[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_scheduler #32157
jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Wed May 12 12:45:24 BST 2021
See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_scheduler/32157/display/redirect>
[...truncated 23.51 KB...]
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Requesting 50 old depwait packages in unstable/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Criteria: status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Received 0 old depwait packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Requesting 20 old depwait packages in experimental/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Criteria: status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Amount: 12
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Packages: krunner khtml kcmutils kdelibs4support plasma-framework kmediaplayer ktexteditor kross kdewebkit php-codecoverage libpod jaraco.collections
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Received 12 old depwait packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in stretch/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Suite/Arch: stretch/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in stretch/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in buster/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Suite/Arch: buster/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in buster/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in bullseye/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in bullseye/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in unstable/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Amount: 4
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Packages: djvulibre node-got trac gnome-online-accounts
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Received 4 E404 packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:19] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in experimental/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Amount: 1
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Packages: chatty
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Received 1 E404 packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in stretch/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Suite/Arch: stretch/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Received 0 old packages in stretch/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in buster/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Suite/Arch: buster/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Received 0 old packages in buster/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in bullseye/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Received 0 old packages in bullseye/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in unstable/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Received 0 old packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in experimental/i386...
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Criteria: tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Received 0 old packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: The following 5 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2021-05-12 17:41: python-django visp singularity-container seqan3 octave-mapping
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: The following 4 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2021-05-12 11:41: djvulibre node-got trac gnome-online-accounts
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: The following 5 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2021-05-12 17:41: tellico httping seqan2 massif-visualizer okteta
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: The following 5 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2021-05-12 17:41: commons-math3 twitter-bootstrap4 slic3r-prusa sslsplit ncbi-vdb
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: The following 8 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2021-05-11 23:41: ssocr ufl rtl-433 tang confget qtractor fonts-elstob openmpi
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2021-05-12 17:41: plasma-nm rustc
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: The following 12 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2021-05-12 05:41: krunner khtml kcmutils kdelibs4support plasma-framework kmediaplayer ktexteditor kross kdewebkit php-codecoverage libpod jaraco.collections
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2021-05-12 11:41: chatty
[2021-05-12 11:41:20] INFO: Building the schedule index page for i386...
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Page generated at https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_i386_scheduled.html
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Scheduling for architecture i386 done.
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Arch i386 scheduled at 2021-05-12 11:42:36.
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Scheduling for arm64...
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: 2509 packages already scheduled for arm64, probably scheduling some more...
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: ==============================================================
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Currently scheduled packages in all suites on arm64: 2509
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: 2509 packages already scheduled, only scheduling new versions.
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in stretch/arm64...
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Suite/Arch: stretch/arm64
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Received 0 new packages in stretch/arm64 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:42:36] INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in buster/arm64...
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Suite/Arch: buster/arm64
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Received 0 new packages in buster/arm64 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Requesting 150 new versions in bullseye/arm64...
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/arm64
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Received 0 new packages in bullseye/arm64 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Requesting 125 new versions in unstable/arm64...
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/arm64
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Received 0 new packages in unstable/arm64 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Requesting 25 new versions in experimental/arm64...
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/arm64
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: Received 0 new packages in experimental/arm64 to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:42:37] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:42:38] INFO: Building the schedule index page for arm64...
[2021-05-12 11:44:09] INFO: Page generated at https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_arm64_scheduled.html
[2021-05-12 11:44:09] INFO: Scheduling for architecture arm64 done.
[2021-05-12 11:44:09] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:44:09] INFO: Arch arm64 scheduled at 2021-05-12 11:44:09.
[2021-05-12 11:44:09] INFO: Scheduling for armhf...
[2021-05-12 11:44:09] INFO: 2350 packages already scheduled for armhf, probably scheduling some more...
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: ==============================================================
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Currently scheduled packages in all suites on armhf: 2350
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: 2350 packages already scheduled, only scheduling new versions.
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in stretch/armhf...
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Suite/Arch: stretch/armhf
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Received 0 new packages in stretch/armhf to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in buster/armhf...
