[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_fdroid_test #261
jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Sat Sep 28 01:40:09 BST 2019
See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_fdroid_test/261/display/redirect>
[...truncated 60.13 MB...]
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing ch.jiikuy.velocitycalculator
WARNING: ...ch.jiikuy.velocitycalculator : VCS error while scanning app ch.jiikuy.velocitycalculator: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/jiikuy/velocitycalculator/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing ch.logixisland.anuto
WARNING: ...ch.logixisland.anuto : VCS error while scanning app ch.logixisland.anuto: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/reloZid/android-anuto/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing ch.thgoebel.spartathlonapp
INFO: ...updating to version 0.8.2 (11)
INFO: ...auto-generating build for 0.8.2
INFO: Commiting update for metadata/ch.thgoebel.spartathlonapp.yml
[master a4ca2f43d9] Update Spartathlon to 0.8.2 (11)
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
INFO: Processing chat.rocket.android
INFO: ...updating to version 3.5.1 (2077)
INFO: ...auto-generating build for 3.5.1
INFO: Commiting update for metadata/chat.rocket.android.yml
[master c08c7c192b] Update Rocket.Chat to 3.5.1 (2077)
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
INFO: Processing chromiumupdater.bamless.com.chromiumsweupdater
WARNING: ...chromiumupdater.bamless.com.chromiumsweupdater : VCS error while scanning app chromiumupdater.bamless.com.chromiumsweupdater: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/bamless/chromium-swe-updater/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing cityfreqs.com.pilfershushjammer
INFO: ...updating to version 4.0.6 (28)
INFO: ...auto-generating build for 4.0.6
INFO: Commiting update for metadata/cityfreqs.com.pilfershushjammer.txt
[master 9b6a3ca499] Update PilferShush Jammer to 4.0.6 (28)
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
INFO: Processing cl.coders.faketraveler
WARNING: ...cl.coders.faketraveler : VCS error while scanning app cl.coders.faketraveler: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/mcastillof/FakeTraveler/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing click.dummer.UartSmartwatch
WARNING: ...click.dummer.UartSmartwatch : VCS error while scanning app click.dummer.UartSmartwatch: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/no-go/UART-Smartwatch/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing click.dummer.funphonepuppet
WARNING: ...click.dummer.funphonepuppet : VCS error while scanning app click.dummer.funphonepuppet: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/no-go/FunPhonePuppet/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing click.dummer.have_radiosion
INFO: ...updating to version 2.7 (27)
INFO: ...auto-generating build for 2.7
INFO: Commiting update for metadata/click.dummer.have_radiosion.yml
[master 317d7a9075] Update HaveRadiosion to 2.7 (27)
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
INFO: Processing click.dummer.imagesms
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing click.dummer.notify_to_jabber
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing click.dummer.rickapp
WARNING: ...click.dummer.rickapp : VCS error while scanning app click.dummer.rickapp: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/no-go/RickApp/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing click.dummer.textthing
WARNING: ...click.dummer.textthing : VCS error while scanning app click.dummer.textthing: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/no-go/TextThing/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing click.dummer.yidkey
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing co.epitre.aelf_lectures
WARNING: ...co.epitre.aelf_lectures : VCS error while scanning app co.epitre.aelf_lectures: Git clone failed
==== detail begin ====
Cloning into 'build/co.epitre.aelf_lectures'...
