[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: lintian-tests_stretch-backports #797

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Wed Feb 13 21:43:39 GMT 2019

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/lintian-tests_stretch-backports/797/display/redirect?page=changes>


[lamby] Remove tag 'hyphen-in-upstream-part-of-debian-changelog-version'

[lamby] t/tests/cruft-empty-diff: Remove unnecessary debian/debian/compat.in.

[lamby] t/runtests: Pass "Dh-Compat-Level" to test templates, which allows the

[lamby] Move debhelper compat level in tests from debian/debian/compat into

[lamby] Add missing plural.

[lamby] Check binaries using strings(1) for uses-dpkg-database-directly.

[abe] Remove line-break which caused check-descs to fail

[abe] data/description/planned-features: Add "is planned" and "is also

[lamby] Remove extra files from test specifications.

[lamby] t/runtests: Always use 'orig','diff' and 'debian' to build packages in

[lamby] Move upstream files from 'debian' to 'orig' (mostly for tests using a

[lamby] Move packaging files from 'debian' to 'diff' when appropriate (for very

[lamby] t/templates/tests: Move templates for debian packaging files up one

[lamby] t/runtest: Strip 'debian' from template whitelist paths (no more

[lamby] t/runtests: Fill templates only in 'orig/debian' since template paths

[lamby] t/runtests: Copy packaging files from ./debian instead of

[lamby] t/runtests: Read package format from ./debian instead of

[lamby] t/tests: Move 'debian' directory up a level for all tests (no more

[lamby] t/tests/README: Explain new file hierarchy, including 'diff' and the

[lamby] Apply a patch from Felix Lechner to implement a new file hierarchy for

[lamby] Revert "Remove tag 'hyphen-in-upstream-part-of-debian-changelog-version'

[lamby] Add lintian itself to @ALLOWED_USES_DPKG_DATABASE to avoid

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.113 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.114.

[pabs] Sort the dictionary

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[pabs] Fix typo

[lamby] Consistently use (eg.) "DEP 5" over "DEP-5" to match the style used on

[lamby] t/whitelists: Add lists of files that may be generated automatically by

[lamby] t/skeletons: Add more complex config files to replace logic based solely

[lamby] Add flexible templating for tests; reuses skeleton declaration for more

[lamby] debian/control: Add Build-Depends: libfile-find-rule-perl,

[lamby] t/runtests: Use flexible templating system that reuses "Skeleton:" in a

[lamby] Explain flexible templating feature in README (also includes two

[lamby] t/templates: Remove symbolic links that are no longer needed.

[lamby] lib/Test/Lintian/Harness.pm: Remove templating routines no longer used;

[lamby] debian/control: Remove Build-Depends: rsync

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to make the templating more

[lamby] Apply a patch from Stephen Kitt to avoid false-positives for the

[lamby] Prevent false-positives for files called (eg.) readMesh_off.m for the

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.114 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.115.

[pabs] spelling: Add another correction

[lamby] Rebuild work directories for tests when old artifacts related to

[lamby] Fail tests with outdated specifications (ie. ./debian/debian exists).

[lamby] Apply a patch from Felix Lechner to fail tests with outdated

[lamby] t/tests/files-multiarch-foreign-files: Fix on non-amd64 architectures.

[lamby] Fix two typos introduced when parameterising test architectures in

[lamby] Re-add accidentally-removed changelog entry for

[lamby] Drop the debian-rules-makemaker-prefix-is-deprecated tag as the

[lamby] Allow packages to define an RPATH under /usr/lib/ghc/ as the Haskell

[lamby] Add builder templates for test cases; used for automatic rebuilding.

[lamby] Add fill whitelist 'make-builder' for make-based build systems in tests.

[lamby] Add the make-based builder templates to the skeleton definitions, when

[lamby] Use the make-based builder for suite tests, which was previously coded

[lamby] Use parameterized builder definitions according to suite when running

[lamby] Unify the test runners for all suites; use a universal runner instead.

[lamby] Add file with default values for 'desc' test descriptions; to be read

[lamby] Read default values for test specifications from t/defaults/desc instead

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to implement a universal test

[lamby] Downgrade package-uses-vendor-specific-patch-series from "E:" to "W:" as

[lamby] debian/changelog: Drop duplicate "on".

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.115 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.116.

[lamby] Do not use a global build stamp for tests in debian/rules. (MR: !80)

[lamby] Unlist build stamp 'runtests' from .gitignore.

[lamby] In tests, allow /debian/rules to be generated from templates. (!MR: 81)

[lamby] Remove wrong line number for

[lamby] Adjust test tags to new emitted format.

[lamby] Apply a patch from Felix Lechner to remove an incorrect line number in

[lamby] Remove pre-existing metadata in the upstream-metadata-is-not-a-file

[lamby] Transfer file permissions from templates to generated files.

[lamby] Add post-template script to the template set 'make-builder' for tests.

[lamby] Add a default post-template command; it is post_template.

[lamby] Add empty watch files to the template sets for tests.

[lamby] Remove dynamic generation of watch file from builder Makefile.

[lamby] Execute post-template adjustment script in t/runtests.

[lamby] Add a builder-only skeleton; does not supply any Debian templates.

[lamby] Fix test generic-dh-make-2008 to work without external templates.

[lamby] Fix test generic-dh-make-2005 to work without external templates.

[lamby] Simplify test cruft-empty-diff; use only templates; no copies in ./orig.

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to provide a generalised

[lamby] Use safe_qx() instead of qx{} in test runner. (MR: !85)

[lamby] Replace FIXME with MR reference.

[lamby] Fix maximum existing version of Java class file format. (MR: !86)

[lamby] Remove file/directory conflicts before copying templates.

[lamby] Parameterise the distribution in the 'pedantic' changelog template.

[lamby] Add ${shlibs:Depends} to the "pedantic" control file template.

[lamby] Update copyright information for the "pedantic" template set.

