[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] delete the reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums jobs

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jun 29 13:37:29 BST 2021

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

e8fc4f71 by Holger Levsen at 2021-06-29T14:35:06+02:00
delete the reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums jobs

I've saved the reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums results in two
places in cases we later want to look at them. One is in my homedir
on jenkins.

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- bin/common-functions.sh
- bin/jenkins_node_wrapper.sh
- − bin/reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums.sh
- job-cfg/reproducible.yaml


@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ jenkins_zombie_check() {
 	# and we dont know why and when that happens,
 	# so just report those zombies here.
-	ZOMBIES="$(ls -1d /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/* | egrep 'strip-nondeterminism|reprotest|reproducible_(builder_(amd64|i386|armhf|arm64)|setup_(pbuilder|schroot)_testing)|chroot-installation_wheezy|aptdpkg|reproducible_*(odc2a|odxu4c|opi2b)|stretch_install_education-thin-client-server|jessie_multiarch_versionskew|dpkg_stretch_find_trigger_cycles|sid_install_education-services|buster_install_education-services|lvc|chroot-installation_stretch_.*_upgrade_to_sid|chroot-installation_buster_.*_upgrade_to_sid|piuparts_.*_jessie|udd_stretch|d-i_pu-build|debsums-tests_stretch|debian-archive-keyring-tests_stretch|chroot-installation_jessie|chroot-installation_.*education-lang-|kirkwoot|rebootstrap_.*_gcc[5-8]($|_)|brcm47xx|rebootstrap_kfreebsd|diffoscope_from_git_|disorderfs_from_git_master|diffoscope_pypi|diffoscope_freebsd|diffoscope_netbsd|diffoscope_macports|diffoscope_archlinux|openwrt-target-ath97|profitbricks|pool_buildinfos_suites|^g-i' || true)"
+	ZOMBIES="$(ls -1d /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/* | egrep 'strip-nondeterminism|reprotest|reproducible_(builder_(amd64|i386|armhf|arm64)|setup_(pbuilder|schroot)_testing)|chroot-installation_wheezy|aptdpkg|reproducible_*(odc2a|odxu4c|opi2b)|stretch_install_education-thin-client-server|jessie_multiarch_versionskew|dpkg_stretch_find_trigger_cycles|sid_install_education-services|buster_install_education-services|lvc|chroot-installation_stretch_.*_upgrade_to_sid|chroot-installation_buster_.*_upgrade_to_sid|piuparts_.*_jessie|udd_stretch|d-i_pu-build|debsums-tests_stretch|debian-archive-keyring-tests_stretch|chroot-installation_jessie|chroot-installation_.*education-lang-|kirkwoot|rebootstrap_.*_gcc[5-8]($|_)|brcm47xx|rebootstrap_kfreebsd|diffoscope_from_git_|disorderfs_from_git_master|diffoscope_pypi|diffoscope_freebsd|diffoscope_netbsd|diffoscope_macports|diffoscope_archlinux|openwrt-target-ath97|profitbricks|pool_buildinfos_suites|^g-i|reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums' || true)"
 	if [ ! -z "$ZOMBIES" ] ; then
 		figlet 'zombies!!!'

@@ -174,14 +174,6 @@ elif [ "$1" = "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build_rpm.sh" ] && ( [ "$2" = "1" ]
 	exec /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build_rpm.sh "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7" ; croak "Exec failed";
 elif [ "$1" = "reproducible_debian_live_build" ] ; then
 	exec /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_debian_live_build.sh ; croak "Exec failed";
-elif [ "$1" = "reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums" ] ; then
-	exec /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums.sh ; croak "Exec failed";
-elif [ "$1" = "reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums_forward_runner" ] ; then
-	exec /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums.sh forward ; croak "Exec failed";
-elif [ "$1" = "reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums_reverse_runner" ] ; then
-	exec /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums.sh reverse ; croak "Exec failed";
-elif [[ "$1" =~ ^reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums_random_runner_. ]] ; then
-	exec /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums.sh random ; croak "Exec failed";
 elif [ "$*" = "some_jenkins_job_name" ] ; then
 	exec echo run any commands here ; croak "Exec failed";

