[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] 5 commits: djm: initial support for documenting web UI actions

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Apr 9 15:28:00 BST 2023

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

0ed53617 by Holger Levsen at 2023-04-09T15:20:57+02:00
djm: initial support for documenting web UI actions

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -
253e7541 by Holger Levsen at 2023-04-09T15:23:54+02:00
djm: add helpful error message when trying to powercycle ionos nodes without the required environment variables

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -
af2d863a by Holger Levsen at 2023-04-09T16:03:59+02:00
djm-logparser: sort actions and reasons by prevalence

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -
71c6fa5b by Holger Levsen at 2023-04-09T16:25:52+02:00
djm-logparser: stop using bc

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -
cab79e65 by Holger Levsen at 2023-04-09T16:27:48+02:00
djm-logparser: slight output improvements

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- bin/djm
- bin/djm-logparser


@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ CONFIRM=false
 if [ -z "$TARGET" ] ; then
 	FAIL_REASON="${FAIL_REASON}Undefined target.\n"
 else case $TARGET in
+	.)	TARGET="."
+		;;
 	all)	TARGET="$(./nodes/list_nodes )"
 	*)	TARGET="$(./nodes/list_nodes | egrep $TARGET || true)"
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ case $ACTION in
 	p|powercycle)	ACTION=powercycle 	;	CONFIRM=true	;;
 	a|autoremove)	ACTION=autoremove ;;
 	s|shell)	ACTION=shell ;;
+	j|jenkins-ui)	ACTION=jenkins-ui ;;
 	*)		FAIL_REASON="${FAIL_REASON}Undefined action.\n"
@@ -52,6 +55,8 @@ case $REASON in
 	dj)	REASON="debug job problems" ;;
 	rm)	REASON="regular maintenance" ;;
 	cs)	REASON="clock skew" ;;
+	hb)	REASON="host is back" ;;
+	ho)	REASON="host is overloaded" ;;
 	*)	FAIL_REASON="${FAIL_REASON}Undefined reason.\n"
@@ -62,6 +67,16 @@ else
+# some targets only allow specific actions
+if [ "$TARGET" = "." ] && [ "$ACTION" != "jenkins-ui" ] ; then
+	FAIL_REASON="${FAIL_REASON}Target '.' can only be used with action 'jenkins-ui'.\n"
+elif [ "$TARGET" != "." ] && [ "$ACTION" = "jenkins-ui" ] ; then
+	FAIL_REASON="${FAIL_REASON}Action 'jenkins-ui' can only be used with target '.'.\n"
 # display help text in case of problems (or no params given)
@@ -72,9 +87,11 @@ if [ -n "$FAIL_REASON" ] ; then
 	echo "TARGET=\$1	'all' or grepable (jenkins, amd64, ionos, osuosl3) from ./nodes/list_nodes"
 	echo "ACTION=\$2	r_eboot, _p_owercycle, _a_utoremove, _s_shell (for manual maintenance)"
-	echo "REASON=\$3	ku=kernel update, np=no pings, dj=debug job problems, rm=regular maintenance, cs=clock skew"
+	echo "REASON=\$3	ku=kernel update, np=no pings, dj=debug job problems, rm=regular maintenance, cs=clock skew, hb=host back, ho=host overloaded"
 	# TODO
 	# create osuosl tickets
+	# document jenkins plugin updates
+	# document other jenkins ui actions
 	echo "DRY_RUN=\$4	optional to force dry-run mode"
 	echo params given:
@@ -109,7 +126,11 @@ fi
 if $DRY_MODE || $CONFIRM ; then
 	for NODE in $TARGET ; do
-		SHORTNODE=$(echo $NODE | cut -d '.' -f1)
+		if [ "$NODE" != "." ] ; then
+			SHORTNODE=$(echo $NODE | cut -d '.' -f1)
+		else
+			SHORTNODE="jenkins web UI"
+		fi
 		echo "$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC'), $SHORTNODE, $ACTION, $REASON"
@@ -143,7 +164,11 @@ get_arch_color() {
 LOGDATE="$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC')"
 for NODE in $TARGET ; do
-	SHORTNODE=$(echo $NODE | cut -d '.' -f1)
+	if [ "$NODE" != "." ] ; then
+		SHORTNODE=$(echo $NODE | cut -d '.' -f1)
+	else
+		SHORTNODE="jenkins web UI"
+	fi
 	echo "$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC'), $SHORTNODE, $ACTION, $REASON"
 	get_arch_color $NODE
@@ -174,6 +199,10 @@ EOF
 					jenkins)	./bin/powercycle_x86_nodes.py jenkins
 					ionos*)		node=$(echo $NODE | cut -b 6- | cut -d '-' -f1)
+							if [ -z "$IONOS_USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$IONOS_PASSWORD" ] ; then
+								echo "Environment variables IONOS_USERNAME and IONOS_PASSWORD must be set. Exiting."
+								exit 1
+							fi
 							./bin/powercycle_x86_nodes.py $node
 					*)		echo FIXME, not yet implemented.
@@ -185,6 +214,8 @@ EOF
 		shell)	xterm -T "$SHORTNODE / shell" -class deploy-jenkins -bg $BG -fa 'DejaVuSansMono' -fs 10 -e "ssh $NODE" &
+		jenkins-ui)	echo "Documenting one manual action in the jenkins-ui."
+				;;
 		*)	echo unsupported action, sorry, please improve.
 			exit 1