[lamby] Add a missing newline character.

[lamby] Use the "pedantic" Debian files in the default skeleton.

[lamby] Provide non-empty diff/Changes files for four tests.

[lamby] Remove the line "Skeleton: pedantic" from all test descriptions.

[lamby] Delete the "pedantic" skeleton (no longer needed).

[lamby] Delete "pedantic" template set for upstream files; no longer used.

[lamby] Delete "default" template set for Debian files (no longer needed).

[lamby] Delete two outdated changelogs that describe historical template sets.

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to make "pedantic" templates the

[lamby] Move template sets; remove suite from path and make part of name.

[lamby] Change names of template sets in test skeletons to incorporate the

[lamby] In the test runner, remove suite as a component of the template search

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to support suite-independent

[lamby] Update data/fields/perl-provides for Perl 5.028001.

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.116 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.117.

[lamby] Correct grammar of the debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature tag

[lamby] debian/changelog: Strip vim modeline.

[lamby] Don't emit uses-dpkg-database-directly for d-i components.

[lamby] Reopen new changelog entry for 2.5.117; was accidentally removed in

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Use the output from file(1) when determining whether to emit the

[lamby] Delete variables not needed.

[lamby] Remove code for executing post-template command from t/runtests.

[lamby] Remove default Post-Skeleton-Command from t/defaults/desc.

[lamby] Delete post-template script from template set tests-make-builder.

[lamby] Move watch file to separate template set (for suite tests).

[lamby] Add non-native skeleton that includes a watch file, for suite 'tests'.

[lamby] Add Skeleton: non-native to all tests that need it.

[lamby] Turn skeleton into a suite-based default.

[lamby] Add Type: non-native to skeleton 'non-native'.

[lamby] Add Type: non-native to skeleton 'builder-only'.

[lamby] Removed declared Type: from all tests in t/tests; now served via

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to use "skeletons" as test

[lamby] Fix a mismatched formatting tag.

[lamby] Export LINTIAN_ROOT to the environment.

[lamby] Use absolute reference to TESTSET.

[lamby] Calculate suite from path on the fly.

[lamby] Add lib/Test/Lintian/Filter.pm to get testpaths from 'onlyrun'.

[lamby] Use lib/Test/Lintian/Filter.pm to determine testpaths from 'onlyrun'.

[lamby] debian/tests/testsuite: Adjust autopkgtest command to new onlyrun syntax

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to improve the "onlyrun=" test

[lamby] Add null pointer check to avoid exception.

[lamby] Add newly emitted tag to generic_dh_make_2008; per author's wishes.

[lamby] Change to Arch:all to avoid package-contains-no-arch-dependent-files.

[lamby] Add newly emitted 'package-contains-no-arch-dependent-files' to tests.

[lamby] Add gpg and gpg-agent to Build-Depends.

[lamby] Modify the 'make' builder to automatically sign upstream packages.

[lamby] Add test verifing new facility to sign upstream packages.

[lamby] Apply a patch set from Felix Lechner to sign test packages. when a

[lamby] Run perltidy on checks/files.pm after edit. (MR: !94)

[lamby] Mark debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature as "experimental".

[lamby] Fix a test definition/output from previous commit.

[lamby] Refactor, tidy and optimise various checks for the contents of files.

[lamby] Check files for references to the build path if specified in a

[lamby] Don't emit systemd-service-file-missing-hardening-features for

[lamby] Adjust expected tags for debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature.

[lamby] Add missing argument $build_path to function.

[lamby] Clarify that symbols-file-missing-build-depends-package-field is emitted

[lamby] debian/changelog: Fix order.

[lamby] Move Test::State into a separate module.

[lamby] Split test runner into two phases; prepare and run.

[lamby] Move prepare functionality to Test::Lintian::Prepare.

[lamby] Move runner functionality to Test::Lintian::Run.

[lamby] Replace a number of variables in the test runner.

[lamby] Export 'STANDARDS_VERSION' as 'ENV{POLICY_VERSION}' in test runner.

[lamby] Export 'RUNNER_TS' as 'ENV{HARNESS_EPOCH}' in test runner.

[lamby] Export 'ARCHITECTURE' as 'ENV{DEB_HOST_ARCH}' in test runner.

[lamby] Remove unnecessary Debian diffs from two tests.

[lamby] Add basic POD for Test::State. (Closes: #916444)

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.117 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.118.

[roucaries.bastien+debian] Detect html5shiv library

[lamby] Revert "Detect html5shiv library"

[lamby] Don't emit package-contains-documentation-outside-usr-share-doc for

[lamby] Warn about obsolete debian/tests/control.autodep8 files.

[lamby] Check for duplicate autopkgtest input files.  (MR: !95)

[lamby] Add missing closing ")".

[lamby] Make version-substvar-for-external-package require versioned provides.

[lamby] Avoid a number of false-positives in documentation files when processing

[lamby] Add 'sleep.target' to the list of valid WantedBy systemd targets.

[lamby] Don't emit systemd-service-file-missing-hardening-features for

[lamby] Add default and network-online to the list of valid WantedBy systemd

[lamby] Remove diff directories and contents for two tests. (MR: !103)

[lamby] Downgrade the appstream-metadata-missing-modalias-provide tag from "W"

[lamby] Revert "Downgrade the appstream-metadata-missing-modalias-provide tag

[lamby] Add description of 'updeb' to test description. (MR: !104)

[lamby] Prevent package-contains-no-arch-dependent-files false-positives by

[lamby] Add libcapture-tiny-perl and libtry-tiny-perl to Build-Depends.

[lamby] Resolve current DATE locally.

[lamby] Add config file for default file names.

[lamby] Provide functionality to write configuration files.

[lamby] Get rid of old build stamp.

[lamby] Set $ENV{PERL_PATH_TINY_NO_FLOCK} when using IO::Async::Routine.