bin/reproducible_compare_Debian_sha1sums.sh deleted
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
-# released under the GPLv2+
-# based on an idea by Vagrant Cascadian <vagrant at debian.org>
-# see https://lists.reproducible-builds.org/pipermail/rb-general/2018-October/001239.html
-. /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh
-common_init "$@"
-# common code for tests.reproducible-builds.org
-. /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_common.sh
-set -e
-# TODOs:
-# - ${package_file}.sha1output includes ${package_file} in the file name and contents
-# - GRAPH
-# - save results in db
-# - loop through all packages known in db
-# - show results in 'normal pages' 
-# - store date when a package was last reproduced... (and constantly do that...)
-# - throw away results (if none has been|which have not) signed with a tests.r-b.o key
-# - rebuilder:
-#   - run on osuosl173
-#   - loop randomly through unreproducible packages first, then reproducible ones. do one attempt only.
-#   - one job run tests one package.
-#   - use same debuild options possible? or try all sane options?
-#   - submit .buildinfo file to b.d.n and then fetch the json again.
-#   - debootstrap buster and upgrade from there?
-# - this is all amd64 only for a start
-echo -n 'this is an early prototype...'
-if [ "$MODE" = "results" ] ; then
-	echo 'this job will show results based on data gathered in other jobs.'
-	echo 'this job gathers data but does not show results.'
-log=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TMPDIR sha1-log-XXXXXXX)
-echo "$(date -u) - logfile used is $log"
-FORCE_DATE=$(date -u -d "14 days ago" '+%Y-%m-%d')
-DUMMY_FILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TMPDIR sha1-date-XXXXXXX)
-touch -d "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') 00:00 UTC" $DUMMY_FILE
-mkdir -p $SHA1DIR
-PACKAGES=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TMPDIR sha1-pkgs-XXXXXXX)
-schroot --directory  $SHA1DIR -c chroot:jenkins-reproducible-${RELEASE}-diffoscope cat /var/lib/apt/lists/cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org_debian_dists_${RELEASE}_main_binary-amd64_Packages > $PACKAGES
-case "$MODE" in
-	random)		SORT="sort -u -R";;
-	reverse)	SORT="sort -u -r" ;;
-	forward)	SORT="sort -u" ;;
-	*)		SORT="sort -u" ; MODE="results" ; RESULTS=$(mktemp --tmpdir=$TMPDIR sha1-results-XXXXXXX) ; find $SHA1DIR -name "*REPRODUCIBLE.buster" > $RESULTS ;;
-packages="$(grep ^Package: $PACKAGES| awk '{print $2}' | $SORT | xargs echo)"
-cleanup_all() {
-	if [ "$MODE" = "results" ]; then
-		unknown_packages=$(awk '/ UNKNOWN: /{print $9}' $log)
-		unknown_count=$(echo $unknown_packages | wc -w)
-		reproducible_packages=$(awk '/ REPRODUCIBLE: /{print $9}' $log)
-		reproducible_count=$(echo $reproducible_packages | wc -w)
-		unreproducible_packages=$(awk '/ UNREPRODUCIBLE: /{print $9}' $log)
-		unreproducible_count=$(echo $unreproducible_packages | wc -w)
-		reproducible_binnmu=$((find $SHA1DIR -type f || echo ) | egrep -c '+b._(all|amd64).deb.REPRODUCIBLE.buster' || true)
-		unreproducible_binnmu=$((find $SHA1DIR -type f || echo ) | egrep -c '+b._(all|amd64).deb.UNREPRODUCIBLE.buster' || true)
-		reproducible_arch_all=$((find $SHA1DIR -type f || echo ) | egrep -c '_all.deb.REPRODUCIBLE.buster' || true)
-		unreproducible_arch_all=$((find $SHA1DIR -type f || echo ) | egrep -c '_all.deb.UNREPRODUCIBLE.buster' || true)
-		reproducible_arch_amd64=$((find $SHA1DIR -type f || echo ) | egrep -c '_amd64.deb.REPRODUCIBLE.buster' || true)
-		unreproducible_arch_amd64=$((find $SHA1DIR -type f || echo ) | egrep -c '_amd64.deb.UNREPRODUCIBLE.buster' || true)
-		percent_unknown=$(echo "scale=4 ; $unknown_count / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		percent_repro=$(echo "scale=4 ; $reproducible_count / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		percent_unrepro=$(echo "scale=4 ; $unreproducible_count / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		percent_binnmu_repro=$(echo "scale=4 ; $reproducible_binnmu / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		percent_binnmu_unrepro=$(echo "scale=4 ; $unreproducible_binnmu / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		percent_arch_all_repro=$(echo "scale=4 ; $reproducible_arch_all / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		percent_arch_all_unrepro=$(echo "scale=4 ; $unreproducible_arch_all / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		percent_arch_amd64_repro=$(echo "scale=4 ; $reproducible_arch_amd64 / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		percent_arch_amd64_unrepro=$(echo "scale=4 ; $unreproducible_arch_amd64 / ($reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count) * 100" | bc)
-		echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
-		echo
