[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] 2 commits: reproducible Debian: small fixes to index_oldsuites and index_performance

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Oct 27 22:28:59 GMT 2020

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

3920a755 by Holger Levsen at 2020-10-27T23:18:24+01:00
reproducible Debian: small fixes to index_oldsuites and index_performance

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -
dddaa8c3 by Holger Levsen at 2020-10-27T23:28:44+01:00
reproducible Debian dashboard: refactor

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- bin/reproducible_html_dashboard.sh


@@ -337,13 +337,12 @@ write_build_performance_stats() {
 	for ARCH in ${ARCHS} ; do
 		write_page " <th>$ARCH</th>"
-	write_page "</tr><tr><td class=\"left\">oldest build result in buster / bullseye / unstable / experimental</td>"
+	write_page "</tr><tr><td class=\"left\">oldest build result in bullseye / unstable / experimental</td>"
 	for ARCH in ${ARCHS} ; do
-		AGE_BUSTER=$(query_db "SELECT CAST(greatest(max(oldest_reproducible), max(oldest_FTBR), max(oldest_FTBFS)) AS INTEGER) FROM ${TABLE[2]} WHERE suite='buster' AND architecture='$ARCH' AND datum='$DATE'")
 		AGE_BULLSEYE=$(query_db "SELECT CAST(greatest(max(oldest_reproducible), max(oldest_FTBR), max(oldest_FTBFS)) AS INTEGER) FROM ${TABLE[2]} WHERE suite='bullseye' AND architecture='$ARCH' AND datum='$DATE'")
 		AGE_UNSTABLE=$(query_db "SELECT CAST(greatest(max(oldest_reproducible), max(oldest_FTBR), max(oldest_FTBFS)) AS INTEGER) FROM ${TABLE[2]} WHERE suite='unstable' AND architecture='$ARCH' AND datum='$DATE'")
 		AGE_EXPERIMENTAL=$(query_db "SELECT CAST(greatest(max(oldest_reproducible), max(oldest_FTBR), max(oldest_FTBFS)) AS INTEGER) FROM ${TABLE[2]} WHERE suite='experimental' AND architecture='$ARCH' AND datum='$DATE'")
-		write_page "<td>$AGE_BUSTER / $AGE_BULLSEYE / $AGE_UNSTABLE / $AGE_EXPERIMENTAL days</td>"
+		write_page "<td>$AGE_BULLSEYE / $AGE_UNSTABLE / $AGE_EXPERIMENTAL days</td>"
 	write_page "</tr><tr><td class=\"left\">Build jobs configured</td>"
 	for ARCH in ${ARCHS} ; do
@@ -609,16 +608,11 @@ create_dashboard_page() {
-	# in the following two write_page() calls we use the same
-	# insane grep to filter people who committed with several
-	# usernames…
 	if [ -f ${NOTES_GIT_PATH}/packages.yml ] && [ -f ${NOTES_GIT_PATH}/issues.yml ] ; then
-		write_page "<tr><td class=\"left\">committers to <a href=\"https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes\" target=\"_parent\">notes.git</a> (in the last three months)</td><td>$(cd ${NOTES_GIT_PATH} ; git log --since="3 months ago"|grep Author|sort -u | \
-				grep -v alexis at passoire.fr | grep -v christoph.berg at credativ.de | grep -v d.s at daniel.shahaf.name | grep -v dhole at openmailbox.com | grep -v jelmer at jelmer.uk | grep -v mattia at mapreri.org | grep -v micha at lenk.info | grep -v mail at sandroknauss.de | grep -v sanvila at unex.es | \
-				wc -l)</td><td colspan=\"$AC\"></td></tr>"
-		write_page "<tr><td class=\"left\">committers to notes.git (in total)</td><td>$(cd ${NOTES_GIT_PATH} ; git log |grep Author|sort -u | \
-				grep -v alexis at passoire.fr | grep -v christoph.berg at credativ.de | grep -v d.s at daniel.shahaf.name | grep -v dhole at openmailbox.com | grep -v jelmer at jelmer.uk | grep -v mattia at mapreri.org | grep -v micha at lenk.info | grep -v mail at sandroknauss.de | grep -v sanvila at unex.es | \
-				wc -l)</td><td colspan=\"$AC\"></td></tr>"
+		# in the following two write_page() calls we filter out duplicate authors
+		DUPLICATES="alexis at passoire.fr|christoph.berg at credativ.de|d.s at daniel.shahaf.name|dhole at openmailbox.com|jelmer at jelmer.uk|mattia at mapreri.org|micha at lenk.info|mail at sandroknauss.de|sanvila at unex.es"
+		write_page "<tr><td class=\"left\">committers to <a href=\"https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes\" target=\"_parent\">notes.git</a> (in the last three months)</td><td>$(cd ${NOTES_GIT_PATH} ; git log --since="3 months ago"|grep Author|sort -u | grep -E -v $DUPLICATES | wc -l)</td><td colspan=\"$AC\"></td></tr>"
+		write_page "<tr><td class=\"left\">committers to notes.git (in total)</td><td>$(cd ${NOTES_GIT_PATH} ; git log |grep Author|sort -u | grep -E -v $DUPLICATES | wc -l)</td><td colspan=\"$AC\"></td></tr>"
 	RESULT=$(cat /srv/reproducible-results/modified_in_sid.txt || echo "unknown")	# written by reproducible_html_repository_comparison.sh
 	write_page "<tr><td class=\"left\">packages <a href=\"/debian/index_repositories.html\">modified in our toolchain</a> (in unstable)</td><td>$(echo $RESULT)</td><td colspan=\"$AC\"></td></tr>"
@@ -669,7 +663,7 @@ create_oldsuites_page() {
 		write_page "</p><p style=\"clear:both;\">"
 		write_page "Oldest build result in $SUITE:"
 		for ARCH in ${ARCHS} ; do
-			AGE=$(query_db "SELECT CAST(greatest(max(oldest_reproducible), max(oldest_FTBR), max(oldest_FTBFS)) AS INTEGER) FROM ${TABLE[2]} WHERE suite='stretch' AND architecture='$ARCH' AND datum='$DATE'")
+			AGE=$(query_db "SELECT CAST(greatest(max(oldest_reproducible), max(oldest_FTBR), max(oldest_FTBFS)) AS INTEGER) FROM ${TABLE[2]} WHERE suite='$SUITE' AND architecture='$ARCH' AND datum='$DATE'")
 			comma_comma_and ${ARCH}
 			write_page "$AGE days for ${ARCH}$COMMA_VAR"
@@ -739,7 +733,7 @@ create_performance_page() {
 			if [ $SUITE = "stretch" ] || [ $SUITE = "buster" ] ; then
-			write_page " <a href=\"/debian/$SUITE/$ARCH/${TABLE[2]}.png\"><img src=\"/debian/$SUITE/$ARCH/${TABLE[2]}.png\" class=\"overview\" alt=\"age of oldest reproducible build result in $SUITE/$ARCH\"></a>"
+			write_page " <a href=\"/debian/$SUITE/$ARCH/${TABLE[2]}.png\"><img src=\"/debian/$SUITE/$ARCH/${TABLE[2]}.png\" class=\"tripleview\" alt=\"age of oldest reproducible build result in $SUITE/$ARCH\"></a>"
 		write_page "</p><p style=\"clear:both;\">"

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/compare/aaf15b46d56227d42ce08748c16523032f366c0f...dddaa8c3e2a95b9bc8b33a54b2dec51c0008e6c2

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/compare/aaf15b46d56227d42ce08748c16523032f366c0f...dddaa8c3e2a95b9bc8b33a54b2dec51c0008e6c2
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