[lamby] Refer to test cases using paths inside the persistent runners.

[lamby] Get latest policy version and effective date from Lintian profile.

[lamby] Move discretionary skip detection to runner phase.

[lamby] Add separate functionality to test for missing test dependencies.

[lamby] Move detection of missing build dependencies to runner phase.

[lamby] Move detection of restricted test architecture to runner phase.

[lamby] Remove remaining inter-process messages from preparation stage.

[lamby] Log everything in the preparation stage.

[lamby] Add logging statements previously removed.

[lamby] Use rewritten Lintian call for Perl coverage (also separates sorting).

[lamby] Move variable dump_logs to the environment.

[lamby] Use captured logging in the test running stage.

[lamby] Add more logging statements to test runner.

[lamby] Clean up version calculations in Test::Lintian::Prepare.

[lamby] Use Build-Depends from builder; no longer static.

[lamby] Delete filled builder.

[lamby] More comprehensive detection of old build artifacts in tests.

[lamby] Remove Lintian include dir functionality already provided elsewhere.

[lamby] Clean up setting of helper path.

[lamby] Use only environment references to Lintian installation paths.

[lamby] Rearrange the way the existing environment is handled and printed.

[lamby] Announce host architecture.

[lamby] Move the announcement of latest Debian policy and effective date.

[lamby] Rename variable run_all_tests to keep_going.

[lamby] Move setting of autoflush on STDOUT to beginning of program.

[lamby] Move several variable declarations and assignments.

[lamby] Change exit behavior of usage() function.

[lamby] Devolve function parse_args into main program.

[lamby] Update help text.

[lamby] Add new test selectors to README.

[lamby] Remove outdated explanation of exit codes.

[lamby] Change internal_error to die.

[lamby] Change runsystem_ok to safe_qx.

[lamby] Remove unused imports.

[lamby] Remove unused Test::Lintian::Harness.

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to capture log output in tests

[lamby] Fixup changelog entry wildcard.

[lamby] wrap-and-sort -sa.

[lamby] debian/{docs,lintian.install}: Order lines.

[lamby] CONTRIBUTING.md: Update a number of references to Salsa, recommending

[lamby] Add (duplicate) bug reference for the recent

[lamby] Consistently use a single space after a full-stop/period.

[lamby] Check for GNU triplet when testing for

[lamby] Print diff output for failed tests. (MR: !105)

[lamby] Check that 1.2-3~debXuY stanzas follow a 1.2-3 one. (Closes: #916877)

[lamby] Record path to test specification in test working directory.

[lamby] Run diff against tags in specification instead of copy in debian-out.

[lamby] Allow some alternatives in the "invariant sections" regular expressions

[lamby] Correct logic of package-contains-no-arch-dependent-files detection

[lamby] debian/changelog: Correct "environment" typo.

[pabs] Sort the dictionary

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Clarify that spaces are valid in variable assignments. (Closes: #917120)

[lamby] Correct ordering of debian/changelog sub-entries.

[lamby] Add 4.3.0 as a known Standards-Version.

[lamby] Remove all references to runsystem_ok.

[lamby] Remove import Test::Lintian::Harness.

[lamby] Fix path to expected tags when those tags were calibrated.

[lamby] Fixup the description of the non-standard-apache2-module-package-name

[lamby] Update location of the Python policy; it is now shipped in the "python3"

[lamby] Refresh data/output/manual-references.

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.118 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.119.

[lamby] Avoid false-positives in changelog-file-missing-explicit-entry when

[lamby] Delete templates in tests when no fill is necessary. (MR: !108)

[lamby] Update dependency-on-python-version-marked-for-end-of-life's description

[lamby] Tag more GFDL variations as "non official".

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Clarify that "Build-Depends-Package" lines should start in column 1 of

[lamby] Drop errant ">".

[lamby] Bump the recommended and experimental debhelper compat levels to 12 and

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Detect the html5shiv Javascript library.

[lamby] Recommend the libjs-normalize virtual package instead of

[lamby] Detect the mocha Javascript framework and recommend libjs-mocha.

[lamby] Detect the libjs-expect.js package as a "privacy breaker".

[lamby] Detect the "chai" Javascript testing framework.

[lamby] Include the debhelper-compat method of setting the compatibility level

[lamby] checks/debhelper.desc: Update tag descriptions to use the new

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.119 into unstable.

[lamby] Remove a tag that is no longer emitted. (!MR 112)

[lamby] Revert "Release lintian/2.5.119 into unstable."

[lamby] Add helper routine to get recommended dh compat from Lintian::Data.

[lamby] Export recommended dh compat to env as DEFAULT_DEBHELPER_COMPAT.

[lamby] Use DEFAULT_DEBHELPER_COMPAT from env instead of hardcoded value.

[lamby] Add Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} to control.in in templates.

[lamby] Add Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} to tests that need it.

[lamby] Update test tags for debhelper compat bump to 12.

[lamby] Require compat 11 for tests that needs it.

[lamby] Bump debhelper versions in experimental test.

[lamby] Fix a python-related test after debhelper bump.

[lamby] Fix test conffiles-general for debhelper 12.

[lamby] Fix test fields-mua for debhelper 12.

[lamby] Override dh_dwz in two tests that fail because of it.

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to update the Debhelper

[lamby] Provide writable temporary home directory for GPG. (Closes: #913930)

[lamby] Adjust to groff output using left single quote instead of apostrophe.

[lamby] Skip some input file information prepended by groff-base.

[lamby] Add new tag for man errors in included material. (Closes: #917844)

[lamby] Limit test 'manpage-general' to groff-base >= 1.22.4.

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to ensure the tests pass under

[lamby] Move to debhelper compat level 12.

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.119 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.120.

[lamby] Add optional support for stripping comments at EOL in read_dpkg_control

[lamby] Drop versioned-dependency-satisfied-by-perl. (Closes: #917967)

[lamby] Clarify that spelling-* tags also correct various grammatical errors

[lamby] Handle systemd service templates for missing init scripts

[lamby] Correct grammar.

