[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype #3805

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Sat Jun 19 08:24:59 BST 2021

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype/3805/display/redirect>


[...truncated 23.30 KB...]
 python3-graphviz (= 0.14.2-1),
 python3-greenlet (= 0.4.17-1+b1),
 python3-gunicorn (= 20.1.0-1),
 python3-hacking (= 1.1.0-4),
 python3-httplib2 (= 0.18.1-3),
 python3-idna (= 2.10-1),
 python3-imagesize (= 1.2.0-2),
 python3-importlib-metadata (= 1.6.0-2),
 python3-infinity (= 1.5-2),
 python3-iniconfig (= 1.1.1-1),
 python3-iso8601 (= 0.1.13-1),
 python3-itsdangerous (= 1.1.0-3),
 python3-jeepney (= 0.6.0-1),
 python3-jinja2 (= 2.11.3-1),
 python3-jmespath (= 0.10.0-1),
 python3-json-pointer (= 2.0-2),
 python3-jsonpatch (= 1.25-3),
 python3-jsonpath-rw (= 1.4.0-4),
 python3-jsonpath-rw-ext (= 1.2.2-2),
 python3-jsonschema (= 3.2.0-3),
 python3-jwt (= 1.7.1-2),
 python3-kazoo (= 2.7.0-4),
 python3-kerberos (= 1.1.14-3.1+b3),
 python3-keyring (= 22.0.1-1),
 python3-keystoneauth1 (= 4.2.1-2),
 python3-keystoneclient (= 1:4.1.1-2),
 python3-keystonemiddleware (= 9.1.0-2),
 python3-kombu (= 5.0.2-3),
 python3-lib2to3 (= 3.9.2-1),
 python3-linecache2 (= 1.0.0-4),
 python3-logutils (= 0.3.3-7),
 python3-lxml (= 4.6.3-1),
 python3-mako (= 1.1.3+ds1-2),
 python3-markupsafe (= 1.1.1-1+b3),
 python3-mccabe (= 0.6.1-3),
 python3-memcache (= 1.59-5),
 python3-migrate (= 0.13.0-2),
 python3-mimeparse (= 1.6.0-3),
 python3-minimal (= 3.9.2-2),
 python3-monotonic (= 1.5-3),
 python3-more-itertools (= 4.2.0-3),
 python3-msgpack (= 1.0.0-6+b1),
 python3-munch (= 2.3.2-2),
 python3-nacl (= 1.4.0-1+b1),
 python3-netaddr (= 0.7.19-5),
 python3-netifaces (= 0.10.9-0.2+b3),
 python3-networkx (= 2.5+ds-2),
 python3-neutronclient (= 1:7.2.1-2),
 python3-novaclient (= 2:17.2.1-2),
 python3-nwdiag (= 2.0.0+dfsg-1),
 python3-oauthlib (= 3.1.0-2),
 python3-octavia-lib (= 2.2.0-2),
 python3-openssl (= 20.0.1-1),
 python3-openstackdocstheme (= 1.20.0-5),
 python3-openstacksdk (= 0.50.0-6),
 python3-os-api-ref (= 1.6.2+dfsg1-1),
 python3-os-client-config (= 2.1.0-1),
 python3-os-service-types (= 1.7.0-2),
 python3-os-testr (= 1.1.0-3),
 python3-osc-lib (= 2.2.1-2),
 python3-oslo.cache (= 2.6.1-2),
 python3-oslo.concurrency (= 4.3.1-1),
 python3-oslo.config (= 1:8.3.3-1),
 python3-oslo.context (= 3.1.1-2),
 python3-oslo.db (= 8.4.0-2),
 python3-oslo.i18n (= 5.0.1-2),
 python3-oslo.log (= 4.4.0-2),
 python3-oslo.messaging (= 12.5.1-1),
 python3-oslo.middleware (= 4.1.1-2),
 python3-oslo.policy (= 3.5.0-2),
 python3-oslo.reports (= 2.2.0-2),
 python3-oslo.serialization (= 4.0.1-2),
 python3-oslo.service (= 2.4.0-2),
 python3-oslo.upgradecheck (= 1.1.1-2),
 python3-oslo.utils (= 4.6.0-2),
 python3-oslosphinx (= 4.18.0-5),
 python3-oslotest (= 1:4.4.1-2),
 python3-packaging (= 20.9-2),
 python3-paramiko (= 2.7.2-1),
 python3-paste (= 3.5.0+dfsg1-1),
 python3-pastedeploy (= 2.1.1-1),
 python3-pbr (= 5.5.0-2),
 python3-pecan (= 1.3.3-3),
 python3-pep8 (= 1.7.1-9),
 python3-pil (= 8.1.2-1),
 python3-pip (= 20.3.4-1),
 python3-pkg-resources (= 52.0.0-3),
 python3-pluggy (= 0.13.0-6),
 python3-ply (= 3.11-4),
 python3-prettytable (= 0.7.2-5),
 python3-psutil (= 5.8.0-1),
 python3-psycopg2 (= 2.8.6-2),
 python3-psycopg2cffi (= 2.8.1-2),
 python3-pure-sasl (= 0.5.1+dfsg1-2),
 python3-py (= 1.10.0-1),
