[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype #68

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Fri May 1 21:27:40 BST 2020

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype/68/display/redirect>


Started by user Holger Levsen
Running as SYSTEM
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on profitbricks-build7-amd64.debian.net (profitbricks7 amd64) in workspace <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype/ws/>
[reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins5786568982225382755.sh
+ /srv/jenkins/bin/jenkins_master_wrapper.sh

###											###
### the goal is to create json export to integrate in tracker.d.o and/or packages.d.o	###
###											###
### the aim is to develop a 'real world' view about the reproducibility of all the      ###
### packages distributed via ftp.d.o. - so far tests.r-b.o/debian only shows the 	###
### 'theoretical' reproducibility of Debian packages.                                   ###
###											###
### we'll leave out the problem of 'trust' here quite entirely. that's why it's called	###
### a Debian rebuilder 'thing', to explore technical feasibility, duck taping our way	###
### ahead, keeping our motto 'to allow anyone to independently verify...' in mind.	###
###											###

Fri 01 May 2020 08:27:34 PM UTC - running /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype.sh (for job reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype) on profitbricks-build7-amd64, called using "" as arguments.
Fri 01 May 2020 08:27:34 PM UTC - actually running "reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype.sh" (md5sum b50699f90aeab11a037eff7300b79369) as "/tmp/jenkins-script-ZFxo1R5o"

Please send feedback to qa-jenkins-dev at lists.alioth.debian.org or even better, provide https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/merge_requests !

To dig deeper: git clone https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git && less README INSTALL CONTRIBUTING TODO


###											###
### the goal is to create json export to integrate in tracker.d.o and/or packages.d.o	###
###											###
### the aim is to develop a 'real world' view about the reproducibility of all the      ###
### packages distributed via ftp.d.o. - so far tests.r-b.o/debian only shows the 	###
### 'theoretical' reproducibility of Debian packages.                                   ###
###											###
### we'll leave out the problem of 'trust' here quite entirely. that's why it's called	###
### a Debian rebuilder 'thing', to explore technical feasibility, duck taping our way	###
### ahead, keeping our motto 'to allow anyone to independently verify...' in mind.	###
###											###


Fri May  1 20:27:36 UTC 2020 - let's try to rebuild lix-data () from bullseye/amd64


Fri May  1 20:27:36 UTC 2020 - No .buildinfo file found for lix-data () for amd64


Fri May  1 20:27:36 UTC 2020 - .buildinfo files known for lix-data and (arch_amd64 or arch_all)

Fri 01 May 2020 08:27:36 PM UTC - reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-ZFxo1R5o, which will now be removed.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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