[R-pkg-team] Bug#969494: r-cran-mice: autopkgtest regression: there is no package called ‘broom.mixed’

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Thu Oct 15 11:07:04 BST 2020

Control: block -1 by 969426

Besides the missing r-cran-broom.mixed there might be another issue:

$ sh /usr/share/doc/r-cran-mice/run-unit-test
BEGIN TEST testthat.R


> library(testthat)
> library(mice)

Attaching package: ‘mice’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    cbind, rbind

> test_check("mice")
── 1. Error: (unknown) (@test-anova.R#2)  ──────────────────────────────────────
function 'enterRNGScope' not provided by package 'Rcpp'
 1. mice::mice(nhanes2, m = 10, print = FALSE, seed = 71242)
 2. mice:::sampler(...)
 3. mice:::sampler.univ(...)
 5. mice::mice.impute.pmm(...)
 6. mice:::matcher(yhatobs, yhatmis, k = donors)


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