 python3-pyasn1 (= 0.4.8-1),
 python3-pyasn1-modules (= 0.2.1-1),
 python3-pycadf (= 3.1.1-2),
 python3-pycodestyle (= 2.6.0-1),
 python3-pycparser (= 2.20-3),
 python3-pydot (= 1.4.2-1),
 python3-pydotplus (= 2.0.2-3),
 python3-pyflakes (= 2.2.0-2),
 python3-pygments (= 2.7.1+dfsg-2),
 python3-pyinotify (= 0.9.6-1.3),
 python3-pymysql (= 0.9.3-2),
 python3-pyparsing (= 2.4.7-1),
 python3-pyperclip (= 1.8.0-1),
 python3-pyroute2 (= 0.5.14-2),
 python3-pyrsistent (= 0.15.5-1+b3),
 python3-pytest (= 6.0.2-2),
 python3-reno (= 2.11.2-2),
 python3-reportlab (= 3.5.59-2),
 python3-reportlab-accel (= 3.5.59-2),
 python3-repoze.lru (= 0.7-2),
 python3-requests (= 2.25.1+dfsg-2),
 python3-requests-mock (= 1.7.0-2),
 python3-requestsexceptions (= 1.4.0-3),
 python3-rfc3986 (= 1.4.0-3),
 python3-roman (= 2.0.0-5),
 python3-routes (= 2.5.1-1),
 python3-sadisplay (= 0.4.9-1.1),
 python3-secretstorage (= 3.3.1-1),
 python3-seqdiag (= 2.0.0+dfsg-1),
 python3-setproctitle (= 1.2.1-1+b1),
 python3-setuptools (= 52.0.0-3),
 python3-simplegeneric (= 0.8.1-3),
 python3-simplejson (= 3.17.2-1),
 python3-singledispatch (=,
 python3-six (= 1.15.0-2),
 python3-smmap (= 4.0.0-1),
 python3-snowballstemmer (= 2.1.0-1),
 python3-soupsieve (= 2.2.1-1),
 python3-sphinx (= 3.4.3-2),
 python3-sphinx-feature-classification (= 1.0.1-2),
 python3-sphinxcontrib.actdiag (= 2.0.0-1),
 python3-sphinxcontrib.apidoc (= 0.3.0-2),
 python3-sphinxcontrib.blockdiag (= 2.0.0-1),
 python3-sphinxcontrib.nwdiag (= 2.0.0-1),
 python3-sphinxcontrib.seqdiag (= 2.0.0-1),
 python3-sqlalchemy (= 1.3.22+ds1-1),
 python3-sqlalchemy-utils (= 0.36.8-4),
 python3-sqlparse (= 0.4.1-1),
 python3-statsd (= 3.3.0-2),
 python3-stestr (= 3.0.1-2),
 python3-stevedore (= 3.2.2-3),
 python3-subunit (= 1.4.0-3),
 python3-swiftclient (= 1:3.10.1-2),
 python3-taskflow (= 4.5.0-3),
 python3-tempest (= 1:25.0.1-1),
 python3-tempita (= 0.5.2-6),
 python3-tenacity (= 6.2.0-4),
 python3-testrepository (= 0.0.20-5),
 python3-testresources (= 2.0.1-2),
 python3-testscenarios (= 0.5.0-3),
 python3-testtools (= 2.4.0-2),
 python3-toml (= 0.10.1-1),
 python3-traceback2 (= 1.4.0-6),
 python3-tz (= 2021.1-1),
 python3-uhashring (= 1.2-2),
 python3-unittest2 (= 1.1.0-7),
 python3-urllib3 (= 1.26.2-1),
 python3-vine (= 5.0.0+dfsg-2),
 python3-voluptuous (= 0.11.7-2),
 python3-waitress (= 1.4.4-1),
 python3-warlock (= 1.3.3-2),
 python3-wcwidth (= 0.1.9+dfsg1-2),
 python3-webcolors (= 1.11.1-1),
 python3-webob (= 1:1.8.6-1.1),
 python3-webtest (= 2.0.35-1),
 python3-werkzeug (= 1.0.1+dfsg1-2),
 python3-wheel (= 0.34.2-1),
 python3-wrapt (= 1.12.1-4+b1),
 python3-wsgi-intercept (= 1.9.2-1),
 python3-wsme (= 0.10.0-3),
 python3-yaml (= 5.3.1-3+b1),
 python3-yappi (= 1.0-1+b5),
 python3-zipp (= 1.0.0-3),
 python3-zmq (= 20.0.0-1+b1),
 python3-zope.event (= 4.4-3),
 python3-zope.interface (= 5.2.0-1),
 python3.9 (= 3.9.2-1),
 python3.9-minimal (= 3.9.2-1),
 readline-common (= 8.1-1),
 sed (= 4.7-1),
 sensible-utils (= 0.0.14),
 sgml-base (= 1.30),
 sphinx-common (= 3.4.3-2),
 subunit (= 1.4.0-3),
 sysvinit-utils (= 2.96-6),
 tar (= 1.34+dfsg-1),
 testrepository (= 0.0.20-5),
 tzdata (= 2021a-1),
 ucf (= 3.0043),
 util-linux (= 2.36.1-7),
 wget (= 1.21-1+b1),
 x11-common (= 1:7.7+22),
 xclip (= 0.13-2),
 xml-core (= 0.18+nmu1),
 xz-utils (= 5.2.5-2),
 zlib1g (= 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2)