-		echo "ftp.debian.org package reproducibility statistics"
-		echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
-		echo "packages in unknown reproducibility state in $RELEASE/amd64: $unknown_count: ($percent_unknown%)"
-		echo "reproducible packages in $RELEASE/amd64: $reproducible_count: ($percent_repro%)"
-		echo "unreproducible packages in $RELEASE/amd64: $unreproducible_count: ($percent_unrepro%)"
-		echo "total number of packages in $RELEASE/amd64: $(echo $reproducible_count+$unreproducible_count+$unknown_count | bc)"
-		echo
-		echo
-		echo "reproducible binNMUs in $RELEASE/amd64: $reproducible_binnmu: ($percent_binnmu_repro%)"
-		echo "unreproducible binNMU in $RELEASE/amd64: $unreproducible_binnmu: ($percent_binnmu_unrepro%)"
-		echo
-		echo "reproducible arch:all packages in $RELEASE/amd64: $reproducible_arch_all: ($percent_arch_all_repro%)"
-		echo "unreproducible arch:all packages in $RELEASE/amd64: $unreproducible_arch_all: ($percent_arch_all_unrepro%)"
-		echo "reproducible arch:amd64 packages in $RELEASE/amd64: $reproducible_arch_amd64: ($percent_arch_amd64_repro%)"
-		echo "unreproducible arch:amd64 packages in $RELEASE/amd64: $unreproducible_arch_amd64: ($percent_arch_amd64_unrepro%)"
-		echo
-		echo
-		echo "$(du -sch $SHA1DIR 2>/dev/null)"
-		echo
-		rm $RESULTS
-	fi
-	rm $log $PACKAGES
-trap cleanup_all INT TERM EXIT
-rm -f $SHA1DIR/*.lock	# this is a tiny bit hackish, but also an elegant way to get rid of old locks...
-			# (locks are held for 30s only anyway and there is an 3/60000th chance of a race condition only anyway)
-if [ "$MODE" = "results" ] ; then
-	for package in $packages ; do
-		result=$(grep "/${package}_" $RESULTS || true)
-		if [ -n "$result" ] ; then
-			if $(echo $result | grep -q UNREPRODUCIBLE) ; then
-				#package_file=$(echo $result | sed 's#\.deb\.UNREPRODUCIBLE\.buster$#.deb#' )
-				#count=1
-				#SHA1SUM_PKG="$(cat ${package_file}.sha1output | awk '{print $1}' )"
-				#package_file=$(basename $package_file)
-				#echo "$(date -u) - UNREPRODUCIBLE: $package_file ($SHA1SUM_PKG) only on ftp.debian.org."
-				echo "$(date -u) - UNREPRODUCIBLE: $package"
-			else
-				#package_file=$(echo $result | sed 's#\.deb\.REPRODUCIBLE\.buster$#.deb#' )
-				#count=$(cat ${package_file}.REPRODUCIBLE.$RELEASE)
-				#SHA1SUM_PKG="$(cat ${package_file}.sha1output | awk '{print $1}' )"
-				#package_file=$(basename $package_file)
-				#echo "$(date -u) - REPRODUCIBLE: $package_file ($SHA1SUM_PKG) - reproduced $count times."
-				echo "$(date -u) - REPRODUCIBLE: $package"
-			fi
-			continue
-		fi
-		echo "$(date -u) - UNKNOWN: $package"
-	done | tee $log
-	exit
-# only used by the runners
-for package in $packages ; do
-	LOCK="$SHA1DIR/${package}.lock"
-	if [ -e $LOCK ] ; then
-		echo "$(date -u) - skipping locked package $package"
-		continue
-	else
-		touch $LOCK
-	fi
-	version=$(grep-dctrl -X -P ${package} -s Version -n $PACKAGES | head -1)
-	arch=$(grep-dctrl -X -P ${package} -s Architecture -n $PACKAGES | head -1)
-	package_file="${package}_$(echo $version | sed 's#:#%3a#')_${arch}.deb"
-	pool_dir="$SHA1DIR/$(dirname $(grep-dctrl -X -P ${package} -s Filename -n $PACKAGES | head -1))"
-	mkdir -p $pool_dir
-	cd $pool_dir
-	if [ ! -e ${package_file}.sha1output ] ; then
-		echo -n "$(date -u) - downloading... "
-		( schroot --directory $pool_dir -c chroot:jenkins-reproducible-${RELEASE}-diffoscope apt-get download ${package}/${RELEASE} 2>&1 |xargs echo ) || continue
-		echo "$(date -u) - calculating sha1sum for ${package_file}"
-		SHA1SUM_PKG="$(sha1sum ${package_file} | tee ${package_file}.sha1output | awk '{print $1}' )"
-		rm ${package_file}
-		if [ -n "$(ls ${package}_*REPRODUCIBLE.$RELEASE 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
-			echo "$(date -u) - $package was updated, deleting results for old version."
-			rm ${package}_*REPRODUCIBLE.$RELEASE
-		fi
-	fi
-	# download .json if non existing or older than $DUMMY_FILE
-	if [ ! -e ${package_file}.json ] || [ ${package_file}.json -ot $DUMMY_FILE ]; then
-		echo "$(date -u) - downloading .json for ${package_file} (${SHA1SUM_PKG}) from buildinfo.debian.net"
-		wget --quiet -O ${package_file}.json ${bdn_url}/${SHA1SUM_PKG} || echo "WARNING: failed to download ${bdn_url}/${SHA1SUM_PKG}"
-		count=$(fmt ${package_file}.json | grep -c '\.buildinfo' || true)
-		SHA1SUM_PKG="$(cat ${package_file}.sha1output | awk '{print $1}' )"
-		if [ "${count}" -ge 2 ]; then
-			echo $count > ${package_file}.REPRODUCIBLE.$RELEASE
-			echo "$(date -u) - REPRODUCIBLE: $package_file ($SHA1SUM_PKG) - reproduced $count times."
-		else
-			echo 1 > ${package_file}.UNREPRODUCIBLE.$RELEASE
-			echo "$(date -u) - UNREPRODUCIBLE: $package_file ($SHA1SUM_PKG) only on ftp.debian.org."
-		fi
-	else
-		echo "$(date -u) - not updating data about ${package_file}"
-	fi
-	rm -f $LOCK
-done | tee -a $log

