[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment #188

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Wed Jul 24 12:22:46 BST 2019

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment/188/display/redirect>

[...truncated 579.50 KB...]
    default: ++ echo /vagrant/cache/gradle-5.3.1-bin.zip
    default: + ver=5.3.1
    default: + vergte 5.3.1 2.2.1
    default: + sort -C -V -r
    default: + printf '%s\n%s' 5.3.1 2.2.1
    default: + '[' '!' -d /opt/gradle/versions/5.3.1 ']'
    default: + unzip -qq /vagrant/cache/gradle-5.3.1-bin.zip
    default: + mv gradle-5.3.1 /opt/gradle/versions/5.3.1
    default: + for f in /vagrant/cache/gradle-*.zip
    default: ++ sed 's,.*gradle-\([0-9][0-9.]*\).*\.zip,\1,'
    default: ++ echo /vagrant/cache/gradle-5.4.1-bin.zip
    default: + ver=5.4.1
    default: + vergte 5.4.1 2.2.1
    default: + sort -C -V -r
    default: + printf '%s\n%s' 5.4.1 2.2.1
    default: + '[' '!' -d /opt/gradle/versions/5.4.1 ']'
    default: + unzip -qq /vagrant/cache/gradle-5.4.1-bin.zip
    default: + mv gradle-5.4.1 /opt/gradle/versions/5.4.1
    default: + for f in /vagrant/cache/gradle-*.zip
    default: ++ sed 's,.*gradle-\([0-9][0-9.]*\).*\.zip,\1,'
    default: ++ echo /vagrant/cache/gradle-5.5.1-bin.zip
    default: + ver=5.5.1
    default: + vergte 5.5.1 2.2.1
    default: + sort -C -V -r
    default: + printf '%s\n%s' 5.5.1 2.2.1
    default: + '[' '!' -d /opt/gradle/versions/5.5.1 ']'
    default: + unzip -qq /vagrant/cache/gradle-5.5.1-bin.zip
    default: + mv gradle-5.5.1 /opt/gradle/versions/5.5.1
    default: + for f in /vagrant/cache/gradle-*.zip
    default: ++ sed 's,.*gradle-\([0-9][0-9.]*\).*\.zip,\1,'
    default: ++ echo /vagrant/cache/gradle-5.5-bin.zip
    default: + ver=5.5
    default: + vergte 5.5 2.2.1
    default: + sort -C -V -r
    default: + printf '%s\n%s' 5.5 2.2.1
    default: + '[' '!' -d /opt/gradle/versions/5.5 ']'
    default: + unzip -qq /vagrant/cache/gradle-5.5-bin.zip
    default: + mv gradle-5.5 /opt/gradle/versions/5.5
    default: + chmod -R a+rX /opt/gradle
    default: + test -e /opt/gradle/bin
    default: + mkdir -p /opt/gradle/bin
    default: + ln -fs /home/vagrant/fdroidserver/gradlew-fdroid /opt/gradle/bin/gradle
    default: + chown -h vagrant.vagrant /opt/gradle/bin/gradle
    default: + chown vagrant.vagrant /opt/gradle/versions
    default: + chmod 0755 /opt/gradle/versions
==> default: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
++ vagrant box list
++ egrep '^buildserver\s+\((libvirt|virtualbox), [0-9]+\)$'
+ '[' -z 'buildserver              (virtualbox, 0)' ']'
+ '[' -e fdroiddata ']'
+ cd fdroiddata
+ git fetch origin --tags --prune
>From https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata
   95423b6875..6c7a53f533  master     -> origin/master
+ git remote update -p
Fetching origin
+ git checkout master
Already on 'master'
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 46 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
  (use "git pull" to update your local branch)
+ git reset --hard origin/master
HEAD is now at 6c7a53f533 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
+ git clean -fdx
Removing build/.fdroidvcs-org.adaway
Removing build/.fdroidvcs-org.fdroid.fdroid
Skipping repository build/org.adaway/
Skipping repository build/org.fdroid.fdroid/
Removing builder/
Removing cache/
Removing config.py
Removing logs/
Removing tmp/
Removing unsigned/
+ cd ..
+ cd fdroiddata
+ echo 'build_server_always = True'
+ '[' -z /usr/lib/android-sdk ']'
+ ../fdroid build --verbose --stop --latest org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: Reading 'config.py'
INFO: Creating log directory
INFO: Creating temporary directory
INFO: Creating output directory
DEBUG: Getting git vcs interface for https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient.git
INFO: Repository details for build/org.fdroid.fdroid missing - deleting
DEBUG: > git -c core.askpass=/bin/true -c core.sshCommand=/bin/false -c url.https://.insteadOf=ssh:// -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org/.insteadOf=git@bitbucket.org: -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=git://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=https://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@github.com/.insteadOf=git@github.com: -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=git://github.com -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=https://github.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com/.insteadOf=git@gitlab.com: -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=git://gitlab.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=https://gitlab.com clone -- https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient.git build/org.fdroid.fdroid
Cloning into 'build/org.fdroid.fdroid'...
remote: warning: ignoring extra bitmap file: /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/@pools/05/ad/05ada863a4cf9660fd8c68e2295f1d35b2264815f5b605003d6625bd9e0492cf.git/objects/pack/pack-e5819f5dea93d07ceb770051801eb9f5741e7c5f.pack        
