[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] 2 commits: trbo health check: detect hosts running in wrong future

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Dec 30 10:19:08 GMT 2020

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

6dadb32e by Holger Levsen at 2020-12-30T11:13:58+01:00
trbo health check: detect hosts running in wrong future

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -
90fff6ec by Holger Levsen at 2020-12-30T11:18:45+01:00
use "warning:" consistently

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- bin/common-functions.sh
- bin/reproducible_freebsd.sh
- bin/reproducible_node_health_check.sh
- bin/reproducible_system_health.sh
- logparse/reproducible.rules


@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ jenkins_zombie_check() {
 	if [ ! -z "$ZOMBIES" ] ; then
 		figlet 'zombies!!!'
-		echo "Warning, rise of the jenkins job zombies has started again, these jobs should not exist:"
+		echo "Warning: rise of the jenkins job zombies has started again, these jobs should not exist:"
 		for z in $ZOMBIES ; do
 			echo $(basename $z)
@@ -240,14 +240,14 @@ jenkins_logsize_check() {
 	JENKINSLOG="$(find /var/log/jenkins -name jenkins.log -size +42G)"
 	if [ ! -z "$JENKINSLOG" ] ; then
 		figlet 'jenkins.log size'
-		echo "Warning, jenkins.log is larger than 42G, please fix, erroring out now."
+		echo "Warning: jenkins.log is larger than 42G, please fix, erroring out now."
 		exit 1
 		JENKINSLOG="$(find /var/log/jenkins -name jenkins.log -size +23G)"
 		if [ ! -z "$JENKINSLOG" ] ; then
 			figlet 'jenkins.log size'
-			echo "Warning, jenkins.log is larger than 23G, please do something…"
+			echo "Warning: jenkins.log is larger than 23G, please do something…"

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ run_diffoscope_on_results() {
 	echo "       <table><tr><th>Artifacts for <code>$TARGET_NAME</code></th></tr>" >> ${FILES_HTML[$FREEBSD_TARGET]}
 	if [ ! -d $TMPDIR/b1 ] || [ ! -d $TMPDIR/b1 ] ; then
-		echo "Warning, one of the two builds failed, not running diffoscope…"
+		echo "Warning: one of the two builds failed, not running diffoscope…"
 		echo "<tr><td>$TARGET_NAME failed to build from source.</td></tr>" >> ${FILES_HTML[$FREEBSD_TARGET]}
 		echo "</table>" >> ${FILES_HTML[$FREEBSD_TARGET]}

@@ -99,20 +99,20 @@ real_year=2020
 year=$(date +%Y)
 	if [ "$year" -eq "$real_year" ]; then
-		echo "Warning, today $HOSTNAME came back to the present: $(date -u)."
+		echo "Warning: today $HOSTNAME came back to the present: $(date -u)."
 	elif [ "$year" -eq "$((real_year + 1))" ] || \
 		 [ "$year" -eq "$((real_year + 2))" -a "$(date +%m)" -eq 1 ]; then
 		echo "Good, today is the right future: $(date -u)."
-		echo "Warning, today is the wrong future: $(date -u)."
+		echo "Warning: today is the wrong future: $(date -u)."
 	if [ "$year" -eq "$real_year" ]; then
 		echo "Host is running in the present as it should: $(date -u)."
-		echo "Warning, today is the wrong present: $(date -u)."
+		echo "Warning: today is the wrong present: $(date -u)."
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ fi
 if [ "$(lsb_release -si)" = "Ubuntu" ] ; then
 	echo "$(date -u) - testing whether only one kernel is installed..."
 	if [ "$(ls /boot/vmlinuz-*|wc -l)" != "1" ] ; then
-		echo "Warning, more than one kernel in /boot:"
+		echo "Warning: more than one kernel in /boot:"
 		ls -lart /boot/vmlinuz-*
 		df -h /boot
 		echo "Running kernel: $(uname -r)"

@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ for JOB_NAME in $(ls -1d reproducible_* | sort ) ; do
 			small_note "squid.service failed"
 		elif $(grep -q "Kernel needs upgrade" $LOG) ; then
 			small_note "reboot needed for kernel upgrade"
-		elif $(grep -q "Warning, more than one kernel in /boot" $LOG) ; then
+		elif $(grep -q "Warning: more than one kernel in /boot" $LOG) ; then
 			small_note "more than one kernel installed"
 		elif $(grep -q "failed failed /etc/rc.local Compatibility" $LOG) ; then
 			small_note "rc-local.service failed"
@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ for JOB_NAME in $(ls -1d reproducible_* | sort ) ; do
 			small_note "pacman/db.lck exists, thus failing to update Arch Linux schroot, manual intervention required"
 		elif $(grep -q "Warning: failed to update Arch Linux schroot." $LOG) ; then
 			small_note "failed to update Arch Linux schroot"
+		elif $(grep -q "Warning: today is the wrong future." $LOG) ; then
+			small_note "host date is the wrong future date"
 		elif $(grep -q "Warning: sbuild failed. Exiting cleanly as this is out-of-scope" $LOG) ; then
 			UNSAT_DEPENDS=$(grep "unsat-dependency:" $LOG || true)
 			if [ -n "$UNSAT_DEPENDS" ] ; then

@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ warning /Warning: The following builds have failed due to diffoscope schroot pro
 warning /W: The repository .+ is not signed./
 warning /W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs:.+/
 warning /Warning: /.../shm.+please tell the jenkins admins to fix this./
-warning /^Warning, today we came back to the present:/
-warning /^Warning, today is the wrong (present|future):/
+warning /^Warning: today we came back to the present:/
+warning /^Warning: today is the wrong (present|future):/
 warning /Warning: curl http:..www.debian.org failed, probably the proxy is down for.+/
-warning /Warning, more than one kernel in.+/
-warning /Warning, rise of the jenkins job zombies.+/
-warning /Warning, jenkins.log is larger than.+/
+warning /Warning: more than one kernel in.+/
+warning /Warning: rise of the jenkins job zombies.+/
+warning /Warning: jenkins.log is larger than.+/
 warning /^Warning: running kernel needs attention/
 warning /Warning: schroots older than/
 warning /Warning: SQL query .+ failed.$/

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/compare/deaf90b45d8bb895e9bdc2ef40ced4a33e344318...90fff6ec74f131045120d5c35a207a5360d3131a

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/compare/deaf90b45d8bb895e9bdc2ef40ced4a33e344318...90fff6ec74f131045120d5c35a207a5360d3131a
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