@@ -28,13 +28,16 @@ seperator() {
+HOSTS=$(cut -d ',' -f2 $LOGFILE | sort -u | grep -v "web UI"| wc -l)
 HOURS=$(cut -b 1-13 $LOGFILE | sort -u | wc -l)
 TEN_MIN_SLICES=$(cut -b 1-15 $LOGFILE | sort -u | wc -l)
-SLICES_AS_HOURS=$(echo "scale=2 ; $TWENTY_MIN_SLICES/3"|bc||echo 0)
-HOSTS=$(cut -d ',' -f2 $LOGFILE | sort -u | wc -l)
-ACTIONS=$(cut -d ',' -f3 $LOGFILE |sort -u|sed -s "s# #_#g")
-REASONS=$(cut -d ',' -f4 $LOGFILE |sort -u|sed -s "s# #_#g")
+# create sorted list of actions/reasons (sorted by amount of occurances)
+#  the character '%" is solely used as a delimeter for cut later
+#  the character '_' is added so later we can use a for-loop without dealing with $IFS
+ACTIONS=$(cut -d ',' -f3 $LOGFILE | sort | sed 's#^#%#g'| uniq -c | sort -nr | cut -d '%' -f2| sed -s "s# #_#g")
+REASONS=$(cut -d ',' -f4 $LOGFILE | sort | sed 's#^#%#g'| uniq -c | sort -nr | cut -d '%' -f2| sed -s "s# #_#g")
 echo "Still very simple statistics for djm logs at $LOGFILE in $LOGMONTH"
@@ -44,17 +47,18 @@ echo "      so expect changes for some time."
 printf "$TWO_C" "djm actions:" "$TOTAL"
-printf "$TWO_C" "hours with djm usage:" "$HOURS"
+printf "$TWO_C" "hosts maintained:" "$HOSTS"
+printf "$TWO_C" "hours with djm usage:" "${HOURS}h"
 printf "$TWO_C" " ten minute slices with djm usage:" "$TEN_MIN_SLICES"
 printf "$TWO_C" " twenty minute slices (because focus):" "$TWENTY_MIN_SLICES"
-printf "$TWO_C" " thoses slices as hours:" "$SLICES_AS_HOURS"
-printf "$TWO_C" "hosts maintained:" "$HOSTS"
+printf "$TWO_C" " thoses slices as hours:" "${SLICES_AS_HOURS}h"
 for action in $ACTIONS ; do
 	grep_action="$(echo $action | sed -s 's#_# #g' | xargs echo)"
 	AMOUNT=$(cut -d ',' -f3 $LOGFILE |grep "$grep_action"|wc -l)
-	PERCENT=$(echo "scale=2 ; $AMOUNT/$TOTAL*100"|bc||echo 0)
+	PERCENT=$((200*$AMOUNT/$TOTAL % 2 + 100*$AMOUNT/$TOTAL))
 	printf "$THREE_C" "$grep_action actions:" "$PERCENT%" "($AMOUNT / $TOTAL)"
@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ seperator
 for reason in $REASONS ; do
 	grep_reason="$(echo $reason | sed -s 's#_# #g' | xargs echo)"
 	AMOUNT=$(cut -d ',' -f4 $LOGFILE |grep "$grep_reason"|wc -l)
-	PERCENT=$(echo "scale=2 ; $AMOUNT/$TOTAL*100"|bc||echo 0)
+	PERCENT=$((200*$AMOUNT/$TOTAL % 2 + 100*$AMOUNT/$TOTAL))
 	printf "$THREE_C" "$grep_reason reasons:" "$PERCENT%" "($AMOUNT / $TOTAL)"

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/compare/01e8279cb59c20373f46544ff2d64c192bfdd776...cab79e658d7163ca180989086fb0adcca76cb3ab

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/compare/01e8279cb59c20373f46544ff2d64c192bfdd776...cab79e658d7163ca180989086fb0adcca76cb3ab
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