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git rev-parse --show-toplevel
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git checkout -f HEAD
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git clean -dffx
DEBUG: Setting 7200 sec timeout for this build
DEBUG: Getting git vcs interface for https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient.git
DEBUG: > git --version
git version 2.11.0
INFO: Using git version 2.11.0
DEBUG: Checking 1.7
INFO: Building version 1.7 (1007050) of org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git rev-parse --show-toplevel
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -dffx
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git -c core.askpass=/bin/true -c core.sshCommand=/bin/false -c url.https://.insteadOf=ssh:// -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org/.insteadOf=git@bitbucket.org: -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=git://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=https://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@github.com/.insteadOf=git@github.com: -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=git://github.com -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=https://github.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com/.insteadOf=git@gitlab.com: -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=git://gitlab.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=https://gitlab.com fetch origin
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git -c core.askpass=/bin/true -c core.sshCommand=/bin/false -c url.https://.insteadOf=ssh:// -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org/.insteadOf=git@bitbucket.org: -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=git://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@bitbucket.org.insteadOf=https://bitbucket.org -c url.https://u:p@github.com/.insteadOf=git@github.com: -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=git://github.com -c url.https://u:p@github.com.insteadOf=https://github.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com/.insteadOf=git@gitlab.com: -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=git://gitlab.com -c url.https://u:p@gitlab.com.insteadOf=https://gitlab.com fetch --prune --tags origin
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git remote set-head origin --auto
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git checkout -f 1.7
DEBUG: Directory: build/org.fdroid.fdroid
DEBUG: > git clean -dffx
INFO: buildserver path does not exists, creating builder
DEBUG: virtualbox is the sole installed and supported vagrant provider, selecting 'virtualbox'
DEBUG: vm uuid is None
INFO: resetting buildserver, because vagrant vm is not okay.
INFO: destroying vm 'builder_default'
==> default: VM not created. Moving on...
DEBUG: vagrant destroy completed
DEBUG: deleted vagrant dir: /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment/fdroiddata/builder/.vagrant
DEBUG: vagrant global-status --prune
id       name    provider   state    directory                                                                                         
6bd86cc  default virtualbox poweroff /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment/buildserver 
The above shows information about all known Vagrant environments
on this machine. This data is cached and may not be completely
up-to-date. To interact with any of the machines, you can go to
that directory and run Vagrant, or you can use the ID directly
with Vagrant commands from any directory. For example:
"vagrant destroy 1a2b3c4d"
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'buildserver'...
Progress: 10%Progress: 20%Progress: 30%Progress: 40%Progress: 50%Progress: 60%Progress: 70%Progress: 80%Progress: 90%==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: builder_default_1563966974068_45372
==> default: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2202.
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    default: Adapter 1: nat
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 22 (guest) => 2202 (host) (adapter 1)
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
DEBUG: vm uuid: 5b5127ed-2f11-4229-a5c9-b95ae23a1e74
INFO: suspending buildserver
==> default: Saving VM state and suspending execution...
INFO: buildserver recreated: taking a clean snapshot
INFO: creating snapshot 'fdroidclean' for vm 'builder_default'
DEBUG: VBoxManage snapshot 5b5127ed-2f11-4229-a5c9-b95ae23a1e74 take fdroidclean
Snapshot taken. UUID: f8add687-5523-431f-820f-a5bb6a84a9ec
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Resuming suspended VM...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
verify_host_key: false is deprecated, use :never
Timed out while waiting for the machine to boot. This means that
Vagrant was unable to communicate with the guest machine within
the configured ("config.vm.boot_timeout" value) time period.

