[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: d-i_manual_sv_pdf_po2xml #48

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Tue Jul 16 03:09:28 BST 2019

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/d-i_manual_sv_pdf_po2xml/48/display/redirect?page=changes>


[baptiste] (fr) translate notation-megabytes entity

[baptiste] (fr) Proofread Jean-Paul Guillonneau

[...truncated 71.67 KB...]
install.sv.profiled.lot MD5 checksum changed
the /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.powerpc/dblatex/tmp9sh3A7/install.sv.profiled.toc file has changed
xelatex -interaction=batchmode install.sv.profiled.tex
running post-compilation scripts...
[index] the index file /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.powerpc/dblatex/tmp9sh3A7/install.sv.profiled.idx is empty
no new compilation is needed
running last-compilation scripts...
'install.sv.pdf' successfully built
/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.powerpc/dblatex/tmp9sh3A7 not removed
+ set +x
+ schroot --directory /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build -c chroot:jenkins-d-i-sid make languages=sv architectures=ppc64el destination=/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/pdf/ formats=pdf
set -e ; \
target=sv.ppc64el ; \
lang=${target%.*} ; \
lang_id="$(echo $lang | tr A-Z a-z | sed "s/_/-/")" ; \
arch=${target#*.} ; \
eval arch_destination=$destination ; \
echo "Architecture: $arch" ; \
if [ -n "$noarchdir" ]; then \
	destsuffix="$lang" ; \
else \
	if [ -n "$web" ] ; then \
		destsuffix="$arch" ; \
	else \
		destsuffix="$lang.$arch" ; \
	fi ; \
fi ; \
export destdir=build.out.$lang.$arch ; \
export tempdir=build.tmp.$lang.$arch ; \
echo "Calling ./buildone.sh \"$arch\" \"$lang\" \"$formats\"" ; \
./buildone.sh "$arch" "$lang" "$formats" ; \
mkdir -p "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" ; \
for format in $formats; do \
	if [ "$format" = html ]; then \
		mkdir -p "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/images" ; \
		mv ./$destdir/html/images/* "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/images" ; \
		rmdir ./$destdir/html/images ; \
		mv ./$destdir/html/* "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" ; \
	else \
		# Do not fail because of missing PDF support for some languages \
		if [ -n "$web" ] ; then \
			mv ./$destdir/install.$lang.$format "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/install.$format.$lang_id" 2>/dev/null || true ; \
		else \
			mv ./$destdir/install.$lang.$format "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" 2>/dev/null || true ; \
		fi ; \
	fi ; \
done ; \
Architecture: ppc64el
Calling ./buildone.sh "ppc64el" "sv" "pdf"
Info: creating temporary profiled .xml file...
Info: creating .pdf file...
Build the book set list...
xsltproc -o doclist.txt --xinclude --xincludestyle doclist.xsl /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/install.sv.profiled.xml
Build the listings...
xsltproc -o listings.xml --xinclude --xincludestyle --param current.dir '/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el' /usr/share/dblatex/xsl/common/mklistings.xsl /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/install.sv.profiled.xml
xsltproc -o install.sv.profiled.rtex --xinclude --xincludestyle --param current.dir '/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el' --param listings.xml '/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/dblatex/tmpv7kMOM/listings.xml' /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/dblatex/tmpv7kMOM/custom.xsl /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/install.sv.profiled.xml
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.10)
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
Build install.sv.profiled.pdf
built-in module xetex registered
no support found for ifthen
no support found for ifxetex
no support found for fontspec
no support found for xltxtra
no support found for fontenc
no support found for ucs
no support found for inputenc
no support found for fancybox
built-in module makeidx registered
no support found for babel
no support found for cmap
no support found for db2latex
building additional files...
checking if compiling is necessary...
the output file doesn't exist
xelatex -interaction=batchmode install.sv.profiled.tex
running post-compilation scripts...
[index] the index file /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/dblatex/tmpv7kMOM/install.sv.profiled.idx is empty
install.sv.profiled.aux MD5 checksum changed
install.sv.profiled.lot MD5 checksum changed
install.sv.profiled.toc MD5 checksum changed
the /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/dblatex/tmpv7kMOM/install.sv.profiled.aux file has changed
xelatex -interaction=batchmode install.sv.profiled.tex
running post-compilation scripts...
[index] the index file /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/dblatex/tmpv7kMOM/install.sv.profiled.idx is empty
install.sv.profiled.aux MD5 checksum changed
install.sv.profiled.lot MD5 checksum changed
install.sv.profiled.toc MD5 checksum changed
the /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/dblatex/tmpv7kMOM/install.sv.profiled.aux file has changed
xelatex -interaction=batchmode install.sv.profiled.tex
running post-compilation scripts...
[index] the index file /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/dblatex/tmpv7kMOM/install.sv.profiled.idx is empty
no new compilation is needed
running last-compilation scripts...
'install.sv.pdf' successfully built
/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.ppc64el/dblatex/tmpv7kMOM not removed
+ set +x
+ schroot --directory /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build -c chroot:jenkins-d-i-sid make languages=sv architectures=s390 destination=/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/pdf/ formats=pdf
set -e ; \
target=sv.s390 ; \
lang=${target%.*} ; \
lang_id="$(echo $lang | tr A-Z a-z | sed "s/_/-/")" ; \
arch=${target#*.} ; \
eval arch_destination=$destination ; \
echo "Architecture: $arch" ; \
if [ -n "$noarchdir" ]; then \
	destsuffix="$lang" ; \
else \
	if [ -n "$web" ] ; then \
		destsuffix="$arch" ; \
	else \
		destsuffix="$lang.$arch" ; \
	fi ; \
fi ; \
export destdir=build.out.$lang.$arch ; \
