[Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] reproducible nodes: thanks again to codethink, now they have doubled the RAM on our arm64 nodes

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Feb 7 14:02:34 GMT 2024

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

640c3812 by Holger Levsen at 2024-02-07T14:58:14+01:00
reproducible nodes: thanks again to codethink, now they have doubled the RAM on our arm64 nodes

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- THANKS.head


@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ link:https://jenkins.debian.net/["jenkins.debian.net"] would not be possible wit
  ** one octo-core with 32GB of ram (divided into two virtual machines running at ~15GB ram each)
  ** two octo-core with 16GB of ram (divided into four virtual machines running at ~7GB ram each)
  * link:https://codethink.co.uk[Codethink] supports us since December 2016, since October 2023 they are kindly providing 4 kvm arm64 nodes for us:
- ** 12 cores and 32 GB memory for codethink01-arm64.debian.net used for building arm64 Debian packages for t.r-b.o, running in the future
- ** 12 cores and 32 GB memory for codethink02-arm64.debian.net used for building arm64 Debian packages for t.r-b.o
- ** 12 cores and 32 GB memory for codethink03-arm64.debian.net used for building arm64 Debian packages for t.r-b.o, running in the future
- ** 12 cores and 32 GB memory for codethink04-arm64.debian.net used for building arm64 Debian packages for t.r-b.o
+ ** 12 cores and 64 GB memory for codethink01-arm64.debian.net used for building arm64 Debian packages for t.r-b.o, running in the future
+ ** 12 cores and 64 GB memory for codethink02-arm64.debian.net used for building arm64 Debian packages for t.r-b.o
+ ** 12 cores and 64 GB memory for codethink03-arm64.debian.net used for building arm64 Debian packages for t.r-b.o, running in the future
+ ** 12 cores and 64 GB memory for codethink04-arm64.debian.net used for building arm64 Debian packages for t.r-b.o
  * link:https://letsencrypt.org[Let's encrypt] provides free of charge SSL certificates for jenkins.debian.net, reproducible.debian.net and tests.reproducible-builds.org.
  * In December 2018 we were given access to eight nodes which were donated by Facebook to the GCC Compile Farm project and are now hosted by link:https://osuosl.org/[OSUOSL] which each had 32 cores with 144 GB memory. Those machines have been retired now and OSUOSL offered different machines to us:
  * In spring 2023 we got access to some new nodes hosted by link:https://osuosl.org/[OSUOSL]:

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/commit/640c38126659dd366c8769e927af02e132117ef9

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/-/commit/640c38126659dd366c8769e927af02e132117ef9
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