[R-pkg-team] Processed (with 1 error): your mail

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Wed Apr 8 09:51:04 BST 2020

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> retitle 955316 r-cran-svglite autopkgtest fails: Error: symbol font
Bug #955316 [src:r-cran-svglite] r-cran-svglite autopkgtest fails: there is no package called 'xml2'
Changed Bug title to 'r-cran-svglite autopkgtest fails: Error: symbol font' from 'r-cran-svglite autopkgtest fails: there is no package called 'xml2''.
> family is 'Symbol'
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
955316: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=955316
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems

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