUILDDIR/$ACTUAL_SRCPACKAGE/trunk" -- bash -l -c "$MAKEPKG_ENV_VARS printenv 2>&1" | tee -a $LOG
 	# preseed GnuPG keys if relevant in order to get good error logs
-	schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory "$BUILDDIR/$ACTUAL_SRCPACKAGE/trunk" -- bash -l -c "makepkg --printsrcinfo | awk -F ' = ' '/^\s+validpgpkeys/{print \$2}'| while read pgpkey; do gpg --recv-key \$pgpkey; done" | tee -a $LOG
+	schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory "$BUILDDIR/$ACTUAL_SRCPACKAGE/trunk" -- bash -l -c "makepkg --printsrcinfo | awk -F ' = ' '/^\s+validpgpkeys/{print \$2}'| while read pgpkey; do gpg --recv-key \$pgpkey; done" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
 	# nicely run makepkg with a timeout of $TIMEOUT hours
 	timeout -k $TIMEOUT.1h ${TIMEOUT}h /usr/bin/ionice -c 3 /usr/bin/nice \
 		schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory "$BUILDDIR/$ACTUAL_SRCPACKAGE/trunk" -- bash -l -c "$MAKEPKG_ENV_VARS makepkg $MAKEPKG_OPTIONS 2>&1" | tee -a $LOG
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ second_build() {
 	# show env variables
 	schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory "$BUILDDIR/$ACTUAL_SRCPACKAGE/trunk" -u root -- su -c "bash -l -c '$MAKEPKG_ENV_VARS printenv 2>&1'" build2 | tee -a $LOG
 	# preseed GnuPG keys if relevant in order to get good error logs
-	schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory "$BUILDDIR/$ACTUAL_SRCPACKAGE/trunk" -- bash -l -c "makepkg --printsrcinfo | awk -F ' = ' '/^\s+validpgpkeys/{print \$2}'| while read pgpkey; do gpg --recv-key \$pgpkey; done" | tee -a $LOG
+	schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory "$BUILDDIR/$ACTUAL_SRCPACKAGE/trunk" -- bash -l -c "makepkg --printsrcinfo | awk -F ' = ' '/^\s+validpgpkeys/{print \$2}'| while read pgpkey; do gpg --recv-key \$pgpkey; done" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
 	# nicely run makepkg with a timeout of $TIMEOUT hours
 	timeout -k $TIMEOUT.1h ${TIMEOUT}h /usr/bin/ionice -c 3 /usr/bin/nice \
 		schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory "$BUILDDIR/$ACTUAL_SRCPACKAGE/trunk" -- bash -l -c "$MAKEPKG_ENV_VARS makepkg $MAKEPKG_OPTIONS 2>&1" | tee -a $LOG

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/compare/42cb05a46eb529803a12797f78a4d21e6b0713da...1505eb581712cea7884fb38ccd39985d9e87760d

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/compare/42cb05a46eb529803a12797f78a4d21e6b0713da...1505eb581712cea7884fb38ccd39985d9e87760d
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