[lamby] Add "brightness" to the list of initscripts that do not need a

[lamby] Guile object files do not objdump/strip correctly so exclude them from a

[abe] override_dh_auto_test-does-not-check-DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS:

[abe] Build-conflict with libperl-critic-pulp-perl <!nocheck>

[lamby] Fix false-positives in the unnecessary-testsuite-autopkgtest-field tag

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.120 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.121.

[lamby] Fix debhelper-compat-experimental test after compat upgrade. (!MR 117)

[lamby] Fix test runtests-calibration for repeat runs.

[lamby] Add module ScriptAge.pm to calculate the age of Perl executables.

[lamby] Add module StagedFileProducer.pm for adaptive building in tests.

[lamby] Calculate HARNESS_EPOCH more accurately.

[lamby] Export RUNNER_EPOCH to the environment.

[lamby] Calculate LINTIAN_EPOCH and export to environment.

[lamby] Set default locale and umask in runner instead of harness.

[lamby] Set lowest possible mtime for files generated from templates.

[lamby] Calculate oldest possible age for test data in test preparation.

[lamby] Calculate and announce various age thresholds in test runner.

[lamby] Build tests in stages that are executed only when needed.

[lamby] Exclude log file from adaptive building.

[lamby] Make check_result() in test runner independent from test harness.

[lamby] Remove unused variables.

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to support adaptive rebuilding,

[lamby] Check for manual calls to dpkg-maintscript-helper(1) in maintainer

[lamby] Fix symbols-file-missing-build-depends-package-field false-positives

[lamby] data/scripts/interpreters: Fix the julia interpreter path.

[lamby] Run code quality scripts through TAP::Harness instead of 'prove'.

[lamby] t/harness: Add four internal tests for harness consistency.

[lamby] Always run internal harness tests regardless of user selection.

[lamby] Give a quick usage hint when no tests were selected.

[lamby] Add documentation about internal harness tests to README for tests.

[lamby] Remove reference to sequence numbers in README for tests.

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to add a number of "internal"

[lamby] Grumpy lamby.

[lamby] Check for packages that have maintainer scripts that ship support code

[lamby] Correct older changelog entry; the recommended levels were set to 11 and

[lamby] Don't emit a pedantic warning for compat level 12 until bullseye. 

[lamby] Appease perlcritic by using underscores in long number.

[lamby] Re-instate older changelog entry; the levels were set to 12 and 13.

[lamby] Exit with non-zero when test fails in TAP::Harness. (re. #918817)

[lamby] Use paths in test queue (instead of testcase data structure).

[lamby] Use relative paths as process labels instead of suite::testname.

[lamby] Split test preparation from test runner.

[lamby] Clean up process messaging in test runner.

[lamby] Apply a patch series from Felix Lechner to split the preparation of

[lamby] Fix duplicate word in changelog.

[lamby] Send an explicit reference to string when using IO::Async::Channel.

[lamby] Fix tests for debhelper downgrade.

[lamby] Update tests to reflect new dpkg-maintscript-helper warning.

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.121 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.122.

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Lets try using "gbp dch" this release.

[lamby] t/runners: Add a generic test script for TAP::Harness.

[lamby] Add name of the generic TAP script to the default settings.

[lamby] Install generic TAP script into work directories during preparation.

[lamby] Convert test modules to the "Test Anything Protocol" (TAP).

[lamby] Run TAP scripts for all tests through TAP::Harness. (MR: !124)

[lamby] Add a note that using a maintainer-script-should-not- prefix ensures

[lamby] Prevent false-positives in

[lamby] Update Java policy references as a new Docbook generates different HTML

[lamby] Update Debian Policy regex and manual references since this document

[lamby] perltidy refresh-manual-refs.

[lamby] Split the wrong-path-for-interpreter into "wrong" and "incorrect"

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] For autopkgtests, always use the extracted testing code. (Closes:

[lamby] Make harness timestamp calculation more robust for non-existent files.

[lamby] Always use the installed dplint in autopkgtests.

[lamby] Prune Uploaders field to the members of the "lintian" LDAP group with

[lamby] Clarify some grammar in the package long description.

[lamby] t/runtests: Tidy "sorry" message.

[lamby] Add a pedantic-only check to help detect files installed to /. (MR:

[lamby] Add a check for empty executable files in PATH; these files do not do

[lamby] Exit test runner with error code after parsing errors on the command

[lamby] Also add package-contains-real-file-outside-usr to files-foo-in-bar.

[lamby] Don't emit "uninitialized variable" when $link is undefined.

[lamby] Actually check that the executable file is empty.

[lamby] Also allow for "... & fill in with gbp dch" when generating tag

[lamby] Drop changelog-format.t tests now we are trialling using gbp-dch.

[lamby] Drop trailing full-stop when parsing new DocBook headers to fix broken

[lamby] Update tests for new tags.

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.122 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.123.

[lamby] Check for inconsistencies between debian/copyright and the information

[pabs] spelling: Add another correction

[lamby] Prevent a large number false-positives when checking "new style" init

[pabs] spelling: Add another correction

[pabs] spelling: Add another correction

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Reword the description of the description-too-long tag to match the

[niels] Migrate L::Unpacker to use IO::Async

[niels] L::Unpacker: Refactor to extract a "find_next_task"-sub(-generator)

[niels] lintian: Do entry removals asynchroniously in temp labs

[niels] L::Unpacker: Add a simple queue to avoid some overhead

[niels] L::Unpacker: Support prioritizing unpacking by collections

[niels] Apply perltidy

[lamby] Duplicate tests for package-contains-real-file-outside-usr into a new

[lamby] Prevent false-positives for leading directory entries when checking for

[lamby] Move package-contains-real-file-outside-usr to "Classification" severity

[lamby] Rename package-contains-real-file-outside-usr to

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Rename template set tests-watchfile to debian-extra-non-native.

