[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] reproducible NetBSD: Use full release path

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Jun 17 16:28:50 BST 2023

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

5ed7eb0f by Jan-Benedict Glaw at 2023-06-17T17:28:30+02:00
reproducible NetBSD: Use full release path

Signed-off-by: Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw at lug-owl.de>
Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- bin/reproducible_netbsd.sh


@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ pushd "${TMPBUILDDIR}"
 			full_release_dir="$(realpath "${release_dir}")"
 			mkdir -p "${release_dir}"
-			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" tools		|| true
-			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" release	|| true
-			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" iso-image	|| true
-			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" install-image	|| true
-			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" live-image	|| true
+			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" tools		|| true
+			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" release	|| true
+			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" iso-image	|| true
+			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" install-image	|| true
+			ionice -c 3 ./build.sh -j "${NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" live-image	|| true
 			save_netbsd_results b1 "${MACHINE}" "${full_release_dir}"
 			echo "${MACHINE} done, first time."
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ pushd "${TMPBUILDDIR}"
 			full_release_dir="$(realpath "${release_dir}")"
 			mkdir -p "${release_dir}"
-			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" tools		|| true
-			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" release	|| true
-			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" iso-image	|| true
-			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" install-image	|| true
-			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" live-image	|| true
+			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" tools		|| true
+			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" release	|| true
+			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" iso-image	|| true
+			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" install-image	|| true
+			ionice -c 3 linux64 --uname-2.6 ./build.sh -j "${NEW_NUM_CPU}" -R "${full_release_dir}" -P -U -u -a "${this_arch}" -m "${this_mach}" "${nb_noise[@]}" live-image	|| true
 			save_netbsd_results b2 "${MACHINE}" "${full_release_dir}"
 			echo "${MACHINE} done, second time."

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/commit/5ed7eb0f21cc5c480af40ad3657332c3055efa7d

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/commit/5ed7eb0f21cc5c480af40ad3657332c3055efa7d
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