[Qa-jenkins-scm] postgresql-9.6-main.log found

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Fri Jul 19 01:38:26 BST 2019

2019-07-18 02:28:11.168 UTC [40072] jenkins at reproducibledb ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "stats_build_tmp_name_version_suite_architecture_build_date_key1"
2019-07-18 02:28:11.168 UTC [40072] jenkins at reproducibledb DETAIL:  Key (name, version, suite, architecture, build_date)=(clazy, 1.5-2, archlinux_extra, x86_64, 2019-07-18 02:18:00) already exists.
2019-07-18 02:28:11.168 UTC [40072] jenkins at reproducibledb STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO stats_build (name, version, suite, architecture, distribution, status, build_date, build_duration, node1, node2, job)
			VALUES ('clazy', '1.5-2', 'archlinux_extra', 'x86_64', 3, 'reproducible', '2019-07-18 02:18', '606', 'osuosl-build169-amd64', 'osuosl-build170-amd64', 'https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_builder_archlinux_2/163357/');
2019-07-18 15:37:55.907 UTC [44011] jenkins at reproducibledb ERROR:  insert or update on table "results" violates foreign key constraint "results_tmp_package_id_fkey1"
2019-07-18 15:37:55.907 UTC [44011] jenkins at reproducibledb DETAIL:  Key (package_id)=(494311) is not present in table "sources".
2019-07-18 15:37:55.907 UTC [44011] jenkins at reproducibledb STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO results (package_id, version, status, build_date, build_duration, node1, node2, job) VALUES ('494311', '1.16.0-1', 'reproducible', '2019-07-18 15:18', '1190', 'jtk1b-armhf-rb.debian.net', 'opi2c-armhf-rb.debian.net', 'armhf_18/327') ON CONFLICT (package_id) DO UPDATE SET version='1.16.0-1', status='reproducible', build_date='2019-07-18 15:18', build_duration='1190', node1='jtk1b-armhf-rb.debian.net', node2='opi2c-armhf-rb.debian.net', job='armhf_18/327' WHERE results.package_id='494311'
2019-07-18 22:40:32.257 UTC [16544] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 210860.649 ms  statement: SELECT schedule.date_scheduled, sources.suite, sources.architecture, sources.name, results.status, results.build_duration, (SELECT coalesce(avg(CAST(stats_build.build_duration AS INTEGER)), 0) AS coalesce_1 
2019-07-18 22:43:37.536 UTC [16544] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 171337.029 ms  statement: SELECT schedule.date_scheduled, sources.suite, sources.architecture, sources.name, results.status, results.build_duration, (SELECT coalesce(avg(CAST(stats_build.build_duration AS INTEGER)), 0) AS coalesce_1 
2019-07-18 22:46:03.697 UTC [16544] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 138937.717 ms  statement: SELECT schedule.date_scheduled, sources.suite, sources.architecture, sources.name, results.status, results.build_duration, (SELECT coalesce(avg(CAST(stats_build.build_duration AS INTEGER)), 0) AS coalesce_1 
2019-07-18 23:07:20.070 UTC [1516] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 226080.098 ms  statement: SELECT COUNT(r.build_date) FROM stats_build AS r WHERE r.build_date > '2019-07-17 23:03' AND r.architecture='amd64'
2019-07-18 23:24:34.422 UTC [52831] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 152885.419 ms  statement: SELECT schedule.date_scheduled, sources.suite, sources.architecture, sources.name, results.status, results.build_duration, (SELECT coalesce(avg(CAST(stats_build.build_duration AS INTEGER)), 0) AS coalesce_1 
2019-07-18 23:27:24.419 UTC [52831] jenkins at reproducibledb LOG:  duration: 151970.964 ms  statement: SELECT schedule.date_scheduled, sources.suite, sources.architecture, sources.name, results.status, results.build_duration, (SELECT coalesce(avg(CAST(stats_build.build_duration AS INTEGER)), 0) AS coalesce_1 
2019-07-18 23:48:22.696 UTC [29678] jenkins at reproducibledb ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sources_new_name_suite_architecture_key"
2019-07-18 23:48:22.696 UTC [29678] jenkins at reproducibledb DETAIL:  Key (name, suite, architecture)=(kmod-usb-net2280, trunk, mips_24kc) already exists.
2019-07-18 23:48:22.696 UTC [29678] jenkins at reproducibledb STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO sources (name, version, suite, architecture, distribution) VALUES ('kmod-usb-net2280', '4.14.132-1', 'trunk', 'mips_24kc', 5)
2019-07-18 23:48:24.586 UTC [29861] jenkins at reproducibledb ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sources_new_name_suite_architecture_key"
2019-07-18 23:48:24.586 UTC [29861] jenkins at reproducibledb DETAIL:  Key (name, suite, architecture)=(ubox, trunk, mips_24kc) already exists.
2019-07-18 23:48:24.586 UTC [29861] jenkins at reproducibledb STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO sources (name, version, suite, architecture, distribution) VALUES ('ubox', '2019-06-16-4df34a4d-3', 'trunk', 'mips_24kc', 5)
2019-07-18 23:48:25.317 UTC [30084] jenkins at reproducibledb ERROR:  null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
2019-07-18 23:48:25.317 UTC [30084] jenkins at reproducibledb DETAIL:  Failing row contains (920291, null, null, trunk, null, 0, 5).
2019-07-18 23:48:25.317 UTC [30084] jenkins at reproducibledb STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO sources (name, version, suite, architecture, distribution) VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'trunk', NULL, 5) RETURNING sources.id
2019-07-18 23:48:26.032 UTC [30309] jenkins at reproducibledb ERROR:  null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
2019-07-18 23:48:26.032 UTC [30309] jenkins at reproducibledb DETAIL:  Failing row contains (920292, null, null, trunk, null, 0, 5).
2019-07-18 23:48:26.032 UTC [30309] jenkins at reproducibledb STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO sources (name, version, suite, architecture, distribution) VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'trunk', NULL, 5) RETURNING sources.id
2019-07-18 23:48:26.987 UTC [30464] jenkins at reproducibledb ERROR:  null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
2019-07-18 23:48:26.987 UTC [30464] jenkins at reproducibledb DETAIL:  Failing row contains (920293, null, null, trunk, null, 0, 5).
2019-07-18 23:48:26.987 UTC [30464] jenkins at reproducibledb STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO sources (name, version, suite, architecture, distribution) VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'trunk', NULL, 5) RETURNING sources.id
2019-07-18 23:48:27.654 UTC [30708] jenkins at reproducibledb ERROR:  null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
2019-07-18 23:48:27.654 UTC [30708] jenkins at reproducibledb DETAIL:  Failing row contains (920294, null, null, trunk, null, 0, 5).
2019-07-18 23:48:27.654 UTC [30708] jenkins at reproducibledb STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO sources (name, version, suite, architecture, distribution) VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'trunk', NULL, 5) RETURNING sources.id

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