+ mv octavia_7.1.0-2_amd64.buildinfo ..
+ set -o pipefail
++ mktemp -t debrebuild-cmd.XXXXXXXX
+ DEBREBUILD=/tmp/debrebuild-cmd.e1BwuPjZ
+ output_echo 'trying to debrebuild octavia (7.1.0-2)'
+ echo '###########################################################################################'
+ echo

++ date -u
Sat Jun 19 07:24:54 UTC 2021 - trying to debrebuild octavia (7.1.0-2)
+ echo -e 'Sat Jun 19 07:24:54 UTC 2021 - trying to debrebuild octavia (7.1.0-2)'
+ echo

+ /srv/jenkins/bin/rb-debrebuild --builder=sbuild --timestamp=metasnap --buildresult=. ../octavia_7.1.0-2_amd64.buildinfo
+ tee /tmp/debrebuild-cmd.e1BwuPjZ
request to metasnap.d.n failed: HTTP::Response=HASH(0x558812d54b98)->status_line at /srv/jenkins/bin/rb-debrebuild line 514.
../octavia_7.1.0-2_amd64.buildinfo contained a GPG signature; it has NOT been validated (debrebuild does not support this)!
Using defined Build-Path: /build/octavia-56zxCZ/octavia-7.1.0
retrieving snapshot.d.o data for octavia 7.1.0-2
retrieving required timestamps from metasnap.d.n
Sat Jun 19 07:24:55 UTC 2021 - reproducible_debian_rebuilder_prototype.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-xUa5Kwao, removing.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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