[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_scheduler #36925

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Fri Oct 21 05:40:39 BST 2022

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_scheduler/36925/display/redirect>


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[2022-10-21 04:40:31] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:31] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:31] INFO: Received 0 new packages in buster/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:31] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:31] INFO: Requesting 150 new versions in bullseye/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Received 0 new packages in bullseye/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Requesting 150 new versions in bookworm/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Suite/Arch: bookworm/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Amount:     2
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Packages:   postgresql-common pytest
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Received 2 new packages in bookworm/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Requesting 250 new versions in unstable/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Amount:     30
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Packages:   icu-ext tox-delay ros-genpy unrar-free hypopg extra-window-functions ros-rosinstall-generator dleyna-connector-dbus ip4r sdpa jetring pgtap jsquery alglib bgw-replstatus first-last-agg omnidb-plpgsql-debugger meta-phosh mongo-c-driver geoip-database rust-value-bag python-oslo.log python-oslo.cache kdenlive rust-log dkms stevedore mate-tweak pcre2el neutron
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Received 30 new packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Requesting 50 new versions in experimental/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Criteria:   tested before, new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Amount:     2
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Packages:   dgit-test-dummy freeglut
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Received 2 new packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] ERROR: No limit defined for the ftbfs queue on stretch/i386 stage 1. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] ERROR: No limit defined for the ftbfs queue on stretch/i386 stage 2. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] ERROR: No limit defined for the ftbfs queue on stretch/i386 stage *. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:32] INFO: Requesting 1 old ftbfs packages in stretch/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Suite/Arch: stretch/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Amount:     1
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Packages:   kmer
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Received 1 old ftbfs packages in stretch/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Requesting 0 old ftbfs packages in buster/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Suite/Arch: buster/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Received 0 old ftbfs packages in buster/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Requesting 5 old ftbfs packages in bullseye/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Amount:     5
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Packages:   onionbalance argyll python-tooz python-taskflow celery
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Received 5 old ftbfs packages in bullseye/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Requesting 5 old ftbfs packages in bookworm/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Suite/Arch: bookworm/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Amount:     5
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Packages:   r-cran-admisc grandorgue fontconfig qemu postgresql-14
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Received 5 old ftbfs packages in bookworm/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Requesting 5 old ftbfs packages in unstable/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Amount:     5
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Packages:   virtuoso-opensource prometheus-libvirt-exporter ocaml-integers vtk6 urweb
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Received 5 old ftbfs packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Requesting 2 old ftbfs packages in experimental/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Criteria:   status ftbfs, no bug filed, tested at least 3 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Amount:     2
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Packages:   golang-github-google-cel-go iem-plugin-suite
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Received 2 old ftbfs packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] ERROR: No limit defined for the depwait queue on stretch/i386 stage 1. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] ERROR: No limit defined for the depwait queue on stretch/i386 stage 2. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] ERROR: No limit defined for the depwait queue on stretch/i386 stage *. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:33] INFO: Requesting 1 old depwait packages in stretch/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Suite/Arch: stretch/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Amount:     1
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Packages:   srst2
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Received 1 old depwait packages in stretch/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Requesting 0 old depwait packages in buster/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Suite/Arch: buster/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Received 0 old depwait packages in buster/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Requesting 50 old depwait packages in bullseye/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Received 0 old depwait packages in bullseye/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Requesting 50 old depwait packages in bookworm/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Suite/Arch: bookworm/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Amount:     27
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Packages:   trapperkeeper-metrics-clojure trapperkeeper-authorization-clojure shell-utils-clojure comidi-clojure core-match-clojure smrtanalysis eclipse-swtchart ariba macromoleculebuilder kleborate zeitgeist gasic rsem python-biopython eclipse-platform-text pyzoltan sspace eclipse-jdt-ui lombok ardour prismatic-schema-clojure fastp jameica eclipse-platform-runtime slashtime python-pager libmmmulti
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Received 27 old depwait packages in bookworm/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Requesting 50 old depwait packages in unstable/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Amount:     50
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Packages:   unicycler equinox-p2 swtchart libmaxmind-db-writer-perl haskell-blogliterately gitaly edk2 plastimatch jverein eclipse-platform-resources rust-cargo-lichking flang fsm-lite rust-enumset dvbsnoop q2-quality-control libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl rust-tokio-tcp emperor hibiscus libcss-lessp-perl libacme-bleach-perl libclass-gomor-perl libx11-protocol-perl raul eclipse-jdt-debug faumachine haskell-persistable-record guacamole-client slib elektra dirspec phybin darcs haskell-pandoc-citeproc haskell-relational-record libnet-works-perl clblas eclipse-platform-runtime sight haskell-cborg-json gasic rust-rust-code-analysis-cli rust-sleef-sys libiscwt-java cinfony ariba proteinortho cross-toolchain-base-mipsen q2-fragment-insertion
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Received 50 old depwait packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Requesting 20 old depwait packages in experimental/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Criteria:   status depwait, no bug filed, tested at least 2 days ago, no new version available, sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Amount:     1