[lamby] Rename template set tests-pedantic to debian-native.

[lamby] Use renamed template sets in skeletons for suite tests.

[lamby] Move upstream/metadata from debian-native to debian-extra-non-native.

[lamby] Use debian-native in suite source.

[lamby] Delete unused template set source-arch-independent.

[lamby] Rename template set debs-arch-independent to DEBIAN.

[lamby] Use renamed template set DEBIAN in suite debs.

[lamby] Use changelog.in and copyright from debian-native in DEBIAN. (re. MR:

[lamby] Group warnings that only differ on the architecture in the HTML reports.

[lamby] Tidy architecture grouping code by avoiding unnecessary refref.

[lamby] Check for packages that ship headers in /usr/include/python3.x. (Closes:

[lamby] Use a verb in the debian-changelog-line-too-short tag description.

[lamby] Use "state cache" vs "state-cache" consistently between source and

[lamby] Implement package-contains-python-in-incorrect-dir using

[lamby] Update added/removed tag summary generation code to match "WIP" now we

[lamby] Update package-contains-python-header-in-incorrect-directory to an "E:"

[lamby] Correct an "asynchronous" typo.

[lamby] Fix tests after introduction of inconsistent-appstream-metadata-license

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.123 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.124.

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[pabs] spelling: Add another correction

[lamby] Avoid some "Use of initialized value" warnings when the changelog entry

[lamby] If the changelog entry is missing a maintainer (eg. " -- <missing>"),

[lamby] data/spelling/corrections-multiword: Add "could break" as a correction.

[lamby] Permit "-b" branch specifications in Mercurial Vcs-Hg control fields.

[lamby] checks/source-copyright.pm: Perltidy.

[lamby] Add a check for binaries using obsolete DES encryption. (Closes:

[lamby] Locate and process .buildinfo files if mentioned in a .changes file;

[lamby] Remove declaration of default skeleton.

[lamby] Rename skeletons and move them to the folder a level above.

[lamby] Remove suite as a consideration for skeleton selection.

[lamby] Refer to Skeleton 'upload-builder-only' in tests that require it.

[lamby] Refer to Skeleton 'upload-non-native' in tests that require it.

[lamby] Refer to Skeleton 'upload-native' in tests that require it.

[lamby] Refer to Skeleton 'deb' in tests that require it.

[lamby] Refer to Skeleton 'changes' in tests that require it.

[lamby] Refer to Skeleton 'dsc' in tests that require it.

[lamby] Adjust harness tests for lack of suites or default skeletons.

[lamby] Update README for new use of skeletons in tests.

[lamby] Declare new lintian test suite 'tags'; undefine all others.

[lamby] Move all tag-related test specifications to t/tags. (MR: !134)

[lamby] Change command used for autopkgtest.

[lamby] Really fix summary generation code to match the "WIP" entry in the

[lamby] Fix implemented-tags tests after bde484c00.

[lamby] Update lintian-output-xml tests after aee999625b2c.

[lamby] Update binaries-obsolete-des test description after merging of MR !132.

[lamby] Release lintian/2.5.124 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry for 2.5.125.

[lamby] Correct incorrect bug reference in previous upload.

[lamby] Add missing changelog entry for #903399 which was closed in Lintian

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Ignore quilt .pc directories when checking for

[lamby] Rewrite "old" version calculation to prevent false-positives in the

[lamby] Check for packages that ship with .sass-cache directories. (Closes:

[lamby] Fix FTBFS by avoiding "self" false-positives when checking for

[lamby] Include the upload and release dates in the output of the

[lamby] Set multimaint-merge in debian/gbp.conf. (MR: !125)

[lamby] Prevent false-positives in the command-with-path-in-maintainer-script

[lamby] Check for pkg-config(1) files that reference unknown shared objects via

[lamby] Fix false-positives when checking for

[lamby] Update debhelper addon specification now that nodejs-dev has been

[lamby] Print Carp tracebacks in --debug mode.

[lamby] Add a reference to the official specification in the long description of

[lamby] Refactor some "seen" booleans in the debhelper check module into a hash.

[lamby] commands/lintian.pm: Perltidy

[lamby] Check for packages that use dh_runit without specifying a Breaks on the

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Drop errant warning accidentally committed in b8568cb6ee.

[lamby] Require that build paths aren't "/" when checking for

[lamby] Ignore duplicate .buildinfo files which can be supplied by using

[lamby] Remove remnants of old build stamp.

[lamby] Fix blank lines in runtests output.

[lamby] Consolidate scripts in t/scripts; move internal harness tests there.

[lamby] Look for internal harness tests in new place.

[lamby] Change minimal selector for scripts from 'harness:' to 'minimal:'.

[lamby] Fix a harness test looking for absence of watch file.

[lamby] Clean up ./t; move helper binaries, including t/runtests, to t/bin.

[lamby] Adjust PATH for tests for new location of helper binaries.

[lamby] Change invocation path from t/runtests to t/bin/runtests.

[lamby] Change path to runtests in documentation.

[lamby] Move generic runner to its own template set.

[lamby] Add template set with generic test runner to all skeletons.

[lamby] Install runner via skeleton and no longer via direct copy.

[lamby] Add new locations to hardcoded paths code quality tests.

[lamby] Fixup commit b27980f6 for missing buildinfo files.

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Detect accidental ".git.git" (etc.) in Vcs-Git headers. (Closes:

[lamby] Drop "GTK" -> "GTK+" correction. Thanks, Jeremy Bicha. (Closes: #911449)

[lamby] Make location of log files for tests configurable.

[lamby] Move builder location for tests to 't/defaults/files'.

[lamby] Turn off sorting for test lintian-output-xml.

[lamby] Add template to parameterize the Lintian invocation in tests.