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Suite/Arch: buster/armhf
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Received 0 new packages in buster/armhf to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:44:10] INFO: Requesting 75 new versions in bullseye/armhf...
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/armhf
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Received 0 new packages in bullseye/armhf to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Requesting 150 new versions in unstable/armhf...
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/armhf
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Received 0 new packages in unstable/armhf to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Requesting 25 new versions in experimental/armhf...
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Criteria: tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/armhf
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Amount: 0
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Packages:
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Received 0 new packages in experimental/armhf to schedule.
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:44:11] INFO: Building the schedule index page for armhf...
[2021-05-12 11:45:23] INFO: Page generated at https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_armhf_scheduled.html
[2021-05-12 11:45:23] INFO: Scheduling for architecture armhf done.
[2021-05-12 11:45:23] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2021-05-12 11:45:23] INFO: Arch armhf scheduled at 2021-05-12 11:45:23.
[2021-05-12 11:45:23] INFO: Scheduled in stretch+buster+bullseye+unstable+experimental at 2021-05-12 11:45:23:
- i386: 0+0+0+0+8 new packages, 0+0+0+0+0 new versions, 0+0+0+4+1 with status 'E404', 0+5+5+5+2 ftbfs without bugs filed, 0+0+0+0+12 in depwait state, 0+0+0+0+0 known versions, for 1576 or 0+3+554+957+62 in total.
[2021-05-12 11:45:23] INFO: Finished at 2021-05-12 11:45:23.717913, took: 0:22:22.018962
ERROR: Build step failed with exception
java.io.IOException: No space left on device
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.write0(Native Method)
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.write(FileDispatcherImpl.java:62)
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.writeFromNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:113)
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.write(IOUtil.java:79)
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.write(FileChannelImpl.java:280)
at java.base/java.nio.channels.Channels.writeFullyImpl(Channels.java:74)
at java.base/java.nio.channels.Channels.writeFully(Channels.java:97)
at java.base/java.nio.channels.Channels$1.write(Channels.java:172)
at hudson.remoting.RemoteOutputStream.write(RemoteOutputStream.java:112)
at org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.copyLarge(IOUtils.java:1159)
at org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.copy(IOUtils.java:878)
at org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.copyLarge(IOUtils.java:1135)
at org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.copy(IOUtils.java:854)
at hudson.FilePath$CopyTo.invoke(FilePath.java:2493)
at hudson.FilePath$CopyTo.invoke(FilePath.java:2484)
at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1164)
at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1147)
at hudson.FilePath.copyTo(FilePath.java:2478)
at hudson.FilePath.copyTo(FilePath.java:2433)
Caused: java.io.IOException: Failed to copy /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/reproducible_scheduler/builds/32157/log to /tmp/log-parser_reproducible_scheduler_build_32157
at hudson.FilePath.copyTo(FilePath.java:2436)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer.computeStatusMatches(LogParserStatusComputer.java:88)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer.access$000(LogParserStatusComputer.java:22)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer$1.call(LogParserStatusComputer.java:54)
Caused: java.lang.RuntimeException
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer$1.call(LogParserStatusComputer.java:62)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer$1.call(LogParserStatusComputer.java:47)
at hudson.remoting.LocalChannel.call(LocalChannel.java:47)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer.computeStatusMatches(LogParserStatusComputer.java:47)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserStatusComputer.<init>(LogParserStatusComputer.java:36)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserParser.parseLogBody(LogParserParser.java:355)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserParser.parseLog(LogParserParser.java:165)
at hudson.plugins.logparser.LogParserPublisher.perform(LogParserPublisher.java:119)
at jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep.perform(SimpleBuildStep.java:123)
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepCompatibilityLayer.perform(BuildStepCompatibilityLayer.java:80)
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(BuildStepMonitor.java:20)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(AbstractBuild.java:803)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(AbstractBuild.java:752)
at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(Build.java:177)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.post(AbstractBuild.java:697)
at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1932)
at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:97)
at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:429)
Build step 'Console output (build log) parsing' marked build as failure
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