[Git][qa/jenkins.debian.net][master] import openqa/worker.ini changes from package

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Jun 3 09:22:44 BST 2024

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Debian QA / jenkins.debian.net

e96551b0 by Philip Hands at 2024-06-03T10:20:49+02:00
import openqa/worker.ini changes from package

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- hosts/osuosl3-amd64/etc/openqa/workers.ini


@@ -6,19 +6,22 @@
 # space separated list of webuis to connect to (empty defaults to localhost)
 HOST = https://openqa.debian.net
-# per webui you can define if you want to get the assets and tests over NFS
-# (define a SHARE_DIRECTORY, default /var/lib/openqa/share) or http/rsync.
-# For the later you need to define a cache directory that is big enough.
-# Additionally you need to define the rsync URI to get
-# /var/lib/openqa/tests/ (TESTPOOLSERVER) in the webui section
+# Specify a cache directory for assets and tests to sync them automatically via
+# http/rsync; the specified path is just an example but what you would usually
+# use on a normal setup
+# Additionally you need to define the rsync URI to get /var/lib/openqa/tests/
+# via the TESTPOOLSERVER variable in the webui sections as shown below
+# If no CACHEDIRECTORY is specified these files are supposed to be mounted
+# at the SHARE_DIRECTORY (by default /var/lib/openqa/share) via e.g. NFS
 CACHEDIRECTORY = /var/lib/openqa/cache
-# max. cache size in GiB, defaults to 50
-# On osuosl168 the limit was 300 GiB
-# min. free disk space to preserve in percent
-# number of parallel cache minion workers, defaults to 5
+# Limit size of CACHEDIRECTORY to the specified value in GiB (50 GiB by default)
+# Limit size of CACHEDIRECTORY to preserve the specified percentage of free disk
+# space on the filesystem it is located on (the default is NO limit; the 10 %
+# are just an example)
 # host address (domain name or IP address) the web UI can reach the worker by
 # (required by the web UI's developer mode and backends using jump-hosts to
@@ -34,6 +37,29 @@ WORKER_HOSTNAME = osuosl3-amd64.reproducible.osuosl.org
 # system.
+# Maximum number of retries for asset uploads from the worker to the webui.
+# By default all asset uploads will be retried 10 times with slowly increasing
+# delays in between upload attempts, starting at around 5 seconds. A larger
+# number of attempts can be useful if the webui gets restarted regularly for
+# maintenance or needs to be rate limited because of high workloads.
+# Minimum time in seconds between status updates from the worker to the
+# webui. By default this value is 60 seconds, and it should not be set
+# lower, as to not overwhelm the websocket server with too many messages
+# if more than a few workers are connected. Increasing this value can help
+# scale very large openQA setups with many workers. However, it should not
+# Maximum time in seconds between status updates from the worker to the
+# webui. By default this value is 300 seconds, and it should not be set lower,
+# as to not overwhelm the websocket server with too many messages if more
+# than a few workers are connected. Increasing this value can help scale
+# very large openQA setups with many workers. However, you need to ensure
+# that it does not exceed the configured "worker_timeout" of the webui.
 # Whether to terminate after all assigned jobs have been processed. When
 # combined with auto-restarting on service manager level (e.g. configuring
 # Restart=always in the systemd service) this helps applying updates and config
@@ -47,6 +73,14 @@ TERMINATE_AFTER_JOBS_DONE = 10
 # their versions in plain text.
 PACKAGES_CMD = apt list --installed
+# Specifies the threshold to consider the load on the machine critical. If the
+# average load (over the last 15 minutes) exceeds the specified value the worker
+# will not accept new jobs (until the load decreases again).
+# The default value is 40 to prevent system overload based on experiences with
+# system stability so far.
+# Set to 0 to disable.
 # This machine is under load, allow for longer timeouts

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