[Qa-jenkins-scm] postgresql-9.6-main.log found

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Mon Feb 18 00:52:56 GMT 2019

2019-02-17 05:21:00.220 UTC [26404] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 183962.580 ms  statement: SELECT COUNT(r.build_date) FROM stats_build AS r WHERE r.build_date > '2019-02-16 05:17' AND r.architecture='amd64'
2019-02-17 05:39:15.359 UTC [15889] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 143744.217 ms  statement: SELECT build_date FROM stats_build WHERE architecture='arm64' ORDER BY build_date ASC LIMIT 1
2019-02-17 10:28:03.483 UTC [1547] LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 2019-02-17 05:40:01 UTC
2019-02-17 10:28:03.483 UTC [1548] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG:  incomplete startup packet
2019-02-17 10:28:03.803 UTC [1693] postgres at postgres FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2019-02-17 10:28:03.932 UTC [1547] LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
2019-02-17 10:28:03.944 UTC [1547] LOG:  redo starts at 3C/32BF3B50
2019-02-17 10:28:04.051 UTC [1547] LOG:  invalid record length at 3C/32C38218: wanted 24, got 0
2019-02-17 10:28:04.051 UTC [1547] LOG:  redo done at 3C/32C381F0
2019-02-17 10:28:04.051 UTC [1547] LOG:  last completed transaction was at log time 2019-02-17 05:42:40.114664+00
2019-02-17 10:28:04.328 UTC [1874] postgres at postgres FATAL:  the database system is starting up
2019-02-17 10:28:04.551 UTC [1547] LOG:  MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
2019-02-17 10:28:04.560 UTC [1946] LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
2019-02-17 10:28:04.560 UTC [1172] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
2019-02-17 10:42:46.946 UTC [17930] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 218818.136 ms  statement: SELECT schedule.date_scheduled, sources.suite, sources.architecture, sources.name, results.status, results.build_duration, (SELECT coalesce(avg(CAST(stats_build.build_duration AS INTEGER)), 0) AS coalesce_1 
2019-02-17 10:43:52.285 UTC [29807] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 131614.524 ms  statement: SELECT COUNT(r.build_date) FROM stats_build AS r WHERE r.build_date > '2019-02-16 10:41' AND r.architecture='amd64'

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