[Qa-jenkins-scm] [Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] split TODO in TODO and TODO.trixie (soon to be renamed to TODO.forky)
Holger Levsen (@holger)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Jun 17 21:31:07 BST 2023
Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net
5d17a0aa by Holger Levsen at 2023-06-17T22:30:44+02:00
split TODO in TODO and TODO.trixie (soon to be renamed to TODO.forky)
Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- + TODO.trixie
@@ -22,59 +22,10 @@ See link:https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/about.html["about jenkins.debian
* extend /etc/rc.local to do cleanup of lockfiles
* run all bash scripts with set -u and set -o pipefail: http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/
-* move this list to somewhere more proper than here:
-* things to do when trixie been released and forky is open for development
-** celebrate
-** pause building: touch `NO-RB-BUILDERS-PLEASE`, shutdown build at service, reproducible_cleanup_nodes.sh and place jenkins in quiet-down.
-** `for d in buildinfo dbd dbdjson dbdtxt logdiffs logs rbuild ; do sudo -u jenkins cp -a "$d"/{bookworm,trixie} ; done`
-** do a sql copy like the one we did for bookworm, see migration number 55 (remember to manually run the db_maintenance script!)
-** create pbuilder setup jobs for trixie
-** add trixie to the configuration (.py and .sh)
-** adjust scheduler
-** restart jenkins, run the trixie pbuilder and chroot jobs
-** run the maintenance jobs (to create the chdist)
-** once the above jobs are successful, restarts the builders
-** adopt whatever suite specific hacks _create_meta_pkg_sets.sh has
-** tweak reproducible_common.sh in three locations to start collect statistics on the daily builds for trixie too (and make_graph.py too: (in lines 40 and 54++)
-** create reproducible_(cdeboot|deboot|mmdeb)strap jobs for trixie
-** create reproducible_debian_live_build jobs for trixie
-** add reproducible_debian_live_build.*trixie to reproducible_html_nodes_info.sh
-** adjust reproducible_json.py so that it exports data for trixie
-** add trixie to the suites in reproducible_pool_buildinfos.sh
-** add trixie to ~buildinfo/builtin-pho/dists.txt on ionos7
-** adjust chroot_installation- jobs
-** tweak jenkins-shell-monitor.sh as needed
-** add trixie to URL redirects in hosts/jenkins/etc/apache2/reproduciblemap.conf
-** adjust multiarch jobs in job-cfg/udd.yaml
-** add chroot-installation trixie jobs to build_jenkins_job_health_page in maintenance.sh
-** add trixie jobs in jobs/dpkg.yaml to find dpkg trigger cycles, drop bookworm ones
-** update find_obsolete_transitional_packages.sh and job-cfg/obsolete-transitional.yaml
-** add trixie jobs in job-cfg/packages-tests.yaml, drop buster ones
-** add trixie jobs in job-cfg/piuparts.yaml, drop buster ones
-** update suite names in README
-** upgrade i386 nodes to bookworm
-** upgrade amd64 nodes to bookworm (except jenkins)
-*** see below for how to upgrade to postgresql-15 on ionos7
-** upgrade armhf nodes to bookworm
=== 2023 things
-* things still to be done after the bookworm release and as trixie is open for development
-** update reproducible_common.sh with regards to the usrmerge variation in certain suites
-** maybe wait til 12.1 (= ~1 month) until we upgrade jenkins to bookworm, let's see
-*** upgrade to postgresql-15:
-# as root:
-apt install postgresql-15
-pg_dropcluster --stop 15 main
-pg_upgradecluster 13 main
-# test test test
-apt purge postgresql-13
-** enjoy
+* rename TODO.trixie to TODO.forky once everything in there has been done
+** also s#trixie#forky#g and s#bookworm#trixie#g in there, and check for bullseye, buster and stretch too
* setup ionosXY for janitor (remove ionos3 duplicate first)
* decouple t.r-b.o from jenkins.d.n (https hosting wise), maybe even www.r-b.o
* rename jenkins to hudson? (the hostname)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+== ToDo for a new Debian release
+=== actual ToDo left for after the bookworm release
+* things still to be done after the bookworm release and as trixie is open for development
+** once these items have been done, move them down to "already done"
+* update reproducible_common.sh with regards to the usrmerge variation in certain suites
+* maybe wait til 12.1 (= ~1 month) until we upgrade jenkins to bookworm, let's see
+** upgrade to postgresql-15:
+# as root:
+apt install postgresql-15
+pg_dropcluster --stop 15 main
+pg_upgradecluster 13 main
+# test test test
+apt purge postgresql-13
+* rename this file to TODO.forky
+* enjoy
+=== Things which have been done already:
+* things to do when bookworm been released and trixie is open for development:
+** celebrate
+** pause building: touch `NO-RB-BUILDERS-PLEASE`, shutdown build at service, reproducible_cleanup_nodes.sh and place jenkins in quiet-down.
+** `for d in buildinfo dbd dbdjson dbdtxt logdiffs logs rbuild ; do sudo -u jenkins cp -a "$d"/{bookworm,trixie} ; done`
+** do a sql copy like the one we did for bookworm, see migration number 55 (remember to manually run the db_maintenance script!)
+** create pbuilder setup jobs for trixie
+** add trixie to the configuration (.py and .sh)
+** adjust scheduler
+** restart jenkins, run the trixie pbuilder and chroot jobs
+** run the maintenance jobs (to create the chdist)
+** once the above jobs are successful, restarts the builders
+** adopt whatever suite specific hacks _create_meta_pkg_sets.sh has
+** tweak reproducible_common.sh in three locations to start collect statistics on the daily builds for trixie too (and make_graph.py too: (in lines 40 and 54++)
+** create reproducible_(cdeboot|deboot|mmdeb)strap jobs for trixie
+** create reproducible_debian_live_build jobs for trixie
+** add reproducible_debian_live_build.*trixie to reproducible_html_nodes_info.sh
+** adjust reproducible_json.py so that it exports data for trixie
+** add trixie to the suites in reproducible_pool_buildinfos.sh
+** add trixie to ~buildinfo/builtin-pho/dists.txt on ionos7
+** adjust chroot_installation- jobs
+** tweak jenkins-shell-monitor.sh as needed
+** add trixie to URL redirects in hosts/jenkins/etc/apache2/reproduciblemap.conf
+** adjust multiarch jobs in job-cfg/udd.yaml
+** add chroot-installation trixie jobs to build_jenkins_job_health_page in maintenance.sh
+** add trixie jobs in jobs/dpkg.yaml to find dpkg trigger cycles, drop bookworm ones
+** update find_obsolete_transitional_packages.sh and job-cfg/obsolete-transitional.yaml
+** add trixie jobs in job-cfg/packages-tests.yaml, drop buster ones
+** add trixie jobs in job-cfg/piuparts.yaml, drop buster ones
+** update suite names in README
+** upgrade i386 nodes to bookworm
+** upgrade amd64 nodes to bookworm (except jenkins)
+*** see below for how to upgrade to postgresql-15 on ionos7
+** upgrade armhf nodes to bookworm
+// vim: set filetype=asciidoc:
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/commit/5d17a0aa2f4e31d80515ddf1dc712b86d53fcff6
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/commit/5d17a0aa2f4e31d80515ddf1dc712b86d53fcff6
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