export tempdir=build.tmp.$lang.$arch ; \
echo "Calling ./buildone.sh \"$arch\" \"$lang\" \"$formats\"" ; \
./buildone.sh "$arch" "$lang" "$formats" ; \
mkdir -p "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" ; \
for format in $formats; do \
	if [ "$format" = html ]; then \
		mkdir -p "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/images" ; \
		mv ./$destdir/html/images/* "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/images" ; \
		rmdir ./$destdir/html/images ; \
		mv ./$destdir/html/* "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" ; \
	else \
		# Do not fail because of missing PDF support for some languages \
		if [ -n "$web" ] ; then \
			mv ./$destdir/install.$lang.$format "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/install.$format.$lang_id" 2>/dev/null || true ; \
		else \
			mv ./$destdir/install.$lang.$format "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" 2>/dev/null || true ; \
		fi ; \
	fi ; \
done ; \
Architecture: s390
Calling ./buildone.sh "s390" "sv" "pdf"
Info: creating temporary profiled .xml file...
Info: creating .pdf file...
Build the book set list...
xsltproc -o doclist.txt --xinclude --xincludestyle doclist.xsl /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/install.sv.profiled.xml
Build the listings...
xsltproc -o listings.xml --xinclude --xincludestyle --param current.dir '/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390' /usr/share/dblatex/xsl/common/mklistings.xsl /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/install.sv.profiled.xml
xsltproc -o install.sv.profiled.rtex --xinclude --xincludestyle --param current.dir '/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390' --param listings.xml '/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/dblatex/tmp421FFL/listings.xml' /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/dblatex/tmp421FFL/custom.xsl /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/install.sv.profiled.xml
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.10)
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
prompt: default template used in programlisting or screen
Build install.sv.profiled.pdf
built-in module xetex registered
no support found for ifthen
no support found for ifxetex
no support found for fontspec
no support found for xltxtra
no support found for fontenc
no support found for ucs
no support found for inputenc
no support found for fancybox
built-in module makeidx registered
no support found for babel
no support found for cmap
no support found for db2latex
building additional files...
checking if compiling is necessary...
the output file doesn't exist
xelatex -interaction=batchmode install.sv.profiled.tex
running post-compilation scripts...
[index] the index file /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/dblatex/tmp421FFL/install.sv.profiled.idx is empty
install.sv.profiled.lot MD5 checksum changed
install.sv.profiled.aux MD5 checksum changed
install.sv.profiled.toc MD5 checksum changed
the /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/dblatex/tmp421FFL/install.sv.profiled.lot file has changed
xelatex -interaction=batchmode install.sv.profiled.tex
running post-compilation scripts...
[index] the index file /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/dblatex/tmp421FFL/install.sv.profiled.idx is empty
install.sv.profiled.lot MD5 checksum changed
install.sv.profiled.aux MD5 checksum changed
install.sv.profiled.toc MD5 checksum changed
the /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/dblatex/tmp421FFL/install.sv.profiled.lot file has changed
xelatex -interaction=batchmode install.sv.profiled.tex
running post-compilation scripts...
[index] the index file /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/dblatex/tmp421FFL/install.sv.profiled.idx is empty
no new compilation is needed
running last-compilation scripts...
'install.sv.pdf' successfully built
/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/build.tmp.sv.s390/dblatex/tmp421FFL not removed
+ set +x
+ schroot --directory /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build -c chroot:jenkins-d-i-sid make languages=sv architectures=s390x destination=/srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl/manual/build/pdf/ formats=pdf
set -e ; \
target=sv.s390x ; \
lang=${target%.*} ; \
lang_id="$(echo $lang | tr A-Z a-z | sed "s/_/-/")" ; \
arch=${target#*.} ; \
eval arch_destination=$destination ; \
echo "Architecture: $arch" ; \
if [ -n "$noarchdir" ]; then \
	destsuffix="$lang" ; \
else \
	if [ -n "$web" ] ; then \
		destsuffix="$arch" ; \
	else \
		destsuffix="$lang.$arch" ; \
	fi ; \
fi ; \
export destdir=build.out.$lang.$arch ; \
export tempdir=build.tmp.$lang.$arch ; \
echo "Calling ./buildone.sh \"$arch\" \"$lang\" \"$formats\"" ; \
./buildone.sh "$arch" "$lang" "$formats" ; \
mkdir -p "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" ; \
for format in $formats; do \
	if [ "$format" = html ]; then \
		mkdir -p "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/images" ; \
		mv ./$destdir/html/images/* "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/images" ; \
		rmdir ./$destdir/html/images ; \
		mv ./$destdir/html/* "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" ; \
	else \
		# Do not fail because of missing PDF support for some languages \
		if [ -n "$web" ] ; then \
			mv ./$destdir/install.$lang.$format "$arch_destination/$destsuffix/install.$format.$lang_id" 2>/dev/null || true ; \
		else \
			mv ./$destdir/install.$lang.$format "$arch_destination/$destsuffix" 2>/dev/null || true ; \
		fi ; \
	fi ; \
done ; \
Architecture: s390x
Calling ./buildone.sh "s390x" "sv" "pdf"
Info: creating temporary profiled .xml file...
make: *** [Makefile:8: sv.s390x] Error 1
+ cleanup_srv
+ '[' /srv/d-i/ = /srv/d-i/ ']'
+ '[' 24 -ge 10 ']'
+ echo 'Removing /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl now.'
Removing /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl now.
+ rm -rf /srv/d-i/d-i-manual-fxhl
Tue 16 Jul 02:09:27 UTC 2019 - /srv/jenkins/bin/d-i_manual.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-BnAtWC8c, which will now be removed.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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