[lamby] Add template whitelist for Lintian invocation in tests.

[lamby] Add Lintian invocation template to test skeletons.

[lamby] Add default settings for how Lintian is called in tests.

[lamby] Adjust internal harness test for new Lintian options scheme.

[lamby] Adjust test specifications for new Lintian options scheme.

[lamby] Use new lintian invocation template when running lintian in tests.

[lamby] Add Build-Depends: libxml-libxml-perl <!nocheck>.

[lamby] Add Build-Depends: libtext-csv-perl <!nocheck>.

[lamby] Add Build-Depends: libtext-diff-perl <!nocheck>.

[lamby] Adds tagextract, which reads tags from various Lintian output formats.

[lamby] Adds tagdiff, which compares files produced by tagextract.

[lamby] Add internal harness tests for tagextract and tagdiff.

[lamby] Replace old tags with sorted EWI for lintian-output-colons.

[lamby] Replace old tags with sorted EWI for lintian-output-xml.

[lamby] Replace old tags with sorted EWI for lintian-output-letter.

[lamby] Add test for Lintian's fullewi output format.

[lamby] Make "Sort: no" the default for tests.

[lamby] Remove internal Lintian warnings from tag specifications in tests.

[lamby] Use output-invariant tag specifications with tagextract and tagdiff.

[lamby] Fix unknown tag names in two test specifications.

[lamby] Add missing newlines to test specifications that need it.

[lamby] Remove extra trailing newlines from test specifications that have them.

[lamby] Add an empty Test-Against to all tests that do not have one.

[lamby] Set the new parameter 'Check' for all tests in suite 'tags'.

[lamby] Add Build-Depends: liblist-compare-perl.

[lamby] Calculate Test-For and Test-Against from new parameter Check in runner.

[lamby] Remove Test-For from all test specifications. (MR: !138)

[lamby] Add an internal harness test for the fiels in desc files.

[lamby] Repurpose runtests-todo-test-for for empty Test-Against.

[lamby] Remove Test-Against from tests when it matches the computed value.

[lamby] Move all t/tags/tests addressing a single check into t/tags/checks/.

[lamby] Add internal harness test enforcing sort order for tests.

[lamby] Small enhancements to desc-fields.t; better output.

[lamby] Reassign watch-file-bug-765995 to check watch-file from changes-file.

[lamby] Reassign binaries-unsafe-open to check binaries from manpages.

[lamby] Move runtests-empty-test-against to t/tags/tests; not check-related.

[lamby] Move lintian-ftp-rejects to t/tags/tests; is for command line option.

[lamby] Move lintian-no-override to t/tags/tests; is for command line option.

[lamby] Tighten requirements for Test-Against vs expected tags.

[lamby] Fix race; stop loop for collections after task fails. (Closes: 920691)

[lamby] Make sure new collection tasks are started even after a failure.

[lamby] Release lintian/2.6.0 into unstable.

[lamby] Open new changelog entry.

[lamby] Demote the Test-Against test metadata field to be a selector for

[lamby] Discard 'runtests-empty-test-against' for obsolete feature.

[lamby] Separate tests that track historical packaging; no truth value.

[lamby] In tests for output and command line, remove check association.

[lamby] Duplicate test legacy-relations for seven different checks.

[lamby] Split up two tests for four checks each, and move them.

[lamby] Split up two tests for eight checks each, and move them.

[lamby] Split up two tests for ten checks each, and move them.

[lamby] Split up two tests for eleven checks each, and move the copies.

[lamby] Split up two tests for fourteen checks each, and move them.

[lamby] Split up two tests for fifteen checks each, and move them.

[lamby] Add internal test to detect duplicate fields in test specifications.

[lamby] Combine duplicate Test-Against fields in two tests.

[lamby] Add missing check to test 'legacy-binary'.

[lamby] Split up test 'legacy-binary' for twenty checks, and move the copies.

[lamby] Split up six tests for three checks each, and move them.

[lamby] Split up sixty tests for two checks each, and move them.

[lamby] Associate a test with check for debhelper.

[lamby] Associate test 'fields-depends-wildcard' with two checks.

[felix.lechner] Fix display of tag differences in test results.

[felix.lechner] Devolve test 'manpages-general' from rules to files.

[felix.lechner] Add test for empty manpage.

[felix.lechner] Add test for an uncompressed manpage.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage with a bad whatis entry.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage with a useless whatis entry.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that is compressed, but not at maximum.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that looks compressed but is not.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that is an unadapted dh_make template.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage with an overly generic name.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage with a spelling error.

[felix.lechner] Add test for an executable without a manpage.

[felix.lechner] Add test for an executable without an English language manpage.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage in a locale dir with a country name.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that mentions an FSSTND-related directory.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that has errors from man.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that has errors from pod2man.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage named for a build path.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that is a link to the undocumented man page.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that is a bad link to an undocumented man page.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage contains a bad .so link.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage that is installed in the wrong section.

[felix.lechner] Add test for a manpage for which extension does not match section.

[lamby] Track static libraries to avoid false-positives in 

[pabs] spelling: Add several corrections

[lamby] Tidy file-without-copyright-information code.