@@ -631,39 +631,6 @@
                     my_timed: '55 11 * * *'
                     my_hname: 'osuosl173'
                     my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/jenkins_master_wrapper.sh'
-                - 'compare_Debian_sha1sums':
-                    my_description: 'Compare sha1sums of Debian binary packages with rebuild ones'
-                    my_timed: '55 23 * * *'
-                    my_hname: 'osuosl173'
-                    my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/jenkins_master_wrapper.sh'
-                - 'compare_Debian_sha1sums_forward_runner':
-                    my_description: 'Fetch .buildinfo files of Debian binary packages (in reverse order)'
-                    my_timed: '56 0,12 * * *'
-                    my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/jenkins_master_wrapper.sh'
-                    my_hname: 'osuosl173'
-                    my_timeout: '7200'
-                    my_disabled: true
-                - 'compare_Debian_sha1sums_reverse_runner':
-                    my_description: 'Fetch .buildinfo files of Debian binary packages (in reverse order)'
-                    my_timed: '56 * * * *'
-                    my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/jenkins_master_wrapper.sh'
-                    my_hname: 'osuosl173'
-                    my_timeout: '7200'
-                    my_disabled: true
-                - 'compare_Debian_sha1sums_random_runner_1':
-                    my_description: 'Fetch .buildinfo files of Debian binary packages (in random order)'
-                    my_timed: '56 * * * *'
-                    my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/jenkins_master_wrapper.sh'
-                    my_hname: 'osuosl173'
-                    my_disabled: true
-                    my_timeout: '7200'
-                - 'compare_Debian_sha1sums_random_runner_2':
-                    my_description: 'Fetch .buildinfo files of Debian binary packages (in random order)'
-                    my_timed: '56 * * * *'
-                    my_shell: '/srv/jenkins/bin/jenkins_master_wrapper.sh'
-                    my_hname: 'osuosl173'
-                    my_disabled: true
-                    my_timeout: '7200'
                 - 'openwrt_rebuilder_today':
                     my_description: 'Rebuild an OpenWrt snapshot or a release today.'
                     my_hname: 'osuosl171'

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/commit/e8fc4f71d37108146b34b0bff0bfb23dd1c2f5ea

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/commit/e8fc4f71d37108146b34b0bff0bfb23dd1c2f5ea
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