If you look above, you should be able to see the error(s) that
Vagrant had when attempting to connect to the machine. These errors
are usually good hints as to what may be wrong.

If you're using a custom box, make sure that networking is properly
working and you're able to connect to the machine. It is a common
problem that networking isn't setup properly in these boxes.
Verify that authentication configurations are also setup properly,
as well.

If the box appears to be booting properly, you may want to increase
the timeout ("config.vm.boot_timeout") value.
ERROR: Could not build app org.fdroid.fdroid: could not bring up vm 'builder_default'
DEBUG: Error encoutered, stopping by user request.
+ cleanup_all
+ set +e
++ date -u
Wed Jul 24 11:22:32 UTC 2019 - cleanup in progress...
+ echo 'Wed Jul 24 11:22:32 UTC 2019 - cleanup in progress...'
+ ps auxww
+ grep -e VBox -e qemu
root       928  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   Jun18   0:00 [iprt-VBoxWQueue]
root       932  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    Jun18   0:00 [iprt-VBoxTscThr]
jenkins   6087  0.7  0.0 163016 13052 ?        S    Jul22  18:44 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxXPCOMIPCD
jenkins   6274  4.2  0.0 940292 60532 ?        Sl   Jul22  99:54 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxSVC --auto-shutdown
jenkins   7325  0.4  0.0 391492 16432 ?        Sl   11:13   0:02 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxManage import /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment/vagrant.d/boxes/buildserver/0/virtualbox/box.ovf --vsys 0 --vmname buildserver_default_1563962046397_72321_1_1563966794754_77499 --vsys 0 --unit 6 --disk /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment/virtualbox.d/buildserver_default_1563962046397_72321_1_1563966794754_77499/box-disk001.vmdk
jenkins   9599 87.2  0.0 1682644 135560 ?      Sl   11:16   5:05 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxHeadless --comment builder_default_1563966974068_45372 --startvm 5b5127ed-2f11-4229-a5c9-b95ae23a1e74 --vrde config
jenkins  14196  0.0  0.0  12716   940 ?        S    11:22   0:00 grep -e VBox -e qemu
jenkins  17010  100  0.0 1615060 135392 ?      Sl   09:38 104:36 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxHeadless --comment builder_default_1563916383858_44098 --startvm f93c5d42-cd95-4a6e-b10f-3769983cdfbb --vrde config
jenkins  24041  600  0.0 2143444 135464 ?      Sl   Jul23 6486:22 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxHeadless --comment builder_default_1563898267208_71088 --startvm c93d989b-6e05-49fd-a875-bc8260b06185 --vrde config
jenkins  31114  100  0.0 1609700 136504 ?      Sl   Jul22 2346:10 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxHeadless --comment builder_default_1563813709828_9276 --startvm abb71ac9-b0b2-4e47-a6f1-677e80c6dd4c --vrde config
total 2.4G
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.3G Feb  1 00:51 fdroid-VAGRANTSLASH-basebox-stretch64_vagrant_box_image_0.5.1.img
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.2G Jan 19  2019 fdroid-VAGRANTSLASH-basebox-stretch64_vagrant_box_image_0.5.img
+ ls -hl /var/lib/libvirt/images
+ cd /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible/reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment/buildserver
+ vagrant halt
+ sleep 5
+ killall VBoxHeadless
+ sleep 5
+ killall -9 VBoxHeadless
VBoxHeadless: no process found
++ date -u
Wed Jul 24 11:22:46 UTC 2019 - cleanup done.
+ echo 'Wed Jul 24 11:22:46 UTC 2019 - cleanup done.'
+ cleanup_all
++ date -u
Wed Jul 24 11:22:46 UTC 2019 - cleanup in progress...
+ echo 'Wed Jul 24 11:22:46 UTC 2019 - cleanup in progress...'
+ killall adb
adb: no process found
Wed Jul 24 11:22:46 UTC 2019 - /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_setup_fdroid_build_environment.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-0tSh30t4, which will now be removed.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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