[lamby] Assume that license files themselves do not require coverage in DEP-5

[lamby] Ignore spelling errors in patch author names. (Closes: #922233)

[...truncated 226.75 KB...]
Adding debian:VeriSign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G4.pem
Adding debian:UTN_USERFirst_Email_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem
Adding debian:USERTrust_ECC_Certification_Authority.pem
Warning: there was a problem reading the certificate file /etc/ssl/certs/T?RKTRUST_Elektronik_Sertifika_Hizmet_Sa?lay?c?s?_H5.pem. Message:
  /etc/ssl/certs/T?RKTRUST_Elektronik_Sertifika_Hizmet_Sa?lay?c?s?_H5.pem (No such file or directory)
Adding debian:Trustis_FPS_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:TrustCor_RootCert_CA-2.pem
Adding debian:TrustCor_RootCert_CA-1.pem
Adding debian:TrustCor_ECA-1.pem
Adding debian:TeliaSonera_Root_CA_v1.pem
Adding debian:Taiwan_GRCA.pem
Adding debian:TWCA_Root_Certification_Authority.pem
Adding debian:TWCA_Global_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:TUBITAK_Kamu_SM_SSL_Kok_Sertifikasi_-_Surum_1.pem
Adding debian:TC_TrustCenter_Class_3_CA_II.pem
Adding debian:T-TeleSec_GlobalRoot_Class_3.pem
Adding debian:T-TeleSec_GlobalRoot_Class_2.pem
Adding debian:Symantec_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G6.pem
Adding debian:Symantec_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G4.pem
Adding debian:Symantec_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G6.pem
Adding debian:Symantec_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G4.pem
Adding debian:Swisscom_Root_CA_2.pem
Adding debian:SwissSign_Silver_CA_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:SwissSign_Platinum_CA_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:SwissSign_Gold_CA_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:Starfield_Services_Root_Certificate_Authority_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:Starfield_Root_Certificate_Authority_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:Starfield_Class_2_CA.pem
Adding debian:Staat_der_Nederlanden_Root_CA_-_G3.pem
Adding debian:Staat_der_Nederlanden_Root_CA_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:Staat_der_Nederlanden_EV_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:Sonera_Class_2_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:Security_Communication_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:Security_Communication_RootCA2.pem
Adding debian:Secure_Global_CA.pem
Adding debian:SecureTrust_CA.pem
Adding debian:SecureSign_RootCA11.pem
Adding debian:SZAFIR_ROOT_CA2.pem
Adding debian:SSL.com_Root_Certification_Authority_RSA.pem
Adding debian:SSL.com_Root_Certification_Authority_ECC.pem
Adding debian:SSL.com_EV_Root_Certification_Authority_RSA_R2.pem
Adding debian:SSL.com_EV_Root_Certification_Authority_ECC.pem
Adding debian:S-TRUST_Universal_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA_3_G3.pem
Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA_3.pem
Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA_2_G3.pem
Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA_2.pem
Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA_1_G3.pem
Adding debian:QuoVadis_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:OpenTrust_Root_CA_G3.pem
Adding debian:OpenTrust_Root_CA_G2.pem
Adding debian:OpenTrust_Root_CA_G1.pem
Adding debian:OISTE_WISeKey_Global_Root_GB_CA.pem
Adding debian:OISTE_WISeKey_Global_Root_GA_CA.pem
Adding debian:Network_Solutions_Certificate_Authority.pem
Warning: there was a problem reading the certificate file /etc/ssl/certs/NetLock_Arany_=Class_Gold=_F?tan?s?tv?ny.pem. Message:
  /etc/ssl/certs/NetLock_Arany_=Class_Gold=_F?tan?s?tv?ny.pem (No such file or directory)
Adding debian:Microsec_e-Szigno_Root_CA_2009.pem
Adding debian:LuxTrust_Global_Root_2.pem
Adding debian:Izenpe.com.pem
Adding debian:IdenTrust_Public_Sector_Root_CA_1.pem
Adding debian:IdenTrust_Commercial_Root_CA_1.pem
Adding debian:ISRG_Root_X1.pem
Adding debian:Hongkong_Post_Root_CA_1.pem
Adding debian:Hellenic_Academic_and_Research_Institutions_RootCA_2015.pem
Adding debian:Hellenic_Academic_and_Research_Institutions_RootCA_2011.pem
Adding debian:Hellenic_Academic_and_Research_Institutions_ECC_RootCA_2015.pem
Adding debian:Go_Daddy_Root_Certificate_Authority_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem
Adding debian:Global_Chambersign_Root_-_2008.pem
Adding debian:GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R3.pem
Adding debian:GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R2.pem
Adding debian:GlobalSign_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:GlobalSign_ECC_Root_CA_-_R5.pem
Adding debian:GlobalSign_ECC_Root_CA_-_R4.pem
Adding debian:GeoTrust_Universal_CA_2.pem
Adding debian:GeoTrust_Universal_CA.pem
Adding debian:GeoTrust_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G3.pem
Adding debian:GeoTrust_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:GeoTrust_Primary_Certification_Authority.pem
Adding debian:GeoTrust_Global_CA.pem
Adding debian:GDCA_TrustAUTH_R5_ROOT.pem
Adding debian:Entrust_Root_Certification_Authority_-_G2.pem
Adding debian:Entrust_Root_Certification_Authority_-_EC1.pem
Adding debian:Entrust_Root_Certification_Authority.pem
Adding debian:Entrust.net_Premium_2048_Secure_Server_CA.pem
Adding debian:EE_Certification_Centre_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:EC-ACC.pem
Adding debian:E-Tugra_Certification_Authority.pem
Adding debian:DigiCert_Trusted_Root_G4.pem
Adding debian:DigiCert_High_Assurance_EV_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:DigiCert_Global_Root_G3.pem
Adding debian:DigiCert_Global_Root_G2.pem
Adding debian:DigiCert_Global_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:DigiCert_Assured_ID_Root_G3.pem
Adding debian:DigiCert_Assured_ID_Root_G2.pem
Adding debian:DigiCert_Assured_ID_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:Deutsche_Telekom_Root_CA_2.pem
Adding debian:DST_Root_CA_X3.pem
Adding debian:D-TRUST_Root_Class_3_CA_2_EV_2009.pem
Adding debian:D-TRUST_Root_Class_3_CA_2_2009.pem
Adding debian:D-TRUST_Root_CA_3_2013.pem
Adding debian:Cybertrust_Global_Root.pem
Adding debian:Comodo_AAA_Services_root.pem
Adding debian:ComSign_CA.pem
Adding debian:Chambers_of_Commerce_Root_-_2008.pem
Adding debian:Certum_Trusted_Network_CA_2.pem
Adding debian:Certum_Trusted_Network_CA.pem
Adding debian:Certum_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:Certplus_Root_CA_G2.pem
Adding debian:Certplus_Root_CA_G1.pem
Adding debian:Certplus_Class_2_Primary_CA.pem
Adding debian:Certinomis_-_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:Certigna.pem
Adding debian:Camerfirma_Global_Chambersign_Root.pem
Adding debian:Camerfirma_Chambers_of_Commerce_Root.pem
