[R-pkg-team] Bug#1001139: ITP: r-cran-statip -- statistical functions for probability distributions and regression

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sun Dec 5 06:50:53 GMT 2021

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Subject: ITP: r-cran-statip -- statistical functions for probability distributions and regression
Package: wnpp
Owner: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : r-cran-statip
  Version         : 0.2.3
  Upstream Author : Paul Poncet,
* URL             : https://cran.r-project.org/package=statip
* License         : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: GNU R
  Description     : statistical functions for probability distributions and regression
 A collection of miscellaneous statistical functions for
 probability distributions: 'dbern()', 'pbern()', 'qbern()', 'rbern()' for
 the Bernoulli distribution, and 'distr2name()', 'name2distr()' for
 distribution names;
 probability density estimation: 'densityfun()';
 most frequent value estimation: 'mfv()', 'mfv1()';
 other statistical measures of location: 'cv()' (coefficient of variation),
 'midhinge()', 'midrange()', 'trimean()';
 construction of histograms: 'histo()', 'find_breaks()';
 calculation of the Hellinger distance: 'hellinger()';
 use of classical kernels: 'kernelfun()', 'kernel_properties()';
 univariate piecewise-constant regression: 'picor()'.

Remark: This package is maintained by Debian R Packages Maintainers at

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