[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] reproducible alpine: add alpine scheduler

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jun 6 15:27:01 BST 2019

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

a4639713 by kpcyrd at 2019-06-06T14:26:46Z
reproducible alpine: add alpine scheduler

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- + bin/reproducible_alpine_manual_scheduler.sh
- + bin/reproducible_alpine_scheduler.sh
- bin/reproducible_common.sh
- bin/reproducible_setup_alpine_schroot.sh
- job-cfg/reproducible.yaml


@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
+#           2019 kpcyrd <git at rxv.cc>
+# released under the GPLv=2
+. /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh
+common_init "$@"
+# common code
+. /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.sh
+set -e
+if [ "$1" = "" ] || [ "$2" = "" ] ; then
+	echo "Need at least two parameters:"
+	exit 1
+elif [ "$1" != "main" ] && [ "$1" != "community" ] ; then
+	echo "\$RESPOSITORY needs to be one of main or community."
+        exit 1
+DATE="$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' -d '21 days ago')"
+DISTROID=$(query_db "SELECT id FROM distributions WHERE name='alpine'")
+for PKG in $PACKAGES ; do
+	echo "Now trying to reschedule $PKG in $SUITE."
+	PKG_ID=$(query_db "SELECT id FROM sources WHERE distribution=$DISTROID AND name='$PKG' AND suite='$SUITE' AND architecture='$ARCH';")
+	if [ ! -z "${PKG_ID}" ] ; then
+		SCHEDULED=$(query_db "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE package_id = '${PKG_ID}';")
+		if [ -z "$SCHEDULED" ] ; then
+			query_db "INSERT INTO schedule (package_id, date_scheduled) VALUES ('${PKG_ID}', '$DATE');"
+		else
+			echo " $PKG (package_id: ${PKG_ID}) already scheduled, not scheduling again."
+		fi
+	else
+		echo " $PKG does not exist in $SUITE, ignoring."
+	fi
+if [ ! -z "$SUCCESS" ] ; then
+	AMOUNT=$(echo $SUCCESS | sed 's# #\n#g' | wc -l)
+	if [ $AMOUNT -gt 3 ] ; then
+		MANY=" $AMOUNT packages"
+	else
+		MANY=""
+	fi
+	MESSAGE="Manually scheduled$MANY in $REPOSITORY:$SUCCESS"
+	# shorten irc message if longer then 256 characters
+	if [ ${#MESSAGE} -gt 256 ] ; then
+		MESSAGE="${MESSAGE:0:256}✂…"
+	fi
+	echo "$MESSAGE"
+	irc_message alpine-reproducible "$MESSAGE"
+if [ ! -z "$ALREADY_SCHEDULED" ] || [ ! -z "$NOT_EXISTING" ] ; then
+	echo
+	if [ ! -z "$ALREADY_SCHEDULED" ] ; then
+		echo "$ALREADY_SCHEDULED were already scheduled..."
+	fi
+	if [ ! -z "$NOT_EXISTING" ] ; then
+		echo "$NOT_EXISTING were not found in $SUITE, so ignored."
+	fi
+exit 0
+# vim: set sw=0 noet :

