[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_diffoscope_from_git_master #828

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Tue May 12 09:56:08 BST 2020

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_diffoscope_from_git_master/828/display/redirect?page=changes>


[lamby] Clarify the message when we truncate the number of lines to standard

[lamby] Clarify when an external command emits for both files, otherwise it can

[lamby] Don't repeat "stderr from {}" if both commands emit the same thing.

[...truncated 402.95 KB...]
tests/comparators/test_text.py::test_difference_between_iso88591_and_unicode PASSED [ 89%]
tests/comparators/test_text.py::test_difference_between_iso88591_and_unicode_only PASSED [ 89%]
tests/comparators/test_text.py::test_compare_non_existing PASSED         [ 89%]
tests/comparators/test_text.py::test_ordering_differences PASSED         [ 89%]
tests/comparators/test_utils.py::test_tools_missing PASSED               [ 90%]
tests/comparators/test_utils.py::test_skip_unless_tools_exist_empty SKIPPED [ 90%]
tests/comparators/test_utils.py::test_skip_unless_tools_exist_missing SKIPPED [ 90%]
tests/comparators/test_utils.py::test_fuzzy_matching PASSED              [ 90%]
tests/comparators/test_utils.py::test_fuzzy_matching_only_once PASSED    [ 90%]
tests/comparators/test_utils.py::test_no_fuzzy_matching PASSED           [ 91%]
tests/comparators/test_utils.py::test_no_fuzzy_matching_new_file PASSED  [ 91%]
tests/comparators/test_utils.py::test_trim_stderr_in_command PASSED      [ 91%]
tests/comparators/test_wasm.py::test_identification PASSED               [ 91%]
tests/comparators/test_wasm.py::test_no_differences PASSED               [ 92%]
tests/comparators/test_wasm.py::test_diff PASSED                         [ 92%]
tests/comparators/test_wasm.py::test_compare_non_existing PASSED         [ 92%]
tests/comparators/test_xml.py::test_identification PASSED                [ 92%]
tests/comparators/test_xml.py::test_invalid PASSED                       [ 93%]
tests/comparators/test_xml.py::test_no_differences PASSED                [ 93%]
tests/comparators/test_xml.py::test_diff PASSED                          [ 93%]
tests/comparators/test_xsb.py::test_identification PASSED                [ 93%]
tests/comparators/test_xsb.py::test_no_differences PASSED                [ 93%]
tests/comparators/test_xsb.py::test_diff PASSED                          [ 94%]
tests/comparators/test_xsb.py::test_compare_non_existing PASSED          [ 94%]
tests/comparators/test_xz.py::test_identification PASSED                 [ 94%]
tests/comparators/test_xz.py::test_no_differences PASSED                 [ 94%]
tests/comparators/test_xz.py::test_content_source PASSED                 [ 95%]
tests/comparators/test_xz.py::test_content_source_without_extension PASSED [ 95%]
tests/comparators/test_xz.py::test_content_diff PASSED                   [ 95%]
tests/comparators/test_xz.py::test_compare_non_existing PASSED           [ 95%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_identification PASSED                [ 95%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_no_differences PASSED                [ 96%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_metadata PASSED                      [ 96%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_compressed_files PASSED              [ 96%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_extra_fields PASSED                  [ 96%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_compare_non_existing PASSED          [ 97%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_mozzip_identification PASSED         [ 97%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_mozzip_no_differences PASSED         [ 97%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_mozzip_metadata PASSED               [ 97%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_mozzip_compressed_files PASSED       [ 97%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_mozzip_compare_non_existing PASSED   [ 98%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_jmod_identification PASSED           [ 98%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_jmod_no_differences PASSED           [ 98%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_jmod_metadata PASSED                 [ 98%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_encrypted PASSED                     [ 99%]
tests/comparators/test_zip.py::test_commented PASSED                     [ 99%]
tests/comparators/test_zst.py::test_identification PASSED                [ 99%]
tests/comparators/test_zst.py::test_no_differences PASSED                [ 99%]
tests/comparators/test_zst.py::test_content_source PASSED                [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________________ test_code_is_black_clean ___________________________