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Packages:   libbpf
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Received 1 old depwait packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:34] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in stretch/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Suite/Arch: stretch/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in stretch/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in buster/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Suite/Arch: buster/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in buster/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in bullseye/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in bullseye/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in bookworm/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Suite/Arch: bookworm/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in bookworm/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in unstable/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Requesting E404 packages in experimental/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12h ago, status E404,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Received 0 E404 packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] ERROR: No limit defined for the old queue on stretch/i386 stage 1. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] ERROR: No limit defined for the old queue on stretch/i386 stage 2. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] ERROR: No limit defined for the old queue on stretch/i386 stage *. Returning 1
[2022-10-21 04:40:35] INFO: Requesting 1 old packages in stretch/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Suite/Arch: stretch/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Amount:     1
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Packages:   postbooks-updater
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Received 1 old packages in stretch/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in buster/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Suite/Arch: buster/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Received 0 old packages in buster/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in bullseye/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Suite/Arch: bullseye/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Received 0 old packages in bullseye/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in bookworm/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Suite/Arch: bookworm/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Received 0 old packages in bookworm/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in unstable/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Suite/Arch: unstable/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Received 0 old packages in unstable/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Requesting 0 old packages in experimental/i386...
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Criteria:   tested at least 12 days ago, no new version available,
               sorted by last build date
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Suite/Arch: experimental/i386
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Amount:     0
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Packages:   
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Received 0 old packages in experimental/i386 to schedule.
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 3 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 16:40: dbus-fast bergman rust-trust-dns-resolver
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 30 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 04:40: icu-ext tox-delay ros-genpy unrar-free hypopg extra-window-functions ros-rosinstall-generator dleyna-connector-dbus ip4r sdpa jetring pgtap jsquery alglib bgw-replstatus first-last-agg omnidb-plpgsql-debugger meta-phosh mongo-c-driver geoip-database rust-value-bag python-oslo.log python-oslo.cache kdenlive rust-log dkms stevedore mate-tweak pcre2el neutron
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 5 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-21 10:40: virtuoso-opensource prometheus-libvirt-exporter ocaml-integers vtk6 urweb
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 50 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 22:40: unicycler equinox-p2 swtchart libmaxmind-db-writer-perl haskell-blogliterately gitaly edk2 plastimatch jverein eclipse-platform-resources rust-cargo-lichking flang fsm-lite rust-enumset dvbsnoop q2-quality-control libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl rust-tokio-tcp emperor hibiscus libcss-lessp-perl libacme-bleach-perl libclass-gomor-perl libx11-protocol-perl raul eclipse-jdt-debug faumachine haskell-persistable-record guacamole-client slib elektra dirspec phybin darcs haskell-pandoc-citeproc haskell-relational-record libnet-works-perl clblas eclipse-platform-runtime sight haskell-cborg-json gasic rust-rust-code-analysis-cli rust-sleef-sys libiscwt-java cinfony ariba proteinortho cross-toolchain-base-mipsen q2-fragment-insertion
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-21 10:40: kmer
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 22:40: srst2
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-21 16:40: postbooks-updater
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 5 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-21 10:40: onionbalance argyll python-tooz python-taskflow celery
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 15 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 16:40: golang-github-r3labs-diff golang-ariga-atlas sklearn-pandas golang-github-crowdsecurity-machineid golang-github-crowdsecurity-grokky golang-github-crowdsecurity-dlog golang-github-jszwec-csvutil golang-github-hashicorp-hcl-v2 golang-github-confluentinc-bincover haskell-hdf5 tryton-modules-account-payment-braintree golang-github-alexliesenfeld-health python-pygal pgaudit-1.7 golang-github-slack-go-slack
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 04:40: postgresql-common pytest
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 5 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-21 10:40: r-cran-admisc grandorgue fontconfig qemu postgresql-14
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 27 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 22:40: trapperkeeper-metrics-clojure trapperkeeper-authorization-clojure shell-utils-clojure comidi-clojure core-match-clojure smrtanalysis eclipse-swtchart ariba macromoleculebuilder kleborate zeitgeist gasic rsem python-biopython eclipse-platform-text pyzoltan sspace eclipse-jdt-ui lombok ardour prismatic-schema-clojure fastp jameica eclipse-platform-runtime slashtime python-pager libmmmulti
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 04:40: dgit-test-dummy freeglut
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 2 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-21 10:40: golang-github-google-cel-go iem-plugin-suite
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: The following 1 source packages have been queued up for scheduling at 2022-10-20 22:40: libbpf
[2022-10-21 04:40:36] INFO: Building the schedule index page for i386...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_scheduler.py", line 796, in <module>
    message += scheduler(arch)
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_scheduler.py", line 748, in scheduler
    generate_schedule(arch)  # from reproducible_html_indexes
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_html_live_status.py", line 101, in generate_schedule
    write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile, style_note=True,
  File "/srv/jenkins/bin/rblib/html.py", line 152, in write_html_page
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
[2022-10-21 04:40:39] INFO: Finished at 2022-10-21 04:40:39.489644, took: 2:17:38.163242
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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