@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Copyright 2015-2019 Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
+#                2019 kpcyrd <git at rxv.cc>
+# released under the GPLv=2
+. /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh
+common_init "$@"
+# common code
+. /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.sh
+set -e
+cleanup_all() {
+	schroot --end-session -c $SESSION 2>/dev/null|| true
+update_alpine_repositories() {
+	#
+	# init
+	#
+	local UPDATED=$(mktemp -t alpinerb-scheduler-XXXXXXXX)
+	local NEW=$(mktemp -t alpinerb-scheduler-XXXXXXXX)
+	local KNOWN=$(mktemp -t alpinerb-scheduler-XXXXXXXX)
+	local TOTAL=$(cat ${ALPINE_PKGS}_* | wc -l)
+	echo "$(date -u ) - $TOTAL alpine packages were previously known to alpine."
+	query_db "SELECT suite, name, version FROM sources WHERE distribution=$DISTROID AND architecture='$ARCH';" > $KNOWN
+	echo "$(date -u ) - $(cat $KNOWN | wc -l) alpine packages are known in our database."
+	# init session
+	schroot --begin-session --session-name=$SESSION -c jenkins-reproducible-alpine
+	echo "$(date -u ) - updating our knowledge of alpine repositories (by running git pull)."
+	schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory /var/lib/jenkins/aports -- git pull
+	#
+	# Get a list of unique package bases.
+	#
+	echo "$(date -u ) - exporting our knowledge of alpine repositories to the filesystem"
+	> "$ALPINE_PKGS"_full_pkgbase_list
+	for REPO in $ALPINE_REPOS ; do
+		schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory /var/lib/jenkins/aports/$REPO -- ap dump-json | \
+			jq -r 'to_entries|.[]|"\(.key) \(.value.pkgver)-\(.value.pkgrel)"' | \
+			while read pkgname version; do
+				printf '%s %s %s\n' "$REPO" "$pkgname" "$version"
+			done | sort -u -R >> "$ALPINE_PKGS"_full_pkgbase_list
+	done
+	TOTAL=$(cat ${ALPINE_PKGS}_full_pkgbase_list | wc -l)
+	echo "$(date -u ) - $TOTAL alpine packages are now known to alpine."
+	local total=$(query_db "SELECT count(*) FROM sources AS s JOIN schedule AS sch ON s.id=sch.package_id WHERE s.distribution=$DISTROID AND s.architecture='x86_64' AND sch.date_build_started IS NULL;")
+	echo "$(date -u) - updating alpine repositories, currently $total packages scheduled."
+	#
+	# remove packages which are gone (only when run between 21:00 and 23:59)
+	#
+#	if [ $(date +'%H') -gt 21 ] ; then
+#		for REPO in $ALPINE_REPOS ; do
+#			echo "$(date -u ) - dropping removed packages from filesystem in repository '$REPO':"
+#			for i in $(find $BASE/alpine/$REPO -type d -wholename "$BASE/alpine/$REPO/*" | sort) ; do
+#				PKG=$(basename $i)
+#				if ! grep -q "$REPO $PKG" ${ALPINE_PKGS}_full_pkgbase_list > /dev/null ; then
+#					# we could check here whether a package is currently building,
+#					# and if so defer the pkg removal. (but I think this is pointless,
+#					# as we are unlikely to kill that build, so meh, let it finish
+#					# and fail to update the db, because the package is gone...)
+#					let REMOVED=$REMOVED+1
+#					rm -r --one-file-system $BASE/alpine/$REPO/$PKG
+#					echo "$(date -u) - $REPO/$PKG removed as it's gone from the alpine repositories."
+#					SUITE="alpine_$REPO"
+#					PKG_ID=$(query_db "SELECT id FROM sources WHERE distribution=$DISTROID AND name='$PKG' AND suite='$SUITE' AND architecture='$ARCH';")
+#					if [ -n "${PKG_ID}" ] ; then
+#						query_db "DELETE FROM results WHERE package_id='${PKG_ID}';"
+#						query_db "DELETE FROM schedule WHERE package_id='${PKG_ID}';"
+#						query_db "DELETE FROM sources WHERE id='${PKG_ID}';"
+#						echo "$(date -u) - $SUITE $PKG removed from database."
+#					else
+#						echo "$(date -u) - $SUITE $PKG not found in database."
+#					fi
+#				fi
+#			done
+#		done
+#		MESSAGE="Deleted $REMOVED packages: $REMOVE_LIST"
+#		echo -n "$(date -u ) - "
+#		if [ $REMOVED -ne 0 ] ; then
+#			irc_message alpine-reproducible "$MESSAGE"
+#		fi
+#	fi
+	#
+	# schedule packages
+	#
+	for REPO in $ALPINE_REPOS ; do
+		TMPPKGLIST=$(mktemp -t alpinerb-scheduler-XXXXXXXX)
+		echo "$(date -u ) - updating database with available packages in repository '$REPO'."
+		DATE="$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')"
+		grep "^$REPO" "$ALPINE_PKGS"_full_pkgbase_list | \
+			while read repository pkgbase version; do