    @skip_unless_tool_is_at_least('black', black_version, '19.10b0')
    def test_code_is_black_clean():
        output = subprocess.check_output(
            ('black', '--diff', '.'), stderr=subprocess.PIPE
        # Display diff in "captured stdout call"
>       assert len(output) == 0
E       assert 610 == 0
E         -610
E         +0

output     = ('--- diffoscope/comparators/utils/command.py\t2020-05-12 08:39:42 +0000\n'
 '+++ diffoscope/comparators/utils/command.py\t2020-05-12 08:46:29.517695 '
 '@@ -100,12 +100,11 @@\n'
 '                 break\n'
 "             buf += line.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')\n"
 ' \n'
 '         if len(lines) > Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES:\n'
 "             buf += '[ truncated after {} lines; {} ignored ]\\n'.format(\n"
 '-                Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES,\n'
 '-                len(lines) - Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES\n'
 '+                Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES, len(lines) - '
 '             )\n'
 ' \n'
 '         return buf\n'
 ' \n'
 '     @property\n')

tests/test_source.py:253: AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
--- diffoscope/comparators/utils/command.py	2020-05-12 08:39:42 +0000
+++ diffoscope/comparators/utils/command.py	2020-05-12 08:46:29.517695 +0000
@@ -100,12 +100,11 @@
             buf += line.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
         if len(lines) > Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES:
             buf += '[ truncated after {} lines; {} ignored ]\n'.format(
-                Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES,
-                len(lines) - Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES
+                Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES, len(lines) - Command.MAX_STDERR_LINES
         return buf