Adding debian:COMODO_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem
Adding debian:COMODO_ECC_Certification_Authority.pem
Adding debian:COMODO_Certification_Authority.pem
Adding debian:CFCA_EV_ROOT.pem
Adding debian:CA_Disig_Root_R2.pem
Adding debian:Buypass_Class_3_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:Buypass_Class_2_Root_CA.pem
Adding debian:Baltimore_CyberTrust_Root.pem
Adding debian:Autoridad_de_Certificacion_Firmaprofesional_CIF_A62634068.pem
Adding debian:Atos_TrustedRoot_2011.pem
Adding debian:Amazon_Root_CA_4.pem
Adding debian:Amazon_Root_CA_3.pem
Adding debian:Amazon_Root_CA_2.pem
Adding debian:Amazon_Root_CA_1.pem
Adding debian:AffirmTrust_Premium_ECC.pem
Adding debian:AffirmTrust_Premium.pem
Adding debian:AffirmTrust_Networking.pem
Adding debian:AffirmTrust_Commercial.pem
Adding debian:AddTrust_Low-Value_Services_Root.pem
Adding debian:AddTrust_External_Root.pem
Adding debian:Actalis_Authentication_Root_CA.pem
Warning: there was a problem reading the certificate file /etc/ssl/certs/AC_Ra?z_Certic?mara_S.A..pem. Message:
  /etc/ssl/certs/AC_Ra?z_Certic?mara_S.A..pem (No such file or directory)
Adding debian:AC_RAIZ_FNMT-RCM.pem
Adding debian:ACCVRAIZ1.pem
Setting up dh-autoreconf (17~bpo9+1) ...
Setting up openjdk-8-jdk-headless:amd64 (8u181-b13-2~deb9u1) ...
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/idlj to provide /usr/bin/idlj (idlj) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jdeps to provide /usr/bin/jdeps (jdeps) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/wsimport to provide /usr/bin/wsimport (wsimport) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/rmic to provide /usr/bin/rmic (rmic) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jinfo to provide /usr/bin/jinfo (jinfo) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jsadebugd to provide /usr/bin/jsadebugd (jsadebugd) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/native2ascii to provide /usr/bin/native2ascii (native2ascii) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jstat to provide /usr/bin/jstat (jstat) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac to provide /usr/bin/javac (javac) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javah to provide /usr/bin/javah (javah) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jstack to provide /usr/bin/jstack (jstack) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jrunscript to provide /usr/bin/jrunscript (jrunscript) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javadoc to provide /usr/bin/javadoc (javadoc) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javap to provide /usr/bin/javap (javap) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jar to provide /usr/bin/jar (jar) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/extcheck to provide /usr/bin/extcheck (extcheck) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/schemagen to provide /usr/bin/schemagen (schemagen) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jps to provide /usr/bin/jps (jps) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/xjc to provide /usr/bin/xjc (xjc) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jarsigner to provide /usr/bin/jarsigner (jarsigner) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jmap to provide /usr/bin/jmap (jmap) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jstatd to provide /usr/bin/jstatd (jstatd) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jhat to provide /usr/bin/jhat (jhat) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jdb to provide /usr/bin/jdb (jdb) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/serialver to provide /usr/bin/serialver (serialver) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/wsgen to provide /usr/bin/wsgen (wsgen) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/jcmd to provide /usr/bin/jcmd (jcmd) in auto mode
Setting up default-jre-headless (2:1.8-58) ...
Setting up default-jdk-headless (2:1.8-58) ...
Setting up debhelper (12~bpo9+1) ...
Setting up dh-runit (1.6.2) ...
Setting up pkg-php-tools (1.35) ...
Setting up dh-elpa (1.6) ...
Setting up javahelper (0.59) ...
Setting up lintian-build-deps (2.6.0) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.24-11+deb9u3) ...
Processing triggers for systemd (232-25+deb9u6) ...
Processing triggers for dictionaries-common (1.27.2) ...
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en-common].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en-variant_0].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en-variant_1].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en-variant_2].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en-w_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en-wo_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_AU-variant_0].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_AU-variant_1].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_AU-w_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_AU-wo_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_CA-variant_0].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_CA-variant_1].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_CA-w_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_CA-wo_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_GB-ise-w_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_GB-ise-wo_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_GB-ize-w_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_GB-ize-wo_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_GB-variant_0].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_GB-variant_1].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_US-w_accents-only].
aspell-autobuildhash: processing: en [en_US-wo_accents-only].
Processing triggers for ca-certificates (20161130+nmu1+deb9u1) ...
Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
0 added, 0 removed; done.
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...

.... running tests ....
mkdir -p "/tmp/testrun/debian/test-out"
t/bin/runtests -k  t "/tmp/testrun/debian/test-out" 
Host architecture is amd64.
Latest policy version is 4.3.0 from Sun, 23 Dec 2018 10:17:55 +0000
Using compat level 11 as a default for packages built with debhelper.
Harness modified on Wed, 13 Feb 2019 15:37:54 +0000
Lintian modified on Wed, 13 Feb 2019 15:37:54 +0000


Preparing 915 work directories.
debian/rules:49: recipe for target 'runtests' failed
make: *** [runtests] Terminated
Wed 13 Feb 21:43:39 UTC 2019 - /srv/jenkins/bin/chroot-run.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-EkKIskcO, which will now be removed.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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