+				PKG=$pkgbase
+				SUITE="alpine_$REPO"
+				PKG_IN_DB=$(grep "^alpine_$REPO|$pkgbase|" $KNOWN | head -1) # why oh why is head -1 needed here?
+				VERSION=$(echo ${PKG_IN_DB} | cut -d "|" -f3)
+			        if [ -z "${PKG_IN_DB}" ] ; then
+					# new package, add to db and schedule
+					echo $REPO/$pkgbase >> $NEW
+					echo "new package found: $REPO/$pkgbase $version "
+					query_db "INSERT into sources (name, version, suite, architecture, distribution) VALUES ('$PKG', '$version', '$SUITE', '$ARCH', $DISTROID);"
+					PKG_ID=$(query_db "SELECT id FROM sources WHERE distribution=$DISTROID AND name='$PKG' AND suite='$SUITE' AND architecture='$ARCH';")
+					query_db "INSERT INTO schedule (package_id, date_scheduled) VALUES ('${PKG_ID}', '$DATE');"
+				elif [ "$VERSION" != "$version" ] ; then
+					VERCMP="$(schroot --run-session -c $SESSION --directory /var/tmp -- vercmp $version $VERSION || true)"
+					if [ "$VERCMP" = "1" ] ; then
+						# known package with new version, so update db and schedule
+						query_db "UPDATE sources SET version = '$version' WHERE name = '$PKG' AND suite = '$SUITE' AND architecture='$ARCH' AND distribution=$DISTROID;"
+						PKG_STATUS=$(query_db "SELECT r.status FROM results AS r
+							JOIN sources as s on s.id=r.package_id
+							WHERE s.distribution=$DISTROID
+							AND s.architecture='x86_64'
+							AND s.name='$PKG'
+							AND s.suite='$SUITE';")
+						if [ "$PKG_STATUS" = "BLACKLISTED" ] ; then
+							echo "$PKG is blacklisted, so not scheduling it."
+							continue
+						else
+							echo $REPO/$pkgbase >> $UPDATED
+							echo "$REPO/$pkgbase $VERSION is known in the database, but repo now has $version which is newer, so rescheduling... "
+							PKG_ID=$(query_db "SELECT id FROM sources WHERE distribution=$DISTROID AND name='$PKG' AND suite='$SUITE' AND architecture='$ARCH';")
+							echo " SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE package_id = '${PKG_ID}';"
+							SCHEDULED=$(query_db "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE package_id = '${PKG_ID}';")
+							if [ -z "$SCHEDULED" ] ; then
+								echo " INSERT INTO schedule (package_id, date_scheduled) VALUES ('${PKG_ID}', '$DATE');"
+								query_db "INSERT INTO schedule (package_id, date_scheduled) VALUES ('${PKG_ID}', '$DATE');"
+							else
+								echo " $PKG (package_id: ${PKG_ID}) already scheduled, not scheduling again."
+							fi
+						fi
+					elif [ "$VERCMP" = "-1" ] ; then
+						# our version is higher than what's in the repo because we build trunk
+						echo "$REPO/$pkgbase $VERSION in db is higher than $version in repo because we build trunk."
+					else
+						echo " Boom boom boom boom boom."
+						echo " This should never happen: we know about $pkgbase with $VERSION, but repo has $version. VERCMP=$VERCMP"
+						echo " PKG_IN_DB=${PKG_IN_DB}"
+					fi
+				fi
+				printf '%s %s\n' "$pkgbase" "$version" >> $TMPPKGLIST
+			done
+		new=$(grep -c ^$REPO $NEW || true)
+		updated=$(grep -c ^$REPO $UPDATED || true)
+		echo "$(date -u ) - scheduled $new/$updated packages in repository '$REPO'."
+	done
+	schroot --end-session -c $SESSION
+	#
+	# schedule up to $MAX packages in DEPWAIT_ or 404_ states
+	# (which have been tried at least 16h ago)
+	#
+	echo "$(date -u ) - should we schedule packages in DEPWAIT_ or 404_ states?"
+	local MAX=350
+	local MINDATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" -d "16 hours ago")
+	local SCHDATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" -d "7 days")
+	QUERY="SELECT s.id FROM sources AS s
+		JOIN results AS r ON s.id=r.package_id
+		WHERE s.distribution = $DISTROID
+		AND s.architecture='x86_64'
+		AND (r.status LIKE 'DEPWAIT%' OR r.status LIKE '404%')
+		AND r.build_date < '$MINDATE'
+		AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT package_id FROM schedule)
+	local DEPWAIT404=$(query_db "$QUERY")
+	if [ ! -z "$DEPWAIT404" ] ; then
+		for PKG_ID in $DEPWAIT404 ; do
+			QUERY="INSERT INTO schedule (package_id, date_scheduled) VALUES ('${PKG_ID}', '$SCHDATE');"
+			query_db "$QUERY"
+		done
+		echo "$(date -u ) - done scheduling $(echo -n "$DEPWAIT404" | wc -l ) packages in DEPWAIT_ or 404_ states."
+	else
+		echo "$(date -u ) - no."
+	fi
+	#
+	# schedule up to $MAX packages we already know about
