[Qa-jenkins-scm] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_builder_archlinux_3 #435182

jenkins at jenkins.debian.net jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Thu Mar 2 09:32:16 GMT 2023

See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_builder_archlinux_3/435182/display/redirect>


[...truncated 15.59 KB...]
==> Starting build()...
[translation:info] 2.7.18 (646866ee1eabe7bdbdc97b47a40b472991d571e9, Dec 31 2022, 19:17:26)
[PyPy 7.3.11 with GCC 12.2.0]
[platform:msg] Set platform with 'host' cc=None, using cc='gcc', version='Unknown'
[translation:info] Translating target as defined by targetpypystandalone
[translation] PyPy config object:
[translation] [objspace]
        intshortcut = True
        optimized_list_getitem = True
        withspecialisedtuple = True
        __pypy__ = True
        _ast = True
        _cffi_backend = True
        _codecs = True
        _collections = True
        _continuation = True
        _cppyy = True
        _csv = True
        _io = True
        _jitlog = True
        _locale = True
        _lsprof = True
        _md5 = True
        _minimal_curses = True
        _multibytecodec = True
        _multiprocessing = True
        _pickle_support = True
        _pypyjson = True
        _random = True
        _rawffi = True
        _sha = True
        _socket = True
        _sre = True
        _testing = True
        _vmprof = True
        _weakref = True
        array = True
        binascii = True
        bz2 = True
        cStringIO = True
        cmath = True
        cpyext = True
        errno = True
        faulthandler = True
        fcntl = True
        gc = True
        imp = True
        marshal = True
        math = True
        micronumpy = True
        mmap = True
        operator = True
        parser = True
        pwd = True
        pyexpat = True
        pypyjit = True
        select = True
        signal = True
        struct = True
        symbol = True
        termios = True
        thread = True
        time = True
        token = True
        unicodedata = True
        zipimport = True
        zlib = True
[translation] translate.py configuration:
[translation] [translate]
    opt = jit
    targetspec = targetpypystandalone
[translation] translation configuration:
[translation] [translation]
    check_str_without_nul = True
    continuation = True
    gc = incminimark
    gcrootfinder = shadowstack
    gctransformer = framework
    icon = pypy.ico
    jit = True
    list_comprehension_operations = True
    manifest = python.manifest
    rpython_translate = True
    secondaryentrypoints = cpyext,main
    shared = True
    thread = True
    type_system = lltype
    withsmallfuncsets = 5
[translation:info] Annotating&simplifying...
[d0f] {translation-task
starting annotate
[translation:info] with policy: pypy.tool.ann_override.PyPyAnnotatorPolicy
[18511] translation-task}
[translation:info] RTyping...
[18511] {translation-task
starting rtype_lltype
[rtyper] specializing: 9700 / 192406 blocks   (5%)
[rtyper] specializing: 19900 / 198025 blocks   (10%)
[rtyper] specializing: 30500 / 203115 blocks   (15%)
[rtyper] specializing: 41000 / 204645 blocks   (20%)
[rtyper] specializing: 51800 / 207012 blocks   (25%)
[rtyper] specializing: 62200 / 207277 blocks   (30%)
[rtyper] specializing: 72900 / 208116 blocks   (35%)
[rtyper] specializing: 83300 / 208184 blocks   (40%)
[rtyper] specializing: 93800 / 208353 blocks   (45%)
[rtyper] specializing: 106000 / 211871 blocks   (50%)
[rtyper] specializing: 118300 / 214997 blocks   (55%)
[rtyper] specializing: 130900 / 218143 blocks   (60%)
[rtyper] specializing: 142200 / 218664 blocks   (65%)
[rtyper] specializing: 155000 / 221303 blocks   (70%)
[rtyper] specializing: 167100 / 222703 blocks   (75%)
[rtyper] specializing: 178900 / 223526 blocks   (80%)
[rtyper] specializing: 189100 / 223526 blocks   (84%)
[rtyper] specializing: 199000 / 223528 blocks   (89%)
[rtyper] specializing: 210200 / 223528 blocks   (94%)
[rtyper] specializing: 221300 / 223528 blocks   (99%)
[rtyper] -=- specialized 223528 blocks -=-
[rtyper] specializing: 223600 / 224320 blocks   (99%)
[rtyper] specializing: 224400 / 225047 blocks   (99%)
[rtyper] -=- specialized 1519 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[239a7] translation-task}
[translation:info] JIT compiler generation...
[239a7] {translation-task
starting pyjitpl_lltype
[rtyper] -=- specialized 27 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 4 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] type LongFloat is too large, ignoring graph
[jitcodewriter:WARNING]   (pypy.module._rawffi.interp_rawffi:403)unwrap_value__write_ptr
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] type LongFloat is too large, ignoring graph
[jitcodewriter:WARNING]   (pypy.module._rawffi.interp_rawffi:447)wrap_value__read_ptr
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] type LongFloat is too large, ignoring graph
[jitcodewriter:WARNING]   (pypy.module._cffi_backend.misc:368)pack_float_list_to_raw_array__LongFloat
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] type LongFloat is too large, ignoring graph
[jitcodewriter:WARNING]   (pypy.module._rawffi.interp_rawffi:403)unwrap_value__push_field
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] type LongFloat is too large, ignoring graph
[jitcodewriter:WARNING]   (pypy.module._rawffi.interp_rawffi:447)wrap_value__cast_pos
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] type SignedLongLongLong is too large, ignoring graph
[jitcodewriter:WARNING]   (rpython.rlib.rarithmetic:864)mulmod
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] type SignedLongLongLong is too large, ignoring graph
[jitcodewriter:WARNING]   (rpython.rlib.rarithmetic:864)mulmod
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] type SignedLongLongLong is too large, ignoring graph
[jitcodewriter:WARNING]   (rpython.rlib.rarithmetic:864)mulmod
[backendopt:removeassert] Could not remove 87 asserts, but removed 640 asserts.
[backendopt:inlining] phase with threshold factor: 32.4
[backendopt:inlining] heuristic: rpython.translator.backendopt.inline.inlining_heuristic
[backendopt:inlining] inlined 54387 callsites.
[backendopt:malloc] starting malloc removal
[backendopt:malloc] removed 7438 simple mallocs in total
[backendopt:mergeifblocks] starting to merge if blocks
[rtyper] specializing: 225100 / 225419 blocks   (99%)
[rtyper] -=- specialized 333 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:info] making JitCodes...
[rtyper] -=- specialized 7 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 6 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 3 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 6 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 3 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 4 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 5 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:info] Produced 500 jitcodes
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:info] Produced 1000 jitcodes
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:info] Produced 1500 jitcodes
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:info] Produced 2000 jitcodes
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] specializing: 225500 / 225501 blocks   (99%)
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:info] Produced 2500 jitcodes
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] ignoring hint {'access_directly': False} at <FunctionGraph of (pypy.interpreter.executioncontext:321)ExecutionContext._trace at 0x55794210de50>
[jitcodewriter:WARNING] ignoring hint {'access_directly': False} at <FunctionGraph of dispatcher at 0x557942195788>
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:info] Produced 3000 jitcodes
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 0 more blocks -=-
[rtyper] -=- specialized 2 more blocks -=-
[jitcodewriter:info] Produced 3500 jitcodes
Thu Mar  2 09:32:15 UTC 2023 - /srv/reproducible-results/archlinuxrb-build-sQcMyEnT deleted.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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