--------- generated xml file: /tmp/job-exports/test-results/tests.xml ----------

--------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.8.3-candidate-1 ---------
Name                                         Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
diffoscope/__init__.py                           1      0   100%
diffoscope/changes.py                          121     52    57%   85, 93, 96, 105, 112, 119, 140, 177, 183, 189, 195-197, 203, 209, 225-228, 231-234, 243, 255-287, 308-315, 322, 334
diffoscope/comparators/__init__.py              47     21    55%   133-139, 144-153, 158-167
diffoscope/comparators/android.py               43      1    98%   50
diffoscope/comparators/apk.py                  107      1    99%   42
diffoscope/comparators/ar.py                    27      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/berkeley_db.py           20      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/binary.py                17      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/binwalk.py               61      6    90%   33-34, 38-40, 75
diffoscope/comparators/bzip2.py                 25      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/cbfs.py                  89     43    52%   40-41, 47, 50, 56-67, 70, 73, 76, 80-94, 107-117, 148-151, 155-169, 172
diffoscope/comparators/cpio.py                  10      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/deb.py                  126      9    93%   38-40, 53, 78, 137, 188-190
diffoscope/comparators/debian.py               152      5    97%   80-82, 237, 258, 279
diffoscope/comparators/debian_fallback.py       25      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/device.py                49      6    88%   50-53, 88-91
diffoscope/comparators/dex.py                   29      1    97%   37
diffoscope/comparators/directory.py            172     24    86%   57-60, 104, 116, 123-125, 132-135, 152-155, 162, 166-167, 169, 172-173, 184-185, 244, 298
diffoscope/comparators/docx.py                  14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/dtb.py                   14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/elf.py                  299     28    91%   77, 85-86, 214, 229, 324, 368, 390-392, 400, 412-414, 422, 455, 487-496, 504, 517, 528, 534, 547-551, 561-566
diffoscope/comparators/ffprobe.py               27      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/fontconfig.py            26      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/fonts.py                 16      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/fsimage.py               79     16    80%   34-36, 44, 51-52, 56-62, 66-68, 74, 80, 123
diffoscope/comparators/gettext.py               37      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/gif.py                   42      4    90%   58-59, 102-103
diffoscope/comparators/git.py                   29      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/gnumeric.py              19      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/gzip.py                  27      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/haskell.py               60     13    78%   38, 48, 88-90, 99, 105-112, 116, 127-128, 145, 148
diffoscope/comparators/hdf.py                   14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/icc.py                   14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/image.py                 84      6    93%   138-139, 167-168, 187-188
diffoscope/comparators/ipk.py                    4      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/iso9660.py               52      3    94%   34, 74, 97
diffoscope/comparators/java.py                  49      2    96%   94-95
diffoscope/comparators/javascript.py            13      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/json.py                  47      7    85%   31-33, 75, 82-83, 87
diffoscope/comparators/kbx.py                   17      1    94%   38
diffoscope/comparators/llvm.py                  22      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/lz4.py                   28      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/macho.py                 58     28    52%   34-36, 40, 43, 47-50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 83-93, 99-155
diffoscope/comparators/missing_file.py          56      3    95%   67, 70, 89
diffoscope/comparators/mono.py                  14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/ocaml.py                 19      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/odt.py                   14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/ogg.py                   14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/openssh.py               14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/openssl.py               13      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/pcap.py                  14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/pdf.py                   44      4    91%   31-33, 56
diffoscope/comparators/pgp.py                   22      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/png.py                   32      2    94%   79-80
diffoscope/comparators/ppu.py                   54     14    74%   74, 87-100
diffoscope/comparators/ps.py                    25      2    92%   49-50
diffoscope/comparators/rdata.py                 58     21    64%   92-118, 155, 158, 166-172
diffoscope/comparators/rpm.py                   71      2    97%   42, 49
diffoscope/comparators/rpm_fallback.py          11      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/rust.py                  32      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/sqlite.py                14      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/squashfs.py             171     33    81%   99, 117, 131, 139, 142, 156, 164, 186-208, 211-214, 217, 220, 247-248, 290-292
diffoscope/comparators/symlink.py               35      2    94%   59-60
diffoscope/comparators/tar.py                   12      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/text.py                  34      2    94%   86-88
diffoscope/comparators/utils/__init__.py         0      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/utils/archive.py         98     13    87%   56, 60, 64, 68, 109-110, 126, 129, 132, 141, 151, 154, 159
diffoscope/comparators/utils/command.py         58      3    95%   69, 83, 86
diffoscope/comparators/utils/compare.py        103     13    87%   42-43, 82, 97, 109-110, 139-147
diffoscope/comparators/utils/container.py      111      6    95%   67, 71, 116-120
diffoscope/comparators/utils/file.py           268     49    82%   40-41, 54-60, 89-99, 106, 112, 260-273, 320-322, 329, 333, 337, 420-423, 431-434, 476, 487-500, 519, 527, 537, 548-550
diffoscope/comparators/utils/fuzzy.py           29      2    93%   28-29
diffoscope/comparators/utils/libarchive.py     182     22    88%   46-49, 53-56, 68-71, 75-78, 82-85, 133-136, 175, 204, 212, 215, 228, 242, 256-257, 325-326
diffoscope/comparators/utils/specialize.py      31      2    94%   72, 75
diffoscope/comparators/wasm.py                  19      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/xml.py                   44      2    95%   144-145
diffoscope/comparators/xsb.py                   17      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/xz.py                    28      0   100%
diffoscope/comparators/zip.py                  135      3    98%   149, 152, 184
diffoscope/comparators/zst.py                   26      1    96%   39
diffoscope/config.py                            44      4    91%   77-88
diffoscope/diff.py                             415     55    87%   102, 139, 192, 229, 231-233, 275-278, 291-319, 369, 398, 558, 560, 564, 579, 584, 617-618, 621-622, 644-645, 648-658, 666-669, 679-682, 697
diffoscope/difference.py                       196     16    92%   79, 118, 220-224, 237, 272, 279-280, 317-320, 363, 369, 396
diffoscope/environ.py                           13      0   100%
diffoscope/exc.py                               18      0   100%
diffoscope/excludes.py                          24      6    75%   31-35, 42-44
diffoscope/external_tools.py                     3      0   100%
diffoscope/feeders.py                           61      2    97%   83-84
diffoscope/logging.py                           28      6    79%   28-31, 35-38
diffoscope/main.py                             284     71    75%   63-65, 69-71, 77, 428, 436-443, 455-459, 466-492, 506, 533, 561-591, 608, 662, 672-673, 678-685, 702, 709-710, 715, 720-728, 747-750, 755, 757-763, 778
diffoscope/path.py                               7      0   100%
diffoscope/presenters/__init__.py                0      0   100%
diffoscope/presenters/formats.py                37      4    89%   98-101
diffoscope/presenters/html/__init__.py           1      0   100%
diffoscope/presenters/html/html.py             461    127    72%   84-91, 131-134, 138, 140-142, 151-152, 266-267, 270, 303, 331, 348-359, 409, 424, 441-445, 450, 457-463, 474, 479-496, 499-516, 544-547, 551-556, 559, 565-569, 593-601, 606-618, 623-640, 655, 675-678, 754, 818, 834-836, 846-878, 896
diffoscope/presenters/html/templates.py          9      0   100%
diffoscope/presenters/icon.py                    1      0   100%
diffoscope/presenters/json.py                   32      1    97%   56
diffoscope/presenters/markdown.py               19      0   100%
diffoscope/presenters/restructuredtext.py       25      0   100%
diffoscope/presenters/text.py                   44      7    84%   62-67, 72-73, 82-83
diffoscope/presenters/utils.py                 162     12    93%   43, 72, 154, 159, 166, 308, 354, 419-424
diffoscope/profiling.py                         39      0   100%
diffoscope/progress.py                         168     18    89%   35-37, 46-53, 79, 90-91, 96, 121, 226, 241-242, 250
diffoscope/readers/__init__.py                   7      0   100%
diffoscope/readers/json.py                      17      1    94%   35
diffoscope/readers/utils.py                      2      0   100%
diffoscope/tempfiles.py                         48     11    77%   56-57, 66-78
diffoscope/tools.py                             70     13    81%   26-27, 57-58, 68-69, 108, 121, 126, 141-144
diffoscope/utils.py                             18      1    94%   33
TOTAL                                         6387    833    87%
Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov

=========================== short test summary info ============================
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_apk.py:76: requires apktool (try installing apktool) >= 2.5.0 (2.4.1-dirty detected)
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_cbfs.py:103: requires cbfstool
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_cbfs.py:108: requires cbfstool
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_cbfs.py:113: requires cbfstool
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_cbfs.py:125: requires cbfstool
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_cbfs.py:137: requires cbfstool
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_cbfs.py:145: requires cbfstool
SKIPPED [1] /tmp/testrun/.pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_haskell.py:37: mismatch between system ghc and fixture
SKIPPED [1] /tmp/testrun/.pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_haskell.py:54: mismatch between system ghc and fixture
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_macho.py:51: requires otool and lipo
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_macho.py:59: requires otool and lipo
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_utils.py:50: requires
SKIPPED [1] .pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build/tests/comparators/test_utils.py:55: requires /missing
============== 1 failed, 429 passed, 13 skipped in 604.43 seconds ==============
E: pybuild pybuild:352: test: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=1: cd /tmp/testrun/.pybuild/cpython3_3.8/build; python3.8 -m pytest -vv -r sxX -l --cov=diffoscope --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=html --junit-xml=/tmp/job-exports/test-results/tests.xml
dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.8 returned exit code 13
make: *** [debian/rules:34: binary] Error 25
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 2
debuild: fatal error at line 1182:
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui failed
'/chroots/chroot-run-sid.PEVR8US8y//tmp/job-exports/test-results' -> '<https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_diffoscope_from_git_master/ws/job-exports/test-results'>
'/chroots/chroot-run-sid.PEVR8US8y//tmp/job-exports/test-results/tests.xml' -> '<https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_diffoscope_from_git_master/ws/job-exports/test-results/tests.xml'>
Tue 12 May 08:56:08 UTC 2020 - chroot-run.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-xwdygT76, which will now be removed.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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