+	# (only if less than $THRESHOLD packages are currently scheduled)
+	#
+	echo "$(date -u ) - should we schedule old packages?"
+	MAX=501
+	local THRESHOLD=600
+	MINDATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" -d "4 days ago")
+	SCHDATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" -d "7 days")
+	local CURRENT=$(query_db "SELECT count(*) FROM sources AS s JOIN schedule AS sch ON s.id=sch.package_id WHERE s.distribution=$DISTROID AND s.architecture='x86_64' AND sch.date_build_started IS NULL;")
+	if [ $CURRENT -le $THRESHOLD ] ; then
+		echo "$(date -u ) - scheduling $MAX old packages."
+		QUERY="SELECT s.id, s.name, max(r.build_date) max_date
+			FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON s.id = r.package_id
+			WHERE s.distribution=$DISTROID
+			AND s.architecture='x86_64'
+			AND r.status != 'BLACKLISTED'
+			AND r.build_date < '$MINDATE'
+			AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT schedule.package_id FROM schedule)
+			GROUP BY s.id, s.name
+			ORDER BY max_date
+			LIMIT $MAX;"
+		local OLD=$(query_db "$QUERY")
+		for PKG_ID in $(echo -n "$OLD" | cut -d '|' -f1) ; do
+			QUERY="INSERT INTO schedule (package_id, date_scheduled) VALUES ('${PKG_ID}', '$SCHDATE');"
+			query_db "$QUERY"
+		done
+		echo "$(date -u ) - done scheduling $MAX old packages."
+	else
+		echo "$(date -u ) - no."
+	fi
+	#
+	# output stats
+	#
+	rm "$ALPINE_PKGS"_full_pkgbase_list
+	total=$(query_db "SELECT count(*) FROM sources AS s JOIN schedule AS sch ON s.id=sch.package_id WHERE s.distribution=$DISTROID AND s.architecture='x86_64' AND sch.date_build_started IS NULL;")
+	new=$(cat $NEW | wc -l 2>/dev/null|| true)
+	updated=$(cat $UPDATED 2>/dev/null| wc -l || true)
+	old=$(echo -n "$OLD" | wc -l 2>/dev/null|| true)
+	depwait404=$(echo -n "$DEPWAIT404" | wc -l 2>/dev/null|| true)
+	if [ $new -ne 0 ] || [ $updated -ne 0 ] || [ $old -ne 0 ] || [ $depwait404 -ne 0 ] ; then
+		# inform irc channel about new packages
+		if [ $new -ne 0 ] ; then
+			if [ $new -eq 1 ] ; then
+				MESSAGE="Added $new package: $(cat $NEW | xargs echo)"
+			else
+				MESSAGE="Added $new packages: $(cat $NEW | xargs echo)"
+			fi
+			irc_message alpine-reproducible "$MESSAGE"
+		fi
+		# inform irc channel how many packages of which kind have been scheduled
+		message="Scheduled"
+		if [ $new -ne 0 ] ; then
+			message="$message $new new package"
+			if [ $new -gt 1 ] ; then
+				message="${message}s"
+			fi
+		fi
+		if [ $new -ne 0 ] && [ $updated -ne 0 ] ; then
+			message="$message and"
+		fi
+		if [ $updated -ne 0 ] ; then
+			if [ $updated -gt 1 ] ; then
+				message="$message $updated packages with newer versions"
+			else
+				message="$message $updated package with newer version"
+			fi
+		fi
+		if [ $old -ne 0 ] && ( [ $new -ne 0 ] || [ $updated -ne 0 ] ) ; then
+			msg_old=", plus $old already tested ones"
+		elif [ $old -ne 0 ] ; then
+			msg_old=" $old already tested packages"
+		else
+			msg_old=""
+		fi
+		if [ $depwait404 -ne 0 ] && ( [ $new -ne 0 ] || [ $updated -ne 0 ] || [ $old -ne 0 ] ) ; then
+			msg_depwait404=" and $depwait404 packages with dependency or 404 problems"
+		elif [ $depwait404 -ne 0 ] ; then
+			msg_depwait404=" $depwait404 packages with dependency or 404 problems"
+		else
+			msg_depwait404=""
+		fi
+		MESSAGE="${message}${msg_old}${msg_depwait404}, for $total scheduled out of $TOTAL."
+		# the next 3 lines could maybe do some refactoring. but then, all of this should be rewritten in python using templates...
+		DISTROID=$(query_db "SELECT id FROM distributions WHERE name='alpine'")
+		MAXDATE="$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' -d '4 hours ago')"
+		RECENT=$(query_db "SELECT count(s.name) FROM sources AS s
+				JOIN results AS r
+				ON s.id=r.package_id
+				WHERE s.distribution=$DISTROID
+				AND s.architecture='x86_64'
+				AND r.build_date > '$MAXDATE'")
+		MESSAGE="$MESSAGE ($RECENT builds in the last 4h.)"
+		echo -n "$(date -u ) - "
+		irc_message alpine-reproducible "$MESSAGE"
+	else
+		echo "$(date -u ) - didn't schedule any packages."
+	fi
+	rm -f $NEW $UPDATED $KNOWN > /dev/null
+trap cleanup_all INT TERM EXIT
+DISTROID=$(query_db "SELECT id FROM distributions WHERE name = 'alpine'")
+# vim: set sw=0 noet :