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/HackMyChurch/aelf-dailyreadings/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.DartChecker
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.GTP.eveminer
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.MarcosDiez.shareviahttp
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.a5corp.weather
WARNING: ...com.a5corp.weather : VCS error while scanning app com.a5corp.weather: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/Sparker0i/Weather/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.aaronhalbert.nosurfforreddit
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.aaronjwood.portauthority
WARNING: ...com.aaronjwood.portauthority : VCS error while scanning app com.aaronjwood.portauthority: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/aaronjwood/PortAuthority/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.abhijitvalluri.android.fitnotifications
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.adam.aslfms
INFO: ...updating to version 1.7.0 (61)
INFO: ...auto-generating build for 1.7.0
INFO: Commiting update for metadata/com.adam.aslfms.txt
[master 419e840fc3] Update Simple Scrobbler to 1.7.0 (61)
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
INFO: Processing com.adgad.kboard
WARNING: ...com.adgad.kboard : VCS error while scanning app com.adgad.kboard: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/adgad/kboard/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.adguard.android.contentblocker
WARNING: ...com.adguard.android.contentblocker : Couldn't find package ID
INFO: Processing com.adityakamble49.dcipher
WARNING: ...com.adityakamble49.dcipher : VCS error while scanning app com.adityakamble49.dcipher: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/adityakamble49/dcipher-app/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.adonai.manman
WARNING: ...com.adonai.manman : VCS error while scanning app com.adonai.manman: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/Adonai/Man-Man/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.aefyr.sai.fdroid
WARNING: ...com.aefyr.sai.fdroid : VCS error while scanning app com.aefyr.sai.fdroid: Git clone failed
==== detail begin ====
Cloning into 'build/com.aefyr.sai.fdroid'...
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/Aefyr/SAI/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.agateau.catgenerator
WARNING: ...com.agateau.catgenerator : VCS error while scanning app com.agateau.catgenerator: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/agateau/cat-avatar-generator-app/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.agateau.tinywheels.android
WARNING: ...com.agateau.tinywheels.android : VCS error while scanning app com.agateau.tinywheels.android: Git clone failed
==== detail begin ====
Cloning into 'build/com.agateau.tinywheels.android'...
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/agateau/pixelwheels/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.agnibho.android.solarcompass
WARNING: ...com.agnibho.android.solarcompass : VCS error while scanning app com.agnibho.android.solarcompass: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/agnibho/solarcompass/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.ahorcado
WARNING: ...com.ahorcado : VCS error while scanning app com.ahorcado: Git clone failed
==== detail begin ====
Cloning into 'build/com.ahorcado'...
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/Webierta/ahorcandroid/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.aidinhut.simpletextcrypt
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.alaskalinuxuser.justchess
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.alaskalinuxuser.justnotes
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.alaskalinuxuser.rilcontrol
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.alxgnon.postwriter
WARNING: ...com.alxgnon.postwriter : VCS error while scanning app com.alxgnon.postwriter: Git clone failed
==== detail begin ====
Cloning into 'build/com.alxgnon.postwriter'...
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/alxgnon/PostWriter/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.amaze.filemanager
WARNING: ...com.amaze.filemanager : VCS error while scanning app com.amaze.filemanager: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/TeamAmaze/AmazeFileManager/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.ames.books
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.anddevw.getchromium
WARNING: ...com.anddevw.getchromium : VCS error while scanning app com.anddevw.getchromium: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/andDevW/getChromium/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.andreasgift.totalzero
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.android.gpstest.osmdroid
INFO: ...updating to version 3.5.0 (56)
INFO: ...auto-generating build for 3.5.0
INFO: Commiting update for metadata/com.android.gpstest.osmdroid.txt
[master 1202be6b08] Update GPSTest to 3.5.0 (56)
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
INFO: Processing com.android.keepass
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.android.shellms
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.angryburg.uapp
WARNING: ...com.angryburg.uapp : VCS error while scanning app com.angryburg.uapp: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/nilesr/United4/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.anoopknr.pastebin
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.anthony.deepl.openl
WARNING: ...com.anthony.deepl.openl : VCS error while scanning app com.anthony.deepl.openl: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/Anthony-Reboul/AndroidDeepL/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.antoniotari.reactiveampacheapp
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.neo
WARNING: ...com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.neo : VCS error while scanning app com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.neo: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/kertase/neo_anysoftkeyboard/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.apkupdater
WARNING: ...com.apkupdater : VCS error while scanning app com.apkupdater: Git clone failed
==== detail begin ====
Cloning into 'build/com.apkupdater'...
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/rumboalla/apkupdater/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.apps.adrcotfas.goodtime
WARNING: ...com.apps.adrcotfas.goodtime : VCS error while scanning app com.apps.adrcotfas.goodtime: Git fetch failed
==== detail begin ====
remote: Not Found
fatal: repository 'https://u:p@github.com/goodtime-productivity/Goodtime/' not found
==== detail end ====
INFO: Processing com.aptasystems.dicewarepasswordgenerator
INFO: ...up to date
INFO: Processing com.artifex.mupdf.mini.app
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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