@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ mkdir -p "$DEBIAN_BASE"
 # existing usertags in the Debian BTS
 USERTAGS="toolchain infrastructure timestamps fileordering buildpath username hostname uname randomness buildinfo cpu signatures environment umask ftbfs locale"
+# common settings for testing alpine
+ALPINE_REPOS="main community"
 # common settings for testing Arch Linux
 ARCHLINUX_REPOS="core extra multilib community"

@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ sudo tee "$SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh" <<-__END__
 # install sdk
-$ROOTCMD apk add alpine-sdk gnupg
+$ROOTCMD apk add alpine-sdk lua-aports gnupg
 # configure sudo
 echo 'jenkins ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/apk *' | $ROOTCMD tee -a /etc/sudoers
@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ if [ "$HOSTNAME" = "osuosl-build170-amd64" ] ; then
 	export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1
+echo "$(date -u) - cloning aports repo"
+$USERCMD git clone https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports.git /var/lib/jenkins/aports
 echo "============================================================================="
 echo "schroot $TARGET set up successfully in $SCHROOT_BASE/$TARGET - exiting now."
 echo "============================================================================="

@@ -562,11 +562,14 @@
                     my_description: 'Generate https://reproducible.debian.net/userContent/reproducible.json for consumption by tracker.debian.org.'
                     my_timed: '1 H/2 * * *'
                     my_shellext: ".py"
+                - 'alpine_scheduler':
+                    my_description: 'Scheduler for alpine reproducibility tests'
+                    my_timed: '0 H/4 * * *'
                 - 'html_archlinux':
                     my_description: 'Build webpages for Arch Linux reproducibility tests'
                     my_timed: '15,45 * * * *'
                 - 'archlinux_scheduler':
-                    my_description: 'Scheduler for for Arch Linux reproducibility tests'
+                    my_description: 'Scheduler for Arch Linux reproducibility tests'
                     my_timed: '0 H/4 * * *'
                 - 'html_fedora-23_x86_64':
                     my_description: 'Build a simple webpage for Fedora 23 reproducibility tests'

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/commit/a4639713a263fb4ab8d771958e82aaea0ba10fcc

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/commit/a4639713a263fb4ab8d771